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Player Run RP Announcements

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 10:36 am
by Andreas
This thread is for players to post announcements on special roleplay events that they would like to run without the need for an Immortal to provide objects, mobs, echoes, etc.

For example:

Religious Gatherings
Bardic Competitions
Trade Fairs

Please be respectful of your fellow players. If an event is not IC for certain characters to attend, either bring another character or don't "crash the party" and ruin it for everyone.

Helmite RP - 18 FEB 2006

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 2:05 pm
by Andreas
Event: Religious role play for Aughis
Location: Ready House of the Right Strong Hand, Berdusk
Time: 1600 Central Standard Time, 18 FEB 2006

All Helmites (including hopefuls), allied faith members and friends of Aughis are invited to attend. Evil PCs cannot (and should not) enter.


Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 11:47 pm
by Ninde
Wedding of Ninde and Penryn will be held in 25th of March, Saturday night at 6 pm CST.
Invitations will be made ICly.
Thank you.

For the time, ... c=0&p1=107
As the second edit;
that website shows the times in Turkish somehow. So, Cmt means Saturday, and Paz is Sunday.


Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 10:55 pm
by Gregal
*Word travels the streets of Westgate and Zhentil Keep*
Sephany Vavock of Talona, captured a priceless item belonging to a servant of the forest and plans to hold a ceremony of Sacrificing to Talona,This ceremony will be at the House of Waiting Death in Westgate. All enemies of the forest, and of evil chaos are going to attend, a small victory in the war against the good of the lands.

*OOC: This will be Held Sunday 03-04-2006 at 4:00 pm CST*

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 5:19 pm
by Dalvyn
A Mystran gathering

On the 22nd day of Mitrul,

a great Mystran gathering will take place at the House of Wonder in Waterdeep, where the organization of the faith will be discussed, as well as any matter those who participate would like to address.

There might be more happening that day, but that will be disclosed only at that time. All faithfuls of Mystra, all hopefuls of Mystra, and friends of the Church are invited.

Dalvyn, Dweomerkeeper of the House of Wonder.

OOC: to happen next Saturday, March 18, at the following time: ... sec=0&p1=0

Dela'Qua Proudly Presents:

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 7:01 pm
by Gregal
Rumors spread, and heralds call out a few times:

Dela'Qua Company Proudly Presents the First Annual Tri-Wizardly Competition:

Contestants will register with Kaerie Dela'Qua before the end of the month. Registration fee will be three platnium.

Monetary Prizes are as follows:
1st place- 15 platnium
2nd place- 10 platnium
3rd place- 5 platnium

Other prizes will be given along with the monetary prize.

The competition will consist of three events or challenges that will decide the winner of the competition. ( OOC : Lvl does not matter due to the fact these will test the brain and speed. It will not involve casting spells on each other. This is so all wizards can feel like they stand a chance no matter level or experience in the game.)

Admission for spectators is One gold coin: Twenty-five percent of the proceeds will go to the Chruch of Waukeen, and seventy-five to a charity the Lords of Waterdeep so chooses.

All wizards will be given wears to wear during the challenges, which will be purchased before the competition. Special Thanks goes to the Spider Mines and their craftmenship of spidersilk.

Good Luck to all Contestants!

Sponsors for this competition: Dela'Qua Peddling Wares
OOC: This event will take place on Saturday, April 29th at 2pm EST

Dela'Qua Merchant Proudly Presents...

Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 3:25 pm
by Gregal
Greetings Everyone!

I will be hosting another competition, this one open to all classes, alignments and the such. The Competition will be a scavenger hunt across the realms, to find the items and come back to the selected location with all items on your list.

No Magic will be used, horses and other mounts may be used.

First Place-20 platnium (Along with other item prizes)
Based on your class.
Fighters (A Full Suit of Steel Scale Armor)
Mage (A Spellbook)
Priest (Full suit of Steel Scale Armor)
Thief (Dagger and a suit of leather armor)

Second Place-15 platnium (Along with other item prizes)
Fighter (A weapon of choice)
Mage (A set of white and gold cloths)
Cleric (A set of white and gold cloths)
Thief (dagger)

Third Place-10 platnium (Along with other item prizes)
All classes (A piece of jewelry to be made)

Entry is Free! It will be on May 28th at 2pm EST
This is not a IMM sponsored Event, And will be worked by the PC's

I wish all to get involved, it will be lots of fun and give a chance for people to gather coin.

