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Stealing Pets

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 4:13 am
by Travis
If you just see someone's horse standing around in the middle of nowhere, can you horse thief it? Assuming that you RP'd it properly, and didn't just take it to loot.

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 4:48 am
by Glim
I dont think its possible to steal a pet, actually.

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 2:19 pm
by Paskry
Code-wise, you can not steal a pet. And OOCly, it is not very considerate to the other player to take a pet that is carrying all of their excess items that they have spent a long time gathering. It happened once to me a long time ago and it wasn't that much fun. :( But I forged on and it doesn't really matter now. But that was when I was just getting started, how would an experienced player feel if several years of items just vanished is a few lines of code?


Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 6:07 pm
by Mele
OOC wise it's not very intelligent to leave your pet where this can happen and get angry about the consequences of your own doings.

You can't steal a pet to keep. But you can certainly find an IC way to move/roleplay moving it. >:)


Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 10:12 pm
by Dalvyn
Paskry wrote:Code-wise, you can not steal a pet. And OOCly, it is not very considerate to the other player to take a pet that is carrying all of their excess items that they have spent a long time gathering. It happened once to me a long time ago and it wasn't that much fun. :( But I forged on and it doesn't really matter now. But that was when I was just getting started, how would an experienced player feel if several years of items just vanished is a few lines of code?
There are enough stables that it is not a valid excuse.

Except perhaps in Menzo (not sure if the uncivilized drow down there have stables).

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 10:42 pm
by Argentia
I really feel that, just because it's IC for an evil to do something like this, OOCly it's a really nasty thing to do. It's one thing to be mischievious and move the pet like Mele said, it's another thing to steal it or kill it. That's just being inconsiderate OOC and it never ends well, I don't think.

I feel that these sort of OOCly inconsiderate actions should be discouraged. We should strive to make an environment where everyone is happy playing, and idealy, Lathander never has to read an e-mail of complaint. While it is true that there are many stables in the game and that if you don't stable your pet it's open to attack/theft, I don't think we should be giving an excuse to people who might think to do things like that.

There are plenty of other evil or mischievious things that thieves can do that don't involve pets/mounts. Yes, the player may have left the pet out in the open, but does that really mean you should mess with it? I remember when my horse was killed, I panicked. I was bummed out for a long time and was discouraged from playing for a while. It was not fun. I'd rather not have other people go through what I did, an unfun playing experience. The purpose of the game is to have fun, relax a little, pretend you're someone else for a little while, not to be worried about what may/may not happen to your pet/mount.

Sorry for the rant, I just felt I needed to say that. The most important thing is to have fun while playing, and make sure others are having fun too. :) Afterall, the only thing better than enjoying a jar of cookies is enjoying it with your friends! :P

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 5:24 am
by Duranamir
Dalvyn wrote: Except perhaps in Menzo (not sure if the uncivilized drow down there have stables).
We do, but they do not function (they are pet shops). And recently there have been cases of mounts being killed by what i can only presume is other players. Since there is no way of stabling mounts i think this should not be done even if it is IC justifiable.


Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 7:28 pm
by Cyric
Argentia wrote:I really feel that, just because it's IC for an evil to do something like this, OOCly it's a really nasty thing to do. It's one thing to be mischievious and move the pet like Mele said, it's another thing to steal it or kill it. That's just being inconsiderate OOC and it never ends well, I don't think.

I feel that these sort of OOCly inconsiderate actions should be discouraged. We should strive to make an environment where everyone is happy playing, and idealy, Lathander never has to read an e-mail of complaint. While it is true that there are many stables in the game and that if you don't stable your pet it's open to attack/theft, I don't think we should be giving an excuse to people who might think to do things like that.

There are plenty of other evil or mischievious things that thieves can do that don't involve pets/mounts. Yes, the player may have left the pet out in the open, but does that really mean you should mess with it? I remember when my horse was killed, I panicked. I was bummed out for a long time and was discouraged from playing for a while. It was not fun. I'd rather not have other people go through what I did, an unfun playing experience. The purpose of the game is to have fun, relax a little, pretend you're someone else for a little while, not to be worried about what may/may not happen to your pet/mount.

