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Shield Dwarves question

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 6:07 pm
by Leohand
I thought all dwarves had infravision, but that doesn't seem to be the case, as my shield dwarf doesn't have it. Is that because Shield Dwarves don't have a kisnet cost?

Do shield dwarves have infravision, or rather, are they supposed to? And what of gold dwarves?

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 7:54 pm
by Moradin
Help Infravision wrote: INFRAVISION
Range: Touch
Target: Defensive
Syntax: c infravision <target>

This spell enables the character to detect the heat signatures of other
players and creatures in the room with them. This spell will also allow
you to find items in corpses, containers, etc. but will not allow you to
view the actual contents.

You must have a light source to actually see items, room descriptions,
the contents of corpses or containers, room exits and the like inside
a darkened area.

Infravision is not the same as "night vision".
The Infrared ability of mobiles and PCs mimics this spell. It is not darkvision, it only allows detection of living creatures not the ability to see rooms and their descriptions.

Shield Dwarves have the infrared ability

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 8:07 pm
by Leohand
Do gold dwarves have infravision too? Or night vision? When I type help night vision it brings up the information for infravision. Is it that no races at present have the night vision ability?

I looked up gold, shield, and grey dwarves, and it just doesn't say.

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 8:49 pm
by Japcil
If you are referring to night vision because of what it says in the help file, it shows up to help you understand infravision is not night vision. I do not believe night vision is coded at least under that name, it may be an affect of a spell like true sight or the such.

All dwarves have infravision.

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 8:54 pm
by Leohand
Alas, the definition of true sight is where my confusion came from.

Range: Personal
Target: Self
Syntax: cast 'true sight'

This spell can only be cast upon yourself. It is a combination of
infravision (enabling you to see in the dark), detect invisible,
and detect hidden. This spell also allows you to see through
blinding attacks.

Hense why I was thinking my dwarf was supposed to see in the dark.