Marriage of Daylahn Aroha and Mariela Bauern

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 3:19 am
by Theillik
***Saturday, June 24th at 2200 central time***

This will be the joining of Daylahn Aroha and Mariela Bauern, under Sune Firehair and Selune.

No formal garmets are required - Come as you are.
No invitation necessary - Sunites and Selunites are given special invitation.

The wedding party, guests included, will be meeting at the Gates of Daggerford, to be lead by Bugoron Bearfang, High Priest of Selune, to the location of the ceremony.

There will be an offering by Kokoro, Priestess of Sune, afterwhich, there will be a small party with food, a small token of appreciation for the guests, and a farewell to the newlyweds.

May Sune fill your life with love and beauty and may the Stars above guide your path home.

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 3:32 am
by Theillik
Daylahn and Mariela's wedding has been postponed until:

June 25th, 2200 Central Time

As time has ceased to be...aka game crash:D

Hope you all can make it!

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 10:27 am
by Theillik
I and Mariela's player wanted to thank all those who participated in Daylahn and Mariela's wedding. It was really awesome and fun! And mostly because you all were there!

Don't worry if you couldn't make it, we know life happens:D

Just thanks, and special thanks to Bugoron, Kokoro, and Caelyvar's players for their extra effort. And a thanks to Gwain for giving Belle a fling. And a warm thanks to Sune for her added blessing...and the ooc chat afterwards:)

Mari and Day are off on their honeymoon for a YEAR!!! WHEE!

Umberlite RP!!

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 1:01 am
by Scylere
IC: Tides change, waves swell, winds cool, whispers to Umberlites, calls to perform the First Tide. The waves bring a message sent by Scylere, Doomcaster, Acolyte Waveservant: Followers of the Beauteous Queen of the Depths are called by Her to partake in the First Tide at the city of Westgate.

OOC: First Tide will take place on Sunday, July 23rd at 6pm Central Time.
This is a parade that will begin at the gates of Westgate and end at the harbour. Umberlee is offering her time for this! Whoo!

IC: Posters of this event are displayed in the markets of every city, spreading the news of the parade to the common as well as the noble.

Rescheduled Umberlite Rp!!!

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 1:51 am
by Scylere
Town officials asking for more money, delayed the commencing of the First Tide parade, but it will not be delayed any longer The Queen's name shall be glorified at once!

(ooc...My net completely crashed and I couldn't get a hold of anyone to tell them I couldn't be online, but I am now and here we go! Thanks to Umberlee and the Umberlites for waiting so long!)


Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 12:01 pm
by Scylere
A hearty sailor's thanks (is that gross?) to all those who participated in the Umberlite rp. The Umberlites were delicious and Umberlee was magnificent. Again, sorry for the delay, but it was barrels of rum..I!

Expedition to the Mines

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 2:54 pm
by Scylere
Posted in on notice boards from Berdusk to Waterdeep:

This goblin servant of Kelemvor, find very strange that Sembian merchant be seeking knowledge of gnome ghosts. Goz Bonebottom, Shaman of Death, Servant of Kelemvor, travel with warriors of dwarfies, gnomes, elfies, and humans. It odd group, with rangers, priests, and fighters of different origins, later join by Mystran mage.

Crazed One of Dark Sun seem rampant that day. Seems powerful priest
of Dark Sun sought ghost as well. Odd to find priest with orc and troll helper. When group find way to ghost in Troll Mountains, find Sembian merchant with ghost, handsome by human standards. Mad One was pleased as group fell to confusion and fear in presence of His followers and strange Sembian merchant. In this, merchant was attacked, so he begin slay group with powerful magics. Though group all fell to dark magic, Goz know Lord Kelemvor, Lord of Spirits, have mercy on all that day.

Goz not sure why all happen, why Mad One seem happy we fail, why madness took whole group, but Goz know that it important for all know of merchant's interest. Merchant and Arcane have something in common? Why merchants and planar traders care about Ardeep, demons, or ghost gnomes? Why priest of Mad One seem care about ghost? It questions not have time answered that day, but seem important to this shaman, wisdom to seek.

