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Post by Dalvyn » Thu Dec 07, 2006 9:18 pm

You might have noticed (or not) that the forums are currently being modified, with some subforums removed and others added.

I'd like to get everybody's opinion on the following questions.

1) Should auto-pruning be enabled? That is, should we make it so that the forum automatically removed posts X weeks after they have been made?

2) Should we keep the subforums used to discuss specific topics like races, classes, and so on, or should we keep only a general discussion forum and thus reduce greatly the number of subforums?

3) Do you have any (other) suggestions for the forums?
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Post by Lerytha » Thu Dec 07, 2006 10:21 pm

1) I'm not sure

2) Should we keep the subforums used to discuss specific topics like races, classes, and so on, or should we keep only a general discussion forum and thus reduce greatly the number of subforums?

I suggest maybe making one overall topic consisting of the race forum. So, all those elfy posts shortened into one nice "Elfy Questions" post. The same for "Dwarfy Questions" "Drowy Questions" (etc) and then made sticky and put into one overall "Races" forum. Then new posts can be put in the "Races" forum but any duplicating of information in the main "<racename> questions>" can be deleted. Alternatively, any new information is there nice and accessible on the forums, until a clean-up every so often to remove the threads and update "<racename> Questions" again. Maybe? The same goes for other topics. So there would be a "Classes" subforum with "Wizard Questions".

3) I'm still not sure


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Post by Ninde » Thu Dec 07, 2006 10:21 pm

Personally, I still sometimes read the old forums. You can find great resources and informations in them, even if they were posted in 2004.
So I would like to have the forum topics permenantly.

IMO, there are too many different varieties of topics. For example, I believe we can discuss about spells/trades/feats in general discussion section. Seperating discussions over races and classes pretty much looks neato and easier for users to find whatever they're looking for.
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Post by Mask » Thu Dec 07, 2006 11:01 pm

I think that we should move the majority of the website to a wiki format, and allow much more widely spread ability to edit and update web pages. Once this is implemented, then alot of discussions can be made 'permanent' or 'canon' if you like by being moved from the forums to the wiki and thus part of the permanent website.

Ie, a discussion on elven reverie - a useful thing to have, and when a consensus or even two conflicting views have been reached, the website and help files should be updated and act as the permanent record of the discussion.
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Post by Raona » Fri Dec 08, 2006 12:03 am

It's great to have the ability to *discuss* in the forums, but it would be great to have a way to store information in a Wiki!

When I first arrived, and joined the forums...well, I had 3405 or so new threads to read. Clearly I didn't have time. But in amongst those were the FAQ's and Rules and Guidelines posts that I really needed to find. The forum structure helped me find them, but it would have been really helpful to have a Wiki of "important and still valid" stuff to turn to. Ideally, the forums would just focus on developing issues/discussions, and Wikis would store what was worth keeping.

So, to answer Dalvyn's original questions...

1) Perhaps not auto-pruning, but instead a "pruner" who would chop out the no longer relevant, move the really relevant to the wiki, and leave the rest, either in an "Archive" sub-forum or just where it sat. More work, but I bet you could find a volunteer to do this...some Wiki-blog-aholic! :wink:

2) In truth, I didn't find the breakout of specific topics a big issue one way or the other...then again, I read all new posts, most of the time. If anything, it seems some new (broad) subtopics may be called for, because General Discussion seems to catch 90% of all posts. Perhaps new forums such as
Roleplay Announcements and other IC Announcements
Game References and Mileu Information
Technical Questions and Game Mechanics
or something along those lines...a quick read through general suggests to me those are common themes.

3) Perhaps "Funny Moments" could be moved to a new Forum called "IC Moments" with Funny, Tender, Scary, and others as headings therein. The funny ones are the best, but I think these often also present an example of what fun/good RP might look like, and it's good to have examples from a spectrum of emotions.

Thanks for taking this on, Dalvyn!
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Post by Oghma » Fri Dec 08, 2006 5:46 am

I'm in favour of placing forum information stored in a wiki in locked pages to keep them from being maliciously edited or changed. Open wikifiles could be used to add portals and quotations to existing articles though.
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Post by Velsavius » Fri Dec 08, 2006 9:31 am

I don't have a problem with the idea of 'archiving' the older posts, but I at the same time think that those of the builders forum not be touched as I know I use the forums posts on a fairly regular basis to work out where I went wrong again..
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Post by Dalvyn » Fri Dec 08, 2006 9:37 am

I am all for the wiki idea, but I do not think that the Wiki can replace the forums, for several reasons.

