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Drow Noble Distribution

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 7:09 pm
by Solaghar
As new Drow tend to join the game from time to time, and they're either assigned to be a commoner or a noble. From what I understand and have observed, those who are forced into nobility have the highest chance of becoming a Xorlarrin, the lowest house. Tlabbar are less common than Xorlarrin. Armgo are less common than Tlabbar. And Baenre are the least common of all. If I am wrong in my characterization of the way things are, then admins can stop reading here.... but if I'm right, I think that this isn't have the proper effect on the game.

The four houses are the four most powerful houses in Menzoberranzan. Baenre is by far the most powerful, so their membership has been made the most rare. I would counter that the rarity of the Baenre makes the house almost a non-entity. I can not remember the last time that I met a new Baenre, let alone one who managed to survive the low levels of Drow-hood to gain any power. What I think should be the situation is that players should have an equal chance of gaining entrance into any house. The scarcity of players in the upper houses means that while there are a ton of Xorlarrin and commoners, there are few Armgo and fewer Baenre. If players had an equal chance of entering these houses as Xorlarrin, the skewed population towards the lower houses would begin to be rectified. While Baenre is obviously the most powerful house in the canon literature, no Drow house could stand up to the might of the Xorlarrin, simply because our PCs outnumber everyone else's by two to one. Drow should have a 20% chance at any noble house, and another 20% chance of being a commoner.

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 3:48 pm
by Beshaba
I looked at the code for this today and I actually see very little difference in the percentage chance for each house, the highest probability is being a commoner, but the difference in the chance between each house doesn't appear to be that huge.

It probably could stand to be tweaked a bit, but it is probably just a probability thing at this time. I do remember a time when it seemed like just about every single drow out was Baerne.

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 5:37 pm
by Caelnai
My Armgo and a Baenre were ochatting about this just the other day. Actually, we were whining that we felt left out from a big party of Xorls who were running around. :P

Sol and others made some great points on this thread and others in this forum. Just because drow are different houses, doesn't mean they can't cooperate and socialize. I think part of the problem might be the current lack of activity of higher level Baenre and Armgo to nurture the new drow of those Houses. This could be remedied by encouraging the lower houses (including Matrons and higher level players) to make an effort to include new players of all houses in RP. (Working) message posts in Menzo-Chad-SP could be used to coordinate "scouting parties" and other outings.

I think it has a cascade effect. Drow log on when they see others on (especially from their own house)...and eventually you get the great drow activity like we've been seeing lately.

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 11:42 pm
by Leohand
Here's something you'll like to hear. As soon as I have enough Kisnet I'm making me a drow, hehe.

My characters I hope to role-play are:

Name removed - Male Human Wizard of Mystra
Name removed - Female Moon Elf Warrior of Kelemvor
Name removed - Half-Moon Elf Cleric of Lathander

Those three I already have, obviously, since they are named.

I also plan to make make these three when I can:

A female human fighter of Waukeen
A male bard (And hopefully a Harper) Gold Elf
A female dark elf priestess (Hopefully a Baenre)

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 1:59 am
by Leohand
Leohand wrote:Name removed - Male Human Wizard of Mystra
Name removed- Female Moon Elf Warrior of Kelemvor
Name removed - Half-Moon Elf Cleric of Lathander

Those three I already have, obviously, since they are named.

I also plan to make make these three when I can:

A female human fighter of Waukeen
A male bard (And hopefully a Harper) Gold Elf
A female dark elf priestess (Hopefully a Baenre)

In regard to the characters mentioned with deities, they haven't actually joined any church, just enquired into them, and of the three only (Name removed) has requested to join, but I am predicting, out of context, which one they'll join eventually, if all goes well.