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Post by Hrosskell » Mon Jan 09, 2006 3:41 pm

I gave a general looking-over of the thief and bard topics, and didn't see anything that caught my eye about poison. I know that 'poison weapon' is a pretty valuable trade for the darker side of rogues, and I've used it a lot in DnD for multiple purposes - coating a weapon in liquid silver to fight werewolves, sleeping darts for my own party, and just your generic poison for various other reasons. I've also used the poison here on my thief, but it is pretty limited as to the selection of what it can do. I was wondering if there was any way to expand the selection of poisons and their effects, or even just have a corner shop with more poison names. I'd love for my thief to be able to say "I use wyvern" or "I use giant spider" instead of "I use some strange black powder." Not to knock our current poison, though.. I like it, too. I also understand the long list of necessities to enhance the MUD, but I figured I'd toss out an idea, for the thieves.
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Post by Estrild » Thu Jan 12, 2006 9:56 pm

Not that I disagree in the least, but you can still say all that in RP. Just because it isn't really technically coded doesn't mean it isn't "possible," per se. Poison your weapons with the strange black power and go "Good ol' <poison of obscure reference here>, how tainted you make my blade. I am an uberthief with you, and no one would dare defy me." Give strange looks to people who say "Where did you get <poison of obscure reference>??!" and reply like it was painfully, painfully obvious, "I slayed a man/creature/demon/beast/etc."
Estrild scoffs the rest of the bread before it can come up with a response.
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Post by Travis » Wed Mar 08, 2006 4:10 am

I agree with Hrosskell that it would be pretty nifty indeed to have some other poison types. A sleep poison would be particularly cool for spiking drinks and the like.

Also, I would like to point out that half the food on FK cannot be poisoned. When you attempt to spike it, it says you don't know how.
I'm thinking you would just pour some of that powder into the bottle, you know? And shake it up a bit mebbe?
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