Now, from this, you can deduce that gnome's main enemy is goblins, but from everything I have read, Garl's closer enemy would be Kurtulmak, Lord of the Kobolds (I have even seen IC events supporting this). I am unsure if it would be correct to just go with the belief of both being the enemy (which is true) or of kobolds being the more hated enemy or goblins. This could merely be a difference in going with Forgotten Kingdoms setting/rules or going with Forgotten Realms canon. I just wondered if this could be cleared up, as I am unsure of the reasoning (maybe goblins were the only candidates in the game at the time) behind this.He hates goblins with a vengance, and rewards for those who deal with the smelly critters. He however is upset when his followers flee from a goblin rather than take them out.
Thank you
Edited because of my blasted spelling issues.