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Over looked Communication

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 8:44 pm
by Rawlys
There is a way that news can be transferred to several encampments in the game, but it seems that is has been unused. Concerning recent events that are in game, I would think that if it was to be used, now would be the time to start incorporating that form of communication.
I do enjoy the RP of talking with others to find out the latest information, but after a recent conversation with another, it would be nice to get the 'facts' out in the open for the rangers and druids to view.
It also would be very easy for this to spur RP between a two individuals, giving opinions and insight on the news they have learned about.

*shrug* Maybe all of this should just be handled IC, voicing opinions to others higher up in the hierarchy

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 9:07 pm
by Kregor
The reason that the note post was put up in the ranger encampments was just for this purpose. *any* ranger or druid or corellite can read and place messages on the post for communication... in fact, it is encouraged. I would like to see this post used for all sorts of communication between the camps.

ICly, Kregor put effort into getting the mesage relay system into place for the good of the guild. All it takes to make it work is parchment and a quill :)

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 9:15 pm
by Lerytha
I'm not sure if this is the correct place to ask: but is there any way to allow this board system to be accessible to non-ranger/druid followers of forest-minded deities?

I know I have a Mielikkian who is my main character, and who I consider very active in "ranger" RP, who cannot read the ranger board. Is there anything that can be done?

If not, I quite understand. I also understand that with code updates, this is not -that- high a priority.

:) Thanks for everything so far!

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 9:17 pm
by Balek
I believe there's at least one ranger board that anyone could access.

Edit: Unless it's coded so that literally only rangers and followers of Corellon can read the board. What I meant was that I think there's a board that everyone can at least get to and use barring coded barriers like those that exist on some faith message boards.

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 9:21 pm
by Rawlys
I would love to post something up on it, but unfortunately, it is not something that Rawlys would do at this point in time.
Mainly, just wanted others to recognise that it was still there. I know I still stop and read it every time I pass by, hoping that something new was on.

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 9:27 pm
by Lerytha
Balek: I can get to the board, but there is a "flash of light that blinds you" - similar to the faith boards in some temples. As I said, it's not the end of the world, but it'd be nice for my char to know what's going on without having to be told about it in a watered down account. :)

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 9:32 pm
by Dalvyn
I think I am going to just remove the program that prevents some people from reading from boards. After all, if you put a piece of paper on a board somewhere, you take the risk of having people you don't like go there and read the note.

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 10:10 pm
by Kregor
I'm fine with removing the reading ban. It's true that if someone makes their way to one of these posts, they are probably intent on reading it, and instead of trying to make sure we get all the right tokens in the basket (including mage mielikkans, bards, ect) I would be fine seeing the board opened up to general veiwing. That I know of, most of them are already in restricted access areas anyway.

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 11:03 pm
by Dalvyn
While I'm talking about removing restrictions, I'd like to find a more IC system for Ardeep as well. Currently, there is no way to get into the western/eastern areas because "some invisible force" prevents people from going there.

I'll leave it up to the rangers to decide what they want, but I'd rather have a more IC way for this restriction (guards, open access, whatever).

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 11:49 pm
by Lathander
I would love to post something up on it, but unfortunately, it is not something that Rawlys would do at this point in time.
It is possilbe that others feel the same. Rangers are not as prone to board "gossip" as others. There might be some rangers who don't believe in posting at all and others who like to wait until they know the facts before stating anythng in writing.

As for making the boards more accessible, I'm not sure. I thought the original purpose was to have something for that class to use to communicate with each other rather than involving lots of non-rangers. While I think followers of earthen deities (Mielikki, Chauntea, Corellon, etc) would be fine, I'm not so sure about others. If the restriction is removed entirely, how is it different from any of the other boards?

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 11:50 pm
by Kregor
Simple fix...

Move the sentries to where the preventer mobs are, and make them refuse to let those prohibited thru.

For added effect, in the same way the forest echoes the sentries snapping to attention as people approach the palisade now, there could be an echo generated when someone who is prevented from entering tries.

I personally would like to see a justice system implemented in the camps that don't have them as well... the instance of a wannabe Malarite a few months back thinking he could just walk into the High Forest camp and ICly raze it could be easily prevented by some wandering guard mobs and the new "come swarming" justice system.

