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Questions of Genasi

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 10:47 pm
by Zach
How would the other genasi react to other genasi?

How would they react to the tieflings and the Aasimar's?[/u]

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 10:52 pm
by Solaghar
I would suggest that the relative rarity of Genasi would make it an open option. Genasi have no societies of their own, they don't oppress one another or wield any particular power. The only thing I would suggest is that they might hold very ingrained biases to opposed elementals, i.e. earth vs air and fire vs water. But the question is very much like, "How would one half-elf react to another." It would most likely depend far more upon the half-elf in question, unlike say, "How would a Dalelander react to a Zhentarim" or "How would an Elf react to a Drow" where there are years of mistrust and aggression between the parties that one would have to take into account.

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 11:25 pm
by Layna
Paraphrased from Races of Faerun

Air Genasi:

Air genasi view one another as cousins but feel no need to defend other air genasi and will see their weakness as an affirmation of their own strength. They are very competative.

Aasimar, tieflings and other genasi are treated as limited but interesting distant relations - as their own 'taint' isn't as awe inspiring as that of an air genasi.

Earth Genasi

Have no bias against other planetouched. They are indifferent to others of their kind, believing each should rely on their own strengths. However if they meet a genasi with the same physical traits it can lead to deep kinship.

Fire Genasi

Competative among their own kind, but the rivalry is rarely lethal. They often go for years without seeing another of their kind when not involved in friendly banter. Fire genasi consider themselves above all other races, but accept humans because of their own human blood. They usually only make friends with other fire genasi or humans.

Water Genasi

Water genasi have no society of their own and do not prefer the company of others of their kind - it makes them feel less special. They feel closest to their adoptedrace - like aquatic elves for example - and indifferent to others. Aquatic creatures are treated less coolly unless an enemy of the genasi's adopted race. They hold no special animosity towards firey creatures or fire genasi and laugh at aquaphopic races.