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Ghostwise Halfling Priest Alignments

Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 3:57 am
by Timaeus
During character creation a ghostwise halfling priest is only given the following alignment options:

What alignment is your character?
(A) Lawful Good (B) Neutral Good (C) Chaotic Good
(D) Lawful Neutral
Halfling priests must be lawful/neutral good or lawful neutral to follow Yondalla.
Halfling priests must be chaotic or neutral good to follow Tymora.

These choices preclude the ghostwise halflings from becoming druids without true neutral being avaialable.

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 10:27 pm
by Kelemvor
Those wishing to create a halfling druid should select LN and apply for a change of alignment before leaving the training temple.

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 3:01 pm
by Dalvyn
Unless we change the faith restrictions, halflings can't become druids.

In FK, being a druid is a synonym to being a "priest" of Mielikki or Chauntea, and neither of those options are open to halflings currently.

Or did I miss something?

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 3:27 pm
by Argentia
The helpfile for druids states:
Only an elf, half-elf, forest gnome, centaur, ghostwise halfling, wemic,
earth genasi or human priest of True Neutral Alignment may become a druid.
So some information conflicted somewhere along the line.

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 5:12 pm
by Kregor
We could decide either way, I guess... either a) the creation is wrong, and we will allow ghostwise halflings to be priests of Mielikki and Chauntea or Malar, or.. b) the helpfile is wrong, and I can fix that in my next helpfile revision.

The Races to Faerun guidebook says many ghostwise will class as druids, though, whether they would do so to a human deity is an admin call, I think.

Re: Ghostwise Halfling Priest Alignments

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 6:15 am
by Zynarc
I've recently revisted this idea of ghostwise druids to find that they are still restricted by the halfling priest alignments. I've been wondering if what kelemvor says still applies, because it seems to be a notice saying special RP for halflings following other deities is currently not accepted.

I am just wondering, what is the latest take on this issue?

Re: Ghostwise Halfling Priest Alignments

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 3:43 pm
by Pascus
Well in true Forgotten Realm history, Many of the Ghostwise Halflings fled after the Ghostwise Wars, there are still some Ghostwise that follow Malar. I have never heard of a Ghostwise that followed any other Human god. Ghostwise are either Druids (Malar) or are Rangers/Huntsmen. Many of the Ghostwise felt alienated from the other halflings because they were so tribal and the lightfoots and stronghearts were more community and civilization orientied. And the Halfling Pantheon didn't cater too well to the Ghostwise, hence how they got swayed to follow Malar.

Re: Ghostwise Halfling Priest Alignments

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 4:07 pm
by Zilvryn
I go absolutely wild thinking about a posse of little rabid Malarite halflings. Does anyone else think that's the best thing ever, or is it just me?

Re: Ghostwise Halfling Priest Alignments

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 4:17 pm
by Zynarc
Zilvryn wrote:I go absolutely wild thinking about a posse of little rabid Malarite halflings. Does anyone else think that's the best thing ever, or is it just me?
I want to do a +1, but I guess I will be slain for it. The idea of a Malarite ghostwise is why I revisited this post and dusted off all the cobwebs from 2 years ago.

Re: Ghostwise Halfling Priest Alignments

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 8:44 pm
by Glim
There is one ghostwise druid that follows Malar. I am under the impression that an application is needed though.