Sorry for the rant, I just felt I needed to say that. The most important thing is to have fun while playing, and make sure others are having fun too. :) Afterall, the only thing better than enjoying a jar of cookies is enjoying it with your friends! :P
This is where I side with an ideal that another Immy brought up in a discussion - Your items are not guaranteed. Meaning, if a theif steals something, does he /have/ to give it back? No. He has to provide opportunities, just like in real life (Meaning, not using OOC ways, such as logging off).

There are ways to protect your pet / mount, and if it means enough that you will get mad OOCly, then why didn't you take that extra step to protect it?

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 7:37 pm
by Zach
I believe if you do a big RP starter like stealing from a mount you have to wait 30 some odd minutes before logging?

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 3:36 pm
by Travis
Cyric is right, though I hate getting my things robbed just as much as anyone else does. Your items will come and go, whether they're liberated by some thief when you're not paying attention, a crash decides it's a good idea to eat your body and leave you with nothing, or your spell of flight runs out over a random lake and all your stuff sinks to the bottom after aprox. 20 hours IRL... : /

It happens, no one wants it too, but it does.

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 10:52 pm
by Rhianon
I agree with Argentia, it is suppose to be a game, and fun also. Others want it to be as close to RL as possible. I don't know about anyone else, but I get enough RL in RL. I used to play the game to have fun and make friends also, until there were those who thought it was more fun to cause pain an anguish. Now I play, but without the fun and frivolity I once did. Just try and take into consideration how others might feel when you do something that might hurt another, be it ooc or ic. To many players they become the character, and there is not much they can do to distance themselves from that charcter. I know that because of one decision made by another player, I will never be able to play FK with the same joy I once did. I will forever be looking over my shoulder, and seconding guessing everything I do.

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 7:02 am
by Travis
Well, staring a theft RP shouldn't hurt anyones feelings OOC. Thieves steal, and that's that. As with any theft RP, it's not necessarily a permanant thing. Also, I don't think I'd go around stealing pack laden animals. This was a topic just to see if stealing pets/mounts -themselves- was acceptable

my opinion

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 8:59 pm
by Gregal
My opinion is things get stolen its supposed to happen, I feel that a lot of the players try to discourage evil rp because it is evil and might make your game unenjoyable, well look at it like this. Who wants a game that everyone is nice and gets along and fights mobs together. Gets married has children and all the birds fly across the rainbow together? Sounds boring to me...where is the threat? PC Evils give threats to the game. Imms can't always provide threats there needs to be a pc motivation on the evil side, and many pcs make it NOT FUN for a evil to play the game. So if you wanna look at it from the point of you not having fun, Turn it around and ask "Is the evil having fun as well?" personally I liked my evil, but there were many things that happened ic that I won't go into, but made it impossible for a evil to play. I say we start making this a game for both goods and evils to play.

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 9:13 pm
by Lerytha
Personally, I would find someone who stole my mount justified if I left it in a weird place. But dragging it off, killing it and stealing everything, is not justified, imo.

There is a rule that there should only be one item stolen per PK, and that any other stealing should be properly RPed out. That is to protect both evils, and goods. It is not about "denying fun" to evil, or to good.

I would be interested to know why Gregal stopped playing Sephany, because I thought that character brought a lot of interesting RP to the MUD. If it was as a result of any IC actions, then OOC tells could always alleviate some of the issues. I find that if I am not liking an RP, and you tell someone OOC, they will always (hopefully) try to rectify this.

If not, and you really do feel wrong, contact the admins through complaints.

