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Online Paladin Resources

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2004 12:10 am
by Andreas
Seems my links are no longer working.

Try to get a copy of the Complete Paladin's Handbook!

Priest References: Books you should read.

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 5:03 pm
by Talamar
Heya boys and girls, it's time for another recommendation from Talamar.

I'm sure some of you remember my references to books to read for "The Rogues" as a series, and to learn more about roleplaying Thieves and Rogues.

Well, FR has done it again, with our favorite clerical counterparts. The Priests is another set of books designed to delve into the mysteries of those deific defenders. (I'm on an aliteration kick :P )

So, for those that haven't read them yet....

First off, I've read both of those that are out, and they seem to be doing things in sets. Getting together and writing deep into the mysteries of those opposing faiths.

The first novel: "Lady of Poison", brings in Talona. An oft little understood diety, this book helps people realize the plots and scheming behind the Poison Goddesss. I recommend it as it has good plot, and some pretty interesting characters, that you'll enjoy journeying with through their adventures.

Now, I just finished the second book in the Priest Series, known as:
"Mistress of the Night" and it brings out that awesome age old emnity that has been going on since the dawn of Faerun itself.

That's right. Selune and Shar. If you play a Selunite, or have considered doing so, or if you are more drawn to the darkness of the Lady of Loss Shar, this is a MUST read for you. It goes exquisitely into the teachings of both, without drowning you in dogma. You get to see human free will flowing through a goddesses edicts and so forth. I cannot say enough good about this book without spoiling it, so I'll suffice it to say that there is something for everyone in this book.

That's all for now, but definitely, if you are seeking out more knowledge of Priests and Deities, these books are a neccesity for you.

Oh, and as a Tidbit for those that haven't seen their particular favorite mentioned yet...

In June of 2005 - Mistress of Pain hits bookshelves, which I can I believe accurately fortell, explores the religion of Loviatar.

In Sept of 2005 - Queen of the Depths I believe, shall include the lore of Umberlee.

'till next time folks, when I'll write more of my recommendations :)

Note: The thoughts and attitudes in this post are Tal's, because he's a book fiend, and they do not neccesarily reflect on anyone else, other than him.