What good come of expedition? This goblin think some learn respect of
different races. Though elfie still show arrogance and keep apart from other
races, dwarfies, humans, and goblins seem find bond of some sort.
Goz have no trouble shaking hand with dwarfie and gnome. Perhaps this what gods want see in humanoids of Faerun, and all of Toril. Maybe if all work together, we find truth behind Arcane, Felgolos, lamias, merchants, traders, why demons set free on purpose, what gods want us see.

To find answers, Goz Bonebottom return to mines, third time. Need chance speak longer with ghost, find why merchant and others come to ghost. Many question, need time find truth.

Ask for aid of others to return to caves. Leave in few days. Find Goz in Daggerford. Important have mage along.

OOC: Please PM me, if you think your character would seek Goz out to join him. I am hoping to have this expedition get underway within the next three days, so it would be best if you could PM me some times you are available.:D

Return to the Mines

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 2:54 pm
by Scylere
The group aiding Goz for a return trip to the mines has a tentative time for meeting: ... c=0&p1=286

Please PM this account if you can or cannot make this time. Sorry if this is short notice, but needs to be done before the weekend.

The group's intention is to discover more of the secrets the gnomes know, what the ghosts know of the people entering the mines, perhaps discover more of the secret behind the Sembian Merchant, and whatever else comes their way.

Rescheduled Mine Expedition!!:D

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 8:38 pm
by Scylere
Rangers report strong blizzards causing the passes in the Troll Mountains to become unpassable. Goz Bonebottom has been forced to call off the expedition into the ghost gnome mines, until a later time. ... c=0&p1=286

This is the list of characters in the expedition:

Special guest appearances by certain evils; you know who you are.;)

(this is a tentative date, please PM me if you can make it...evils and goods both:))

FRIENDLY NEIGHBOURHOOD NOTE: Goz has asked the characters to keep their personal biases to themselves to ensure the trust and safety of the group. He believes it is essential for the group to be diverse (elf, human, goblin, evil, good, etc) to bring about resolution to this problem, which seems to be growing larger than Ardeep. The Arcane left Toril because characters could not work with other ones.
After personally talking with each member of the group, all members understand that this group is put together to discover the truths behind the things that have been happening, to learn of the secrets to aid in ridding Ardeep of the demons, and to seek wisdom for a future path.
Goz has also tried to ensure, that each person is necessary for this journey, that each has a purpose and a function within the group.
Kelemvor protect, give peace, and have mercy.


Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 6:20 pm
by Scylere
It seems life has caught up with many of us that were going to go on the expedition with Goz, including myself. Regretfully, the expedition must be cancelled altogether. Perhaps those of the members that could still go: Ryldaen, Khara, and Alyzlin, could find each other and put together a group. And who knows, some of the others could accidently be online as well.

Thanks for all your efforts to try to make a time. Too bad September swarms everyone.:D

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 7:20 pm
by Alaudrien
Alyzlin Fortuneblade adoptive brother puts out a call to one and all. Friends and strangers alike to aid him in earning the coin and open negotiations for Shabanna and her unborn childs safe return!

written in flowing handwriting

I Alyzlin seek to formaly want to discuss Shabanna's safe return. I ask all who see this to donate coin and help raise funds alike. My sister is well loved and known to many in Waterdeep. She was born and hails from the lands of Calimsham. I tearfully have heard of her capture and am deeply upset about it! Algon where ever you are please contact me unborn niece or nephew is in dire straights with my dear sister. If even many of you can donate any money please contact me and I will work my hardest to help raise the remaining funds in any way. I also wish to negotiate the amount that is to be paid. It is an unseemly amount and I hold not alot of coin. I will do any given amount of services for these kidnappers!

Alyzlin Fortuneblade ...May Tymora's luck hold true for her

Note this is also being posted on the boards in waterdeep and Berdusk

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 7:55 pm
by Alaudrien
Update to Shabanna's Kidnapping

Alyzlin has made contact with the negotiator and has agreed to meeting them when he has obtained all the coin. The word still is going out asking for donations and aiding to find coin for her return!

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 6:32 am
by Alaudrien
Shabanna is returned what awaits with her delicate situation. Will she be unharmed by her recent ordeal? Who knows tune in and check it out! :shock: