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Trip ups in Faith

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 8:43 pm
by Mariela
This was an interesting idea that occured to me while speaking with someone about the Selunite faith oocly. (Thanks! You got my brain moving!)

The idea that occured to me is why is it assumed that Priests or even followers of a faith, once you are faithed that you are to be perfect and know absolutely everything about that faith? The idea that you are not even allowed small infractions that could be corrected by leaders of the faith or even those who are higher on the totem pole of faith.

Is it interesting, to be perfect? After all that work to gain a foothold in a faith, and in some cases, the Faith Managers do a great job of making it hard, is it interesting to be concidered 100% perfect?

I dunno. Discuss. I am rather perplexed and puzzled at the ideas and I would love to hear stories, ect.

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 9:41 pm
by Oghma
Well the idea is that if you make a priest of faith, you should have a fiar knowledge of your deities ethos, ways and history. No one is expecting you to know everything. It is a learning experience. For the most part though, you should know enough about your faith to pass for a priestand a priest is a dieties voice on faerun, they embody their deity. Though remember, with anything this is a game, do your best to rp your religion as well as you can or you can always ask for help from more devout followers in faith. And of course there are Forgotten Realms resources and information that can be read at your leisure ranging from many deity topics.

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 11:07 pm
by Maybel
i have learned MUCH of my faith from when i was first faithed from many different RP's and many different resources.

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 11:51 pm
by Scylere
I'd like to see priests, faithmanagers, prelates and inner circle members spend more time passing on knowledge of their faith to new initiates.

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 12:57 am
by Lerytha
Scylere, pretty much most of the RP I see from lots of the faiths I associate with is almost entirely passing on knowledge of their faith to new initiates. :) I really don't think that is lacking.

Also, lets not forget (in response to the thread as a whole, not specifically Scylere), that the average Faerunian is able to be a bit ignorant about the different faiths. However, if your character is going to be an "initiate", that means they are actually quite influential even then. Go up to acolyte, and you're more influential than the average priest. Go up to prelate and you're one of the pillars of the Church. Go up to the inner circle, and you are privy to the ins and outs of every plot your Church has going. Faith manager? Well... you're right at the top.

If you look at the actual KNOWLEDGE according to each rank, knowledge of the FAITH is considered near-complete even at initiate level. Its just status that increases at each new level. I agree that a new recruit (enquirer/hopeful/questee) might want to show a less-than-perfect understanding. But initiates? I think they should make every effort to know the ins and outs.

Hope some of that made some sort of sense.


Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 8:55 pm
by Daediana
I have to agree... I've seen a lot of that... that you are automatically expected to know everything about your faith or be responsible for everything as a priestess of your faith who just came in... I know my circumstances are a little different... but its really hard to deal with a death of a High Priest when you are like one month into the faith RL and havent had much contact with people who are healthy cause no one is around... and then everything comes crashing down on you when you thought you were doing an okay job... lol Sorry needed to vent... but honey this is part of the RP... they are hard on you for a reason prolly so that you learn and work hard... It stressed me out for a couple of days... but you know what... everything is all good now... so give it sometime, talk with them IC and work it out there... Much love and see you in the Kingdoms!