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Sunite Dogma: a conundrum

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 9:24 am
by Lerytha
Hello. I was just wondering: in Sunite dogma, it states:-

"Respond to love at least once in a day."

Now... say for example, a PC is playing a male character who is attracted to others of his own sex, instead of females.

If a female loves him, and there are no males around... is the Sunite called to respond to that love?

Just a confused issue. I was wondering what FK's Sunites would say concerning it.

RE: Sunite Dogma

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 2:57 pm
by Andreas
Love does not equate to lust.

One can respond to love without tumbling into bed with every person who comes along. For a Sunite, gender shouldn't make a difference. Responding to a feeling is gender-neutral.

Note that the dogma specifically states "respond."

v. re·spond·ed, re·spond·ing, re·sponds
v. intr.
To make a reply; answer. See Synonyms at answer.
To act in return or in answer.
To react positively or favorably: The patient has responded rapidly to the treatment.

v. tr.
To give as a reply; answer.

There's nothing that specifically states what form a response has to take. It could be as simple as "thank you" or a warm smile all the way to the possibility of a committed relationship. It's up to you as a player to determine what level of response is appropriate for your character.

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 1:47 am
by Tazmin
Suneites are normally quite affectionate, not to mention rather vain. We have reason to be afterall we are the beautiful people. =p A Light touch a smile or even a good word to a person works for response. As for the same sex thing it really dosen't matter. Affection goes on many diffrent levels.

The male in your example would for instance find someone for that woman to love who would love her back. That is part of his duty as a follower of Sune. Many people goto the Suneite faith for matchmaking services.

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 8:48 am
by Opia
Most of the FR books will also tell you that Sunites hold the love found in true friendships in high esteem. Simply speaking to an old friend or spending an afternoon in a tavern with a new friend can be considered an act of love. Just go make friends. :)
