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Rangers and Race

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 5:23 pm
by Lukon
My main request here, to clarify that I'm not complaining, is that the ranger help files be updated/corrected to include race restrictions. Reading anything beyond this is unnecessary, though I'll try to make a good point.

I understand that FK as it stands leans towards second edition, especially in the area of paladins and rangers. And while this has certain RP benefits, it also has downsides. The main one being race restriction, at least for rangers. Human paladins, with the RARE elf seems fine to me, but as far as rangers go...I don't really see a reason for the current limitations to human, half-elf, elf, centaur, and...forest gnome, I think I was told?
Some of the newer in-game races should have at least some justification towards this class, my particular example being genasi. Those who are alive with elemental energy I feel would have some affinity to nature, and those of good alignment I think should be allowed to become rangers. Otherwise, the races (and the hefty kismet investments) seem...half-implemented.

So here is my request for additional allowed ranger races, or for clarification on the the restrictions. I'm not going to cry or leave the game. It just feels inconsistent to have the race, but to limit their integration into Faerun as a whole.

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 6:16 pm
by Dalvyn
Unless anyone has any objection, I am going to remove all race restrictions from rangers in the following days.

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 7:48 pm
by Ursan
I see no problems with removing the race restrictions completely

...can I reserve all the dwarven apprentices now or do I need to wait for them to wind up the elves first? ;)

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 8:21 pm
by Ninde
I think that should be a great idea.
I can see how new races could add flavour to ranger roleplay.

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 5:00 pm
by Kregor
I have no real problem with opening up the class. Though, I would question, givan the RP of certain races, whether the existing ranger training quest would be ICly appropriate for certain races of ranger.

As the term ranger begins to refer simply to a rugged survivalist, we have the fact that not all rangers of all races are tree roamers. Dwarven rangers would typically be coursers and scouts of their home terrain, the mines, mountains and tundra of their native land, rather than forests. Rock gnomes would be protectors of their warrens, which are not necessarily found in the forest. Genasi rangers could run the gamut, depending on their element.

Now, some of this could be addressed in the reworking of the ranger quest, and dealing with the survival aspects and the philosophy, rather than focusing on forest forest forest.

We will still, then, need to revisit this evil ranger bit, as many of the races are N-E only in their align choice. Goblinoid, evil planar, and other races would thrive as rangers in the hands of Talos, Gruumsh, Malar, and others. (Hands up to build a build an anti-rangers guild) :)

Digression: If we do this for the rangers... I hereby reopen my discussion on opening the paladin class to paladins of Garl, Moradin, and Yondalla, ALL those races' faiths have paladin orders in D20. Who knows, I may actually break down and make a pally if it can be a Truesword of Yondalla. ;)

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 6:54 pm
by Japcil
Paladins of Garl huh? Well I can see that in the future if the player base of this God and perhaps the others. I know as of right now only 1 of Garl's two holy orders is actually RP'd by PCs.

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 12:52 am
by Shabanna
OOOooooo hey! I want to be a pally of Yondolla!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*Runs to make a little fur foot*
I always did picture a cute fat little halfling girl in shiney plate mail as the perfect hero :D
and just think.. the armour will only take HALF the metal!!! lol what a bargain! *snicker*

Though maybe that pixie I have been dreaming of being able to make one day... can be a ranger pixie! ( since a pixie Pally would be is hard to flit in full plate *grin*) *sigh* but we have to have the race in the game first... :P meh.. I am having no luck these days on my lol "unique" character wannabes LOL


The Banna

Edited to add : For the record... I was just being silly :P but I *do* long to have a pixie....

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 2:14 am
by Mele
One word - thimbal.

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 10:38 pm
by Dalvyn
Note that it does not mean that we are eager to see 40 dwarven rangers and 30 orcish rangers.

I would think that such "rare" options should still send an application mail before they create their characters.