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Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 11:47 pm
by Gregal
Would it be allowed for a Half-elf to follow Lloth? Just a question I had to ask? Like an evil halfelf that hated elves because his father mistreated him or something?
Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 12:36 am
by Ninde
I dont think it would be suitable, as Lloth is a racial Goddess. She is the Goddess of drow blood, and she would probably slaughter the half-elf, instead of accepting him/her as a follower. Although the half elf would have an evil alignment, it doesnt change the truth of that he holds Corellon's and Sehanine's blood.
That would be inappropriate like a human follows Corellon, or a human that follows Moradin.
Not that I have read that in somewhere, but just my opinion. Correct me if I am wrong.
Thank you.
Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 12:40 am
by Amalia
Faiths and Pantheons lists Lloth's worshippers as Drow, sentient spiders, and depraved elves-- as such, I don't see why a depraved half-elf couldn't worship Lloth as well, if it was his Elven heritage that was, in an appropriately twisted way, driving him to do it.
Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 12:49 am
by Gregal
Yeah that is where I got the rp from, was the Faith and Pantheon book, I believe it to be an intresting rp. Lloth was my first choice, and then some others. But I believe it to be a fun rp oppurtunity.
Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 1:14 am
by Kregor
OOCly, from an FK perspective. That would likely be a special RP app, and it would be up to the imms to rule on the acceptability of the concept. Just as I do not believe a half-elf connot faith Corellon without an RP app, the option to follow any racial deity should still be constrained to that faith's race without special permission.
ICly, I would think it'd have to be a really good backstory concept already thought up to go with the RP app. I doubt an abusive elf father would drive a half-elf to Lloth under many circumstances. Besides the fact that your char would not have an abusive elf father, as it is against the nature of pretty much all elves to abuse their flesh and blood, even if it's half blood, Most elf-hating non-elves would likely lump the drow into the same lump as elves. After all, most elf-haters consider the Drow to be elves of a different skin.
I also think that, with the selection of coded deities, and the reopening of special app uncoded deities to players, there is plenty of potential to find a good, unique niche for a new character RP without trying to invent one.
Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 2:02 am
by Solaghar
I have to dispute the consensus that seems to have been reached. After the Time of Troubles, a deity's power is intimately tied to the number of worshippers that deity has, regardless of what race they are. While Lloth, Corellon and Moradin are referred to here as 'racial' deities, within the context of Forgotten Realms, all of the 'regular' deities we think of here are merely human deities. In the 3.5 edition of Faiths and Pantheons, Lloth is mentioned under "Major Deities" and not specifically under "Drow Pantheon" which contains the rest of the Drow deities, Vhaeraun, Selvetarm, etc. Corellon, Moradin, and others are mentioned specifically under their racial pantheons. It should also be mentioned Eilistraee does not fall under the heading of the Drow pantheon. While the majority of these two deity's followers are indeed Drow, they readily seek out membership in the surface to spread their ways, eilistraee to bring about rapproachment between Drow and Elves, Lloth to prepare the surface for the coming of the Drow. It should however, be mentioned that all clerics of Lloth, no matter what their race, are female. Males could follow Selvetarm while still serving Lloth.
I definetely think that within the context of FK, it would be a good idea to make a special RP application to follow Lloth if someone outside of Drow or Half-drow decided to do so, but I don't think it should necessarily be something that would be a big matter of debate as to whether it should be approved or not. Lloth on FK represents a very specific ethos that isn't necessarily covered by many of the other evil deities here due to some of the major ones not being around.
Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 4:04 am
by Gwain
First off, I have seen icly servants of lolth that have been of races other than the drow, I believe though that you need to apply for it because it is a unique roleplay because it is usually a good idea. It will allow the imms to know you are applying for a special out of the ordinary rp. Or you can pray icly and wait patiently. Secondly, Lolth sponsors an order of male clerics called the militant Mycoolondar (check my spelling
) They are insane clerics that are utilized as weapons of the drow priestesses of lolth. Personally I love seening other races serve gods that are from other racial pantheons, just apply for it and be patient.