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death and belongings

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 9:50 pm
by Orplar
When you start out as a dwarf in mithril hall there generally arent many other players around. SO is there anything you can do when you die, to possibly retrieve your things when you get back? If you can get back?

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 10:00 pm
by Gwain
Often you may experience death on some of your characters, and there is a chance you will lose many of your items. If you have a very young and new pc that does not have many pc friends or know many other pc's or is in an area not poppulated often, the best thing might be to pray icly for aid from a deity, pc corpses do rot away, but it is a slow process, if you can be patient, eventually an immortal will aid you by either alerting other mortals to your problem or aiding you directly. Death happens, it is just a game and most times you can start out a young intrepid buck in search of new items or rely on the aid of others to get you on your feet again :)
In the end your rp is the most important thing, it is a game and you should not worry about items oocly, relax and enjoy it as best as possible.

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 10:08 pm
by Orplar
Thanks Gwain. Ill take your advice to heart

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 4:54 am
by Velsavius
I would like to say that what Gwain says is true, you only have to ask any of the older characters (OOCly of course) and most of them would say that they've had to start from scratch many times over.
Don't take it badly, try and incorporate it into your character, most dwarves are very helpful (at least to other dwarves that is)
Enjoy the game :)

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 8:12 am
by Amalia
I've been sitting in death for quite a long time since praying to Moradin... and in the interim have met a fair few individuals when they died. Is it acceptable, in my quest to avoid reincarnation, to contact these individuals through tells? I got their names, but couldn't greet them.

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 2:54 am
by Gwain
I think you can tell people you don't know if you are dead, i am unsure though to confirm it.

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 6:16 am
by Gratey
It is possible, And I was to the assumption that death, and Being in a fugue plane you wouldn't really remember anything that happened there, I could be wrong, but that is what I always RP'd with

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 5:01 pm
by Amalia
Sounds like a good plan-- though at this point I'd be more inclined to go with something of a subconsious-only memory: I improved at Common while in the Deadlands, so some part of one's experience there must stay with them.

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 6:18 pm
by Gratey
Agreed, With school sort of out of the way, I will be RPing more on my dwarf, so that there is atleast one person on that can help out the new dwarves coming in

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 3:38 pm
by Kilak
It will be nice to have another dwarf back in the game. I'm willing to help when and where I can, although being still fairly new to the game, my help is somewhat limited.

- Kilak Axebattler, son o' Baelin of Clan Axebattler