Mana Shield

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Mana Shield

Post by Isolrem » Sat Jul 02, 2005 1:37 am

A spell that converts a percentage of physical damage to mana damage. Useful for wizards so they don't die so fast, and far warriors 'cos they never had use for their mana anyways.
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Post by Glim » Sat Jul 02, 2005 1:38 am

Hehehe, never seen this in D&D before.

Eh, Isolrem, someone needs to stop playing so much Diablo. *GRIN*
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Post by Levine » Sat Jul 02, 2005 10:28 am

Neat, but how would it work exactly?

e.g. Player A receives 100% physical damage from player B(unlikely, but it makes the percentage part clearer).

Player A has "mana shield" on him, and 50% of the physical damage is converted to mana damage, and therefore player A loses 50% mana.

Did I get it right?

If yes, I was thinking.. How can 50% of the physical damage be converted to 50% mana if Player A's intelligence/wisdom is good? Would there be another way of calculating the mana lost, otherwise?

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Post by Lerytha » Sat Jul 02, 2005 10:49 am

I don't agree with this one. Sorry, Isolrem.

My main reason is that this spell is one from Diablo, and the Diablo magic system is far different to the one in Forgotten Realms. The only reason we have mana in FK is because of coding purposes, I think. In D&D, there is no such thing as mana, just memorised spells. Adding this spell would undermine that.


A good suggestion, but not one that I personally think fits in here.
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Post by Hviti » Sat Jul 02, 2005 2:48 pm

Also, mana is just as useful to mages as lifeblood, so I don't think it would help wizards much. Even if a wizzie is at 30 health, but still has almost full mana, he can still whomp a fighter under perfect world conditions. taking the same wizard with 50% health and 30% mana and he's gone.
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