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 12:48 am
by Caelnai
Dalvyn wrote:I'll leave it up to the rangers to decide what they want, but I'd rather have a more IC way for this restriction (guards, open access, whatever).
Many good ideas here, but just please don't go back to open access. One more symbol-wearing evil sauntering around a guarded elven encampment slaying pets and I was going to have to change my worldview. ;)

And thank you Rawlys for bringing this topic up! Some RP's have gone down that are so major, I've been told OOC that I'd have to RP that I'd been on another planet not to know about them...and this was when I was playing regularly, albeit at my usual off-peak hour.

It would take some creativity, but is it possible to obliquely refer to current events on the posts, so those of us RP-ing living in an area can get a hint of what's up? There's only so many times you can interrogate your neighbors about stuff you should know before they begin to think you a bit dotty. :P

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 1:30 am
by Amalia
On the topic of Ranger and Druid posts: I could easily see them becoming high-traffic for people requesting meetings with others, presumably in some slang used by forest folk, or as Caelnai mentioned announcements with vague references indicating that those not understanding the note ought inquire with others. I don't see too many people of the woodsy persuasion who'd be likely to just post their thoughts outright for everyone to see.

As for getting into camps, I would also like to express a wish that not just anyone be able to enter. There are, unfortunately, those who will meander into places where, in a perfect code-world, they'd be dead before you can say Corellon Larethian, and commit all manner of mischief. Maybe an Underdark-esque system would be workable; as far as I know the vast majority of poor-RP infiltrations into woodlands are by lone agents. The ranger guards would obviously be more peaceable at first, ordering the offending party to leave and attacking them only if they didn't acquiesce. Not attacking immediately would also allow for a very reasonable, sudden-death situation in which the young Malarite who decides to stick around and taunt one ranger gets turned into a pincushion a few minutes later. It would also make sense for death in such an occasion to lead to the loss of the body and items, as is the case in the Underdark, which would help discourage careless poking of the forest folk.

I don't know if like consequences are or could be made available for evil places like Zhentil Keep or scary temples, since I haven't been in them, but I do think it would make good sense to allow Evils to enter Good strongholds and vice versa, and make the consequences so severe that they (hopefully) just wouldn't do it. I, for one, would completely expect my body and holy things, at least, to be sacrificed in bloody ceremony to an evil deity if I ventured somewhere terribly unintelligent.

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 2:48 am
by Kregor
Caelnai wrote:Many good ideas here, but just please don't go back to open access. One more symbol-wearing evil sauntering around a guarded elven encampment slaying pets and I was going to have to change my worldview. ;)
Actually, Ardeep has never been open to just anyone, not the shrines. They have always had some restriction, but used to be rangers driuds, questees, elves and priests of Selune (why priests of Selune? Dunno) They opened it up recently to all forest faiths, which was a nice addition.
Amalia wrote:As for getting into camps, I would also like to express a wish that not just anyone be able to enter. There are, unfortunately, those who will meander into places where, in a perfect code-world, they'd be dead before you can say Corellon Larethian, and commit all manner of mischief.
One problem that has been, and still is, is that there have been players who have figured out they can use the elf loophole with thieves. I have personally dealt in the past with two elven thieves, who, knowing that there are no coded stables in ardeep, and they could get past the restricted entrance, would saunter in and pick the horses in the camp clean. :/

One of the things we have in place now, that wasn't in place when many of these areas were built, is a new justice system that literally sends the roaming guards from an area running to the aid of another citizen in distress. This same system can be applied to the forest areas, with roaming guards, and the net result makes them much more raze-resistent.

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 2:24 pm
by Dalvyn
I am fine with IC restrictions, not with OOC restrictions.

IC restriction would be a guard letting only elves and rangers and followers of Mielikki/Chauntea in. If the guard is killed, anybody can go in.

OOC restriction is the forest making it totally impossible for anyone to go in, which is what I would like to replace with something more IC.

As far as I know, Ardeep is not known as a big elven/ranger fortress-like impenetrable encampment.

