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Human Paladins?

Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 8:06 pm
by Isolrem
I was wondering, why are only human paladins allowed in the game? In many other sources there seems to be other class paladins...

Or is there a line in some book I'd missed?

Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 8:30 pm
by Nearraba
Help file...

Note that only humans can be paladins with one exception, the small order of
paladins of Corellon, which has a very very limited intake.
Also if you join
another guild like the rangers or fighters you CANNOT become a paladin as well.
You must stay a plain warrior and roleplay being a squire to another paladin.
Becoming a paladin is a long term roleplay, and not as simple as joining one
of the warrior guilds.

It is a long hard roleplay to become a paladin. A warrior is squired to a
knight and they attend area driven lessons. Their roleplay is observed and
scruitinised. It can take several real life months to become a paladin.

Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 8:48 pm
by Argentia
Putting a limit on the race of paladins helps give humans a bonus. As is, the ONLY benefit humans get is the ability to become any class.(Unless their bonus feat has been added? I don't know) To remove that would just make humans... Unspecial. :wink:

Beyond that, paladins(With the exception of the small group of Corellon's paladins in FK and a small number of dwarven paladins not in FK) are servants of HUMAN Deities. While it is possible for, say, an elf to worship Tyr, I do not think Tyr would want an elf being His hands and mouth to the world. Just like Corellon would not want a human to be His champion.

Hope that makes sense! :)

Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 9:52 pm
by Kregor
Yes, under the new char creation, humans get the bonus feat :)

Now, as far as the book reason for only having human paladins. I believe Mystra has mentioned as is the case in many rules on FK, FK was built while 2nd edition D&D was still a viable game platform (IMHO, it still is, but nobody wants to play 2E no more :( ) The restriction on human paladins, and rarely elves, comes from the 2nd ed class/race restrictions, in which only humans could in fact, be paladins. as far as elves, my deduction is that Elves could be cavaliers (the class, not the kit), so the closest thing in FK code was paladins. (And I'm sure if I'm wrong on that deduction, Mystra will correct me)

Now, the gamme is being migrated code-wise toward 3E with skills and feats, and etc. but I believe Mystra and Greg wish to keep some of the more flavorful parts of 2E rules in the game. Including 2E halfling and dwarven racial stereotypes, some of the class/race restrictions, etc.

Whether those class/race restrictions will be moved to 3E, or kept as house rules, obviously that's up to the DM :)

Posted: Tue May 31, 2005 2:34 am
by Glim
Aww, I wanna see a little halfling paladin riding a blink dog!

Posted: Tue May 31, 2005 2:35 am
by Talamar

That's not quite true. There were rules in Second Ed, for Demi-paladins, allowing for elven, dwarven, halfling, and I believe gnomish paladins.

That's the rules lawyer in me though, that just needed to make that clarification.

As for the rule itself, that's an admin call and it's how they want they're game to run, and that suits me right down to the ground. :)

Posted: Tue May 31, 2005 6:54 pm
by Argentia
Ah, don't forget that Aasimars can be pallys, too! :D Though they are a subrace of humans.

Posted: Tue May 31, 2005 8:50 pm
by Isolrem
k that answers my questions for the most part

as for elven paladins of tyr look no further than Aribeth, though one might argue about the FR content and association between FK and Neverwinter Nights...

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 3:56 am
by Talamar
Neverwinter Nights, is Bioware's interpretation of Faerun.

Forgotten Kingdoms is Mystra and Tyr's (as well as other Imm's) interpretation of Faerun.

Remember, every DM is different, in how they run things. While Elven Paladins of Human Gods may be fine for Bioware, in FK this is not the case.

We are all being invited to play in a world created and upkept by Immortals with a certain view of how Faerun should run. The Staff, has created a world with certain rules. We, as players agree to abide by those rules, and thus enhance the story, and roleplay for everyone.