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High Priests going away for long periods of time

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2005 4:44 am
by Ralin
I think if a High Priest is gonna be gone for an extended period of time they should be able to appoint someone to take on their duties for stuff like accepting people into a faith. For instance one of my characters has been trying to join the Helmite faith for a long time and Sade has been away since May. Just a thought.

RE: Faith Management

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2005 3:50 pm
by Andreas
Someone IS managing the faith.

Joining a faith doesn't happen overnight. It was more than three REAL LIFE months before Andreas was faithed. It's been that long or longer for some of my other characters. You need to remember that we all have real lives that are more important than this or any game. It's rude to imply that a player should log on. Everyone on the game is here because they want to be here. The Imms and other staff members are ALL volunteers.

Being pushy and demanding about the situation won't help your case. There are certain things that faith leaders look for in potential members. Roleplay is essential to this process.

Take your time and enjoy the game. Don't worry so much about BEING faithed, but ROLEPLAY as a member of the faith should.

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2005 8:11 pm
by Kregor
Also, just because, for example, Sade has not logged, does not mean another alt of hers has not. And likewise, just because there is a high priest of a faith, even if they are logging frequently, does not mean they are going to just distribute out holy symbols as a matter of fact. ICly and OOCly, a high priest accounts to the diety they serve, and a diety has input as to who joins their ranks as a follower, especially one like Helm, or Torm, or Tyr, that comes with a "strict RP enforced" disclaimer.

As andreas said, a deity expects a certain line of RP for those that wish to follow in their faith. Same goes for those who wish the be paladins, or rangers, or bards, class-wise. RP your role, keep company that is ICly appropriate, do quests that are ICly appropriate (if a warrior comes to my ranger, for example, wanting to join the guild, and I find the char has been killing off centaur mobs in an evil path quest... don't expect it to happen)

Most of all... be patient... Kregor waited three RL months for his faith as well, but that did not stop him from RPing his faith, and making for rich RP while waiting for his symbol and interacting with others of the faith.

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 5:13 am
by Ralin
Sorry didn't mean for it to sound like that its just that as far as I can tell and had no idea what I was sposed to be doin.

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 1:58 pm
by Lathander
Here are two suggestions to help you out. As Andreas said above, the player of a HP may be logging a different PC. Try posting an IC note to the board in WD (or any other city) addressed to the HP. Another idea is to RP with other players of the faith in which you are interested. They might be able to get word to the HP. It also helps if you've had good rp with those people because the HP may seek their opinions of you before admitting you into the faith. Be patient, we know it isn't easy.