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 3:37 pm
by Caelnai
Dalvyn wrote:As far as I know, Ardeep is not known as a big elven/ranger fortress-like impenetrable encampment.
The forest as a whole is not currently blocked, is it? The prohibited areas are the settlements and shrines that IC contain many elves and should have formidable defenses. I see a problem with making only one or two guards to defeat in order to enter these areas. Even if you killed one guard at the entrance, you would expect an alarm to be sent out (perhaps to other communities) and many defenders to come running....more defenders, I might note, than exist as mobs or gods/PCs logged on at any given time.

Our Ardeep may differ from FR Ardeep, in that it's proximity to Waterdeep makes it a primary contact point between city & forest-dwellers. It's also usually the first place newbie would-be rangers and druids are sent. I wouldn't like to see Ardeep become another area to be frequently razed, as so many PCs "live there", and would RP respond to threats.

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 4:13 pm
by Dalvyn
Caelnai wrote:I see a problem with making only one or two guards to defeat in order to enter these areas. Even if you killed one guard at the entrance, you would expect an alarm to be sent out (perhaps to other communities) and many defenders to come running....more defenders, I might note, than exist as mobs or gods/PCs logged on at any given time.
That is valid for all areas. The School of Wonder has a golem and that's all. Most temples have a few guards and that's all. That still does not make it right for Ardeep to have OOC, impenetrable, defenses.

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 5:46 pm
by Lathander
We have our own deity thread going on the subject of Ardeep and the degree to which it is or should be protected. To help us with that discussion, I'll ask here for players with extenisive FR knowledge or the time to research the issue to please post what they know regarding the degree of elven/ranger protections in Ardeep. From what I have found on an FR timeline, Ardeep was once much larger, including the area that is now Waterdeep and the mere to the South. Slowly, over time the forest was diminished by elven wars, human expansion, and elven retreat. There have been several defined elven rulers of Ardeep at different points in FR history. The elves of Cormanthor were beginning their Retreat at the same time that the last of the Ardeep elves were finishing theirs. So, basically, there are two options: an Ardeep with an established elven community with a strong elven leader or an Ardeep trying to keep some of their old ways after most of them have moved on.

The problem is FK doesn't have (we can't really) an established point in FR history where it exists. We are somewhat of an amalgamation of several different time periods. I suspect that we (imms) will be discussing and deciding which approach to take that is best for the mud. Any researched input is gladly accepted.

I do agree with Dalvyn that IC restrictions are best. My objection was based on a thought that there would be NO restricitions, IC or otherwise.

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 6:00 pm
by Rhytania
Ardeep does have a strong WoodElf community within it in Forgotten Realms. As well as a few other things including various shrines and temples. I also think the barriers are a bit much, but you have to look at the flip side. What are the odds of a ranodm group of badguys even making it as close as the pathway without getting intercepted by the scouts. In FR Ardeep is huge, alot bigger then most people think, and its also considered old dense forest, so not every joe Blow will be able to traverse it as easily, let alone "stumble upon" a wood elf encampment unawares. If we where to remove the Barriers to allow the "accidental" stumble upon by unwelcomed PC's, I think we should beef up the security a tad, add a justice system, and make the mobs lethal. I doubt that we will see any razing of it as any dedicated long term evil rper would know better, but the security would be there for the unitiated newbie or the overzealous. Also if this is the case I know there have been plenty of times that the mobs would aggro against me becuase I was defending myslef from the attacks of the wild boar, so if this is implemented perhaps we can see that the boars dont make it into any 'justice system' areas.

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 6:11 pm
by Caelnai
I wrote an article on the history of Ardeep several years ago, which I will post if there's interest. :D

However in terms of FK, I would ask that the some considerations be given to the fact that Ardeep is distinct, specifically for the large number of PCs in the area. I don't think Ardeep is similar to Shilmistra, School of Wonder, or even other ranger encampments in terms of real FK RP. (As an RP locus point, I mean.) If for no other reason, it gives forest-dwellers a protected area near Waterdeep to base RP out of, without having to travel into or utilise resources in a city...which is anathema to some PCs. Just in terms of real play, I would rather not have to twink across the landscape to find a protected area that isn't inside city limits. I see few enough PC's as it is.

If the barrier is lifted, protections should be put in place which can not be brought down casually, perhaps only in the case of a focused, multi-player onslaught with a lot of RP behind it. I think that would better reflect the defenses that should be on the settlements and shrines. Recall, most of Ardeep is's not like the entire forest is warded.