Giving out Glory

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Giving out Glory

Post by Duranamir » Mon Jul 24, 2006 10:11 am

Is there any guidance on how much Glory to give out for a quest ?.

For example if a quest is relativley simple and gives a reward like access to trainer should you give out any glory at all ?.

And if the reward is guild membership but the quest is quite hard should you give out 1 or 2 glory or none since the reward is otherwise good enough ?.

Sword Grand Master
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Post by Dalvyn » Mon Jul 24, 2006 11:08 am

As a rule of thumb, most quests give out glory, generally between 1 (for simple quest) and 3 (very long and hard quests, where failure is very possible). Most of the time, it's 1... sometimes 2, and very very rarely 3.
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