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The school will not accept my characters race.

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 2:21 am
by Elvondra
The restriction was not mentioned in any help files, and yet, after weeks of boosting con and training...

You say 'I wish to join'
The recruiter says to you 'I am sorry, but only humans'
The recruiter says to you 'can join the guild.

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 3:06 am
by Layem
There is a help file that lists all of the race/class combinations allowed. It doesn't apply to the newer races, but I think it would have helped in your case.

Help Race

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 11:24 am
by Zilvryn
In char gen when you pick what race you want to play I believe it gives you the guild progression available as well.

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 4:19 pm
by Isolrem
But not in the new char gen?

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 4:38 pm
by Zilvryn
I don't know to be honest, i've not made a char since it came in and I can't remember from when I was testing it.

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 5:11 pm
by Lorion
I don't think it is..for the new races you have to guess what guilds you can join i think.

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 12:01 am
by Talamar
So, from the sound of it, this is your request:

That a helpfile be created, or updated if existing, to show which guilds each race can become a member of?

If this is what you mean, I'm sure that is something that can and will be taken into consideration by the immortal staff, and chances are Mystra will ask me to whip one up. If it was something that was missed during the character generation system, believe me, it will be rectified.

As for your mention of all the time and effort you feel that you've now "wasted" by training con and such, I urge you to consider that instead of merely saying "WHAT!?" and hoping that fixes the problem, you should in the future phrase your request as just that.

I'm not trying to flame you at all, merely advising you that in the future something framed with:

"Hi, I'm an elf and I tried to join the Invokers guild and it told me that only humans are allowed. Is this intentional or perhaps something that got left out? Also, if it was intentional, could we perhaps get a helpfile that tells which guilds and such races can join?"

This will get you much farther, as everyone appreciates courtesy, and is willing to help further the enjoyment we all get out of this game, that is provided sheerly for the joy of it, by Tyr and Mystra.

Now, if it is indeed the game owners choice that elves not become invokers, just remember there are a ton of other options for your character to persue and grow into. Your roleplay isn't limited by your stats. It's only limited by your imagination, and of course the rules and policies of the Mud. :)


Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 12:47 am
by Zilvryn
*coughs quietly, then applauds as much is polite*

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 3:48 pm
by Elvondra
Yes, I'm going for no more than the helpfile and the warning for the next in line. Sorry if I appeared demanding or rude.

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 2:56 pm
by Lorion
Excuse me if I would like to have clarifcation on that last post.
So, do I understand it right that, if you see you cannot join a guild because of your race, for example the given elven invoker, you can apply to build another invoker's guild that does accept elves(only elves, or maybe elves among other races)?
And well, on the next question i probably get the answer case-by-case, but i'd like to ask it anyway; how far can this go? Could I apply for building for example a necromancer guild that accept elves? (according to what i know/guess, (surface-)elves usually won't be necromancers, but there will always be a few of each race who won't fit in the general pattern of things, so maybe..?

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 3:40 pm
by Hviti
This isn't anything with authority behind it, but I would guess that such things as your necro-elves example would not be permitted, the reason being that they are supposed to be rare, and therefore will not be implemented until there are many more regular guilds (kinda like all drow being set as evil right now to keep the land from being flooded with Drizz't wanabees)

Simpler solution

Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 1:43 pm
by Ceara
A more simple solution then maintaining a help file would just be to change the greet programs on the guild mobs to let the person know first off they won't be accepted rather than asking you if you want to join which leads you to believe you can. I had the same thing happen when I tried to make a half-elven invoker.
On the greet program have them do a race check if they are human invite them to join, if not then say something else like they can learn there but cannot join the guild as it's human only or what ever the reasaon is.

Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 2:25 pm
by Dalvyn
Please list here all the situations where joining a guild is race-restricted (unless it makes IC sense). The only restriction that should be in place is on the illusionist guild (then again, if you want to make a non-gnome illusionist, just apply for it and you'll get a special roleplay, especially if you intend to eventually have your illusionist character build his/her own guild later)..

Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 4:18 pm
by Zach
I had the same problem with my elf wizard and wanted to join the invokers... couldn't do that so i joined the mage guild... would I still be able to apply to make my own invokers guild?

Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 4:25 pm
by Mariela
New guild are being built all the time, that accept different races.
I realize this is a very old thread and it's probably been addressed. However, I am kinda curious since someone answered the thread with a newer post.

Wouldn't it be easier, for all, the builders and the players and the helpfile for the existing guilds to just expand wtih good role play and accept additional races as members? And make "sub" guilds to them, rather than having to keep coding a new guild time after time. Especially since it takes quite a bit of effort to code them in? I mean, it's cool when you have your own club house and all, but it's hard to keep track if there is no tracking system involved in what race is allowed what, ect. How do you get additional members when there is no "advertising" for your own guild? And what happens to those guilds when the lead character member, that charter member that started it is gone? And can you really have a guild of one?

Just some thoughts from the back of my mind.
--The Player Thing.

Posted: Thu May 25, 2006 7:55 am
by Lorion
I'm just talking about wizards guilds now, since i know most about them.
As far as I read Dalvyn just said that most guilds should NOT be race restricted, with the exception of the gnome illusionist guild. Personally i dont like the idea of sub guilds. If you join a guild you are a guild member. You are maybe ranked after your skill with the weave, but not what your race happens to be. The illusionist guild is in a gnome village, so it makes sense that only gnomes join that guild. If you code a new guild you usually don't do it for just one or two races, but for a broader spectrum of races. e g all nonevil chars, all "good" races or so. You will only need 2 or 3 guilds that way, even if you do have some restrictions in some guilds. And there are guilds where everyone is accepted already.

Posted: Thu May 25, 2006 3:59 pm
by Dalvyn
Unless I made some mistakes, most guilds should be open to all races after the next copyover.

Posted: Thu May 25, 2006 4:19 pm
by Zach
how could one change their guild? seeing as not only humans can be envokers now... unless that was not changed