What makes a bard?

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What makes a bard?

Post by Gregal » Sat Sep 09, 2006 11:00 pm

Now a question for the IMMs so all players would know, what classifies a character as a bard? What does that character have to do to be accounted as one of the many famous people of faerun? And last /who/ makes a bard?
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Post by Gwain » Sun Sep 10, 2006 1:22 am

Here's the helpfile for bards, it along with associated helpfiles and forum files outline what a bard is and what is expected of a bard

A bard is a minstrel or entertainer of some sort. Although he is
Classified as a Rogue, he is a jack-of-all-trades, able to cast
Spells like a wizard, as well as fight adaquately. Bards must have
A high charisma and dexterity. Bards must have some neutral in their

In order to become a bard you will need to be made so by an immortal.
All bards are expected to perform or write. They might write stories
and poems to be published (for instance see the works of Betandor,
Cale and Minalde), or they might be artwork (for instance see the work
of Heleyn) or they might perform by singing, dancing, knife shows and tricks.

(A) Publications (B) Song Fest
(C) Bard Dwelling Specials (D) Bard Song

If you have questions or concerns about how the system is handled please send them to complaints@forgottenkingdoms.com or if you have ideas please send them to builders@forgottenkingdoms.com, or post those ideas here in the forums, I do not know if the system is under construction still but it seems to be running smoothly, for more information, consult a bard or various sources icly in the mud.
Justice is not neccesarily honourable, it is a tolerable business, in essence you tolerate honour until it impedes justice, then you do what is right.

Spelling is not necessarily correct :)

Post by Gregal » Sun Sep 10, 2006 5:10 pm

But what gives a bard his or her powers to cast a spell do they just know it? Or is it a special talent granted to them?
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Post by Mele » Mon Sep 11, 2006 12:10 am

Bards don't cast spells. Bards sing songs. :)

You begin to sing.
A black bat wing glows briefly, then disappears in a puff of smoke!
You begin to float in mid-air.

I think asking where it comes from is like asking where magic comes from. From the Weave, okay, but where's that from etc. They learn the words to sing specific songs like mages learn to chant spells, priests to pray prayers.

As for what makes a bard a bard, I think it's having a knack for the arts, -and sharing it a lot-. Singing, dancing, writing, playing an instrument, painting, etcetcetc.
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Post by Mariela » Mon Sep 11, 2006 3:55 am

I always look at bards like one does an author in now a days..

In my mind a writer and author is someone who is in it not to make money, cause you can't really make money writing. (There are exceptions but anyone in the industry will tell you that making money writing is HARD!) They are in it because there is a view of the world they want people to see. They want to entertain, they want to make someone sit back and think.. or they even want to rile people up and make them scream with rage!

It all depends on what gets you going as a crafter of a written art. Same thing for visual media really or instrumental.

You do it because you enjoy watching what others think of it, for good or for ill. That is why you show it to the world. I think honestly, it's kinda a bit cheap that magic/prayers/singing all have the same results in the game. That means that in an wider lense there is no difference between what a good bard can do and a good cleric can do. There is no diversity if we can all fly, heal , ect ect ect. But that's the way it is, rules wise.

In a role playing perspective, I think every bard character should have a goal. A passion, an explaination to why they want to show THIS that they made tot he world. And that is what sets that character apart from a fighter or a thief or a cleric.

Are they in it for the glory of seeing their name in print?
Are they doing it for their family their people so they are not forgotten?
Are they doing it for money?
Are they doing it because they are dying and want to be remembered?
Are they doing it for the joy?
Are they doing it for a loss they have witnessed or happend to them?

Are they doing it to rile up the masses?
Are they donig it to make sure people know that good is bad?
Are they doing it to honor a god or goddess?

This is, to me, the BIGGEST factor in a bard. Why do you want to do publish, why do you want to create. What is driving YOU to this goal. And it's even more important to me than actually being published. Being published shouldn't be somethign that is just passed over as being common place. It's a big deal to get to that pinacle. A good part of role playing a bard to me, should be the struggle to get your act together and decide what you are putting out in the world and why... And then having that struggle both internally and externally to get your dreams in line.

Being a bard to me, is a lot of chances, a lot of making enemies and then friends and then enemies, because your goals are generally self serving. YOU have to do this story because of THIS reason. It's always very personal drive. Which is why bards are so independently motivated and seem to have limitless energy. For they cannot afford to sleep a moment and let someone else take their lime light away....

But that's just me. :)

What was my point?
Oh the biggest thing that makes a bard a bard is the reasons why they need to have their craft out there. Drive. Passion. These are the things that make them more than just a simple cleric or magic user. Or even mroe than a thief. For even the most humble of Odgma's scribes that is bard has to have a reason for hugging scrolls.
Confusion heard his voice, and wild uproar Stood ruled, stood vast infinitude confined;
Till at his second bidding darkness fled, Light shone, and order from disorder sprung.
--John Milton
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