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"Magic" shows?

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 6:47 am
by Apillini
Just curious on what people thought of this, and whether or not there's an official ruling. I'm wondering if it would be ICly plausible for rogues to do "magic" shows with the calibre of that of a street performer? Obviously this wouldn't include anything that the PC wouldn't be capable of, and by that I mean actual magic. For example, I'm talking about pulling a coin from someone's ear or a rabbit out of a hat, not summoning a rabbit in a cloud of bright green smoke with components and incantations, etc.

Another point of view I'm curious about here is whether or not such a roleplay would be considered as metagaming. I understand that being a street performer by way of a bard is acceptable, but I wonder about the limitations to that. Sleight of hand is a rogue skill in tabletop, so I thought perhaps the same could apply to FK with card tricks and coin tricks.

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 8:45 am
by Dalvyn
If I remember well, tabletop rules say that Sleight of Hand can be used to perform exactly the small "magic" show you are talking about. I would think that it is perfectly fine for a high-Dexterity (physical ability ot twist his hands and make hard movements) and relatively high-Intelligence/Wisdom (ability to distract people's attention, to make them focus on one hand while the other hand is doing something) character to smote making such shows.

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 10:04 pm
by Glim
Forgive me if this sounds like a complaint, but I was told that magic users are not allowed to smote spells they do not have. This was said when the subject of illusionists smoting illusions came up. This in effect means that illusionists who do this to create magical illusions intended merely for entertainment are breaking the rules. So I would like to ask how is this, in fact, different?

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 10:19 pm
by Rhytania
Doing David Copperfield type tricks isnt magic, just really quick hands. I think thats what hes talking about. All the sleight of hand and card tricks.

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 11:16 pm
by Apillini
Yes, that is exactly what I meant. Not actual magic, but something that anyone could learn to do after enough practice. I think this would be very different from smote-ing a skill someone doesn't have, primarily because: A. Sleight of hand is a rogue skill to begin with, and B. If you look in just about any major modern city nowadays, you will find someone who performs tricks like the ones I suggested on a daily basis.

Thank you for your response, Dalvyn. I saw in the helpfile for bards that "knife throwing" was listed under the performances that are acceptable, so I thought I'd take it a step further and ask about this.


Dug this up while looking through the boards.
Dalvyn wrote:I don't think there's any problem with wizards - especially illusionists - smoting spell effects that are obvious and "gentle"/harmless (dang, there's a good word for it, but I can't remember it).

E.g., smoting that you open your hand, whisper a word, and create a short puff of purple light lasting for a second and coming from your hand, is fine.

Smoting that you open your hand, whisper a word, and make a tiny creature with a bright green costume and a tall black hat appear in your hand, make the creature bow witha flourish, then disappear, ... is fine.

Smoting that you create the real-looking illusion of a dragon and scare people with it, is not fine.

Basically, if you just intend to enhance the roleplay not only for you but also for other people, and not simply give your character powerful abilities that (s)he shouldn't have, I guess it's fine to use smotes.
Located at: ... php?t=4026

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 4:58 am
by Nysan
A fine line on smoting this kind of thing. But there is a difference between smoting a dragon made of fog eating an apple and pulling a quarter from behind Dalvyn's ear. One is mundane attention-turning tricks and the other is slightly more complex, usually involving magic. Always kept to a simple rule for areas like this: Do what you want, just be ready to explain how your character can do it ICly to any Imm that might ask. A decent rule that has kept me out of trouble, mostly. :wink:

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 8:22 am
by Glim
Thank you very much, Appilini. I had not seen that and until this time I had thought it was a "nono". So thank you for correcting me. Its relieving to be wrong sometimes :)

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 3:04 pm
by Dalvyn
Note that "reasoniable" smote about magic cantrips made by illusionists are fine too - see that other thread about it (that I am currently too lazy to find and a set up a link to).

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 6:03 pm
by Hviti
Maybe this thread, especially the last 3 posts? ... php?t=4026

and while benign is good, I'd vote for innocuous for the word you were looking for, Dalvyn.