However, as much as yes, RP should always be realistic, I think there should always be safeguards for everyone. For example, a mage, who has worked four full (RL) years building up a spellpouch, spending in excess of 400 platinum on the contents, would (ICly) be the perfect target for a thief to steal it. But, OOCly, think what affect that would have on the player of the character. All of a sudden, the mage is completely powerless, and they have to put in those four years of work all over again.

Now, if a mage was okay with that, that would be fine. If not, that is why we have the rule to protect players. The above example can also happen with any other class but, unfortunately, I play mainly wizards, so they are the only class I can accurately and legitimately discuss on the forums.

I hope some of that made sense. Basically, the rules are there to protect everyone. But if there are specific issues at stake, then contact an admin or someone who is responsible for the issue, and talk to them. :)

Talking solves a lot, I find.

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 9:49 pm
by Zach
i was in an PK situation and once one died... we asked the other OOC what would be able to steel with out damading the fun of the RP experance of RPing

My opinion

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 10:01 pm
by Gregal
Sometimes thought, you have to remeber your character would take an item that is more appropriate for the character. For instance if your character is intrested in arcane knowledge she or he would take a spellbook, for the fact it is filled with knowledge on the weave and spells. And another reason is because you can't help sometimes what is taken. Although I would like to say Zach that this is a great way for everyone to play along nicely, I wouldn't want people to get ticked because not everyone will do that.
And as for myself, if this is alright I just feel certain things about the mud, and Although I love FK and all the players, I feel that evils are unjustly underhanded and aren't given much an oppurtunity, I hardly see evil priests running about, nor evil followers. I feel that I will just pass the oppurtunity I had onto some other players who I have chatted with about the evils and hope they bring great dynamics to the game. As for myself I am going to take a break from Priests....I tend to wrap myself around the gods. And that is another thing all in itself. I hope it wasn't wrong to post this along with my thoughts but if anyone else wondered there is the reason, slightly. Love all of ya though!

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 6:49 pm
by Lorion
Before I started to play FK i played one (german tabletop) RPG called DSA. In this game it is actually frowned upon to play evil characters, and although there is room enough for necromancers, people who made a pact with demons and other evil beings it is stated that your characters should be heroes in some way or another, not evil. That doesn't mean that there can't be any opposing PCs, for example a witch and an inquisitor, or loyal knights of different countries.
When I came to FK i was actually rather opposed to the idea that you can play evil characters here, although by now I would say they are a great enrichment to the game. However if you play an evil character I do think you should enrich the RP, and not spoil the RP of others. If you have worked several months to acquire an item or a pet/mount that is unique, or almost unique, and you get it stolen, without ever having the chance of getting it back, it will cause not a nice feeling of "I just had a very good RP", but more frustration imho. And if one character does this a lot, or many people do it, it will poison the athmosphere I think. As far as I have heard, usually people do not take things that are really invaluable or at least give the other the chance to get it back. If this stops it would lead to a spiral where after a while all people would think like "I had this done to myself, so i could as well do it to someone else" which would in the end cause more frustration that it benefits people. In my opinion "Do not do anything what you don't wish to be done to yourself" is a good rule to follow. Try to think how the other one(player) would feel if you do this and that to his character, no matter how IC it would be for your char. There is a reason why you cannot go around and PKill everyone you meet, even if it is IC for your character, and the same reasoning should apply here.
hmm..sorry if i wrote a little confusing, but i just wanted to state my opinion in here

Fair defensive measures?

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 12:44 pm
by Raona
Along these lines - I've considered laying a booby-trap or two for the theif that thinks to purloin my mount. Given how much it could ruin a would-be theif's OOC enjoyment (to be blinded out in the middle of the wilds, for example), I've hesitated, but there are certainly in-game items that could be made to give a theif going through your loot a well-deserved what's for.

If stealing horses is fine IC, I might also propose setting up "sting operations" to catch the scoundrels - and dealing with them in-period...which wouldn't be a slap on the hand.

That all said, I second the observation that a theif should consider the OOC feelings likely to be generated by their theft, as Lorion nicely put it.