1) No matter how good the summary posted to the Wiki is, it will not reflect the debate and the various options as well as the thread where the topic was debated itself.

2) (bugs aside) The forum has a more powerful search feature than the Wiki as far as I know.

3) Moving summaries from the forum to the Wiki is an additional task. That might work well for the first two or three months, while the novelty attracts people to working on the Wiki, then it is quite likely that it will not be done anymore.

That's why I think that the Wiki is a great idea, and it will add a lot to helping newbies (and not-so-newbies) acquire information about the game... but it shouldn't be used as a excuse to prune off the forums.
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Post by Mask » Fri Dec 08, 2006 10:43 am

I am not suggesting that a Wiki replace the Forum, I'm suggesting that the majority of the content of our website can be moved into the Wiki. Ie, all builder's lessons, help files, policies all of that.

Anything that a new player can be expected to know should be in the wiki, and they should never be directed to the forums to find out a policy or whatever.
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Post by Maybel » Fri Dec 08, 2006 6:05 pm

I'm a big fan of reading the old posts... searching and finding answers to old questions...

But flat out... rules change, most of the things in the old forums are about the old spell casting system...most of the posts about the fighting and the way it will happen will chance when the new fight system will be updated....

When the game gets updated... a lot of the things we have discussed and have talked about become obsolete...

Having a pruner go back and delete old 4 year old posts about an area that does not exist anymore or one that has been fixed does not need to take up space in the forum... The forum is to help and better the game... once it has helped and has bettered the game and is no longer needed... why keep it waisting space?

I am all for the Wiki idea... great for newbies and ones that forgot an answer to a question and need a quick answer...
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Post by Lathander » Fri Dec 08, 2006 7:13 pm

I'll take some time to go back over REALLY old posts and synopsise (?sp) them and delete the extra posts in a given thread.
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Post by Maybel » Fri Dec 08, 2006 9:41 pm

spelling of synopsise is synopsize... if you need any help Lathander... i'm not doing anything for the next 6 hours
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Post by Lathander » Fri Dec 08, 2006 10:03 pm

Basically, I am starting with the oldest threads in "General Discussion" and reading them throroughly. If I think the topic is moot I delete the entire thread. If it is not, I consolodate the main points by deleting posts in ther thread that are superfluous and possibly editing other posts where needed. After I finish consolodating a post, I am locking it (for now) to indicate to myself that I have completed it.
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Post by Meekir » Fri Dec 08, 2006 11:47 pm

I think most of the topics get old and irrelevant, but obviously there are some important ones. ... Wiki good.

I don't really care about the topic devision. people can find what they need; yet, they're pretty sparse. whatever's easiest.

Player-created content
- a thing that I enjoy greatly and I think there should be more of. Forums make it really easy: allow people to post short stories and character backgrounds. the kingdom journal is "official," important and broadly relevant stuff. Allow players to post directly to an IC section of less than epic dimensions just for fun and storytelling. Character background stories, for example, are fun, easy, give roleplay/story ideas and let people know what sort of character base there is. post rumors that are "overheard" about your character, local events, cities, quests. just for flavor, sometimes; and someplace to tell about the cool roleplay moments that happen.

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Post by Dalvyn » Sat Dec 09, 2006 9:51 am

Rumours that are overheard can be fine and very interesting.

Character backgrounds though... I would classify it as IC information that should be gained in-game. Then again, on the other hand, I can understand how some people like to write about their characters... my problem here would be with acquiring information that you are not supposed to have.
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Post by Lathander » Sat Dec 09, 2006 5:13 pm

As to character backgrounds please see: ... .php?t=879
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Post by Zilvryn » Sat Dec 09, 2006 8:28 pm

Bare with me on this, I think a wiki would be awesome, as long as only IMMs could post on it. We need somewhere that is easily updated to keep us up to date on what is canon in FK during this transitional period...

Saying that, there is a lot of good info on the forums, and the old forums as well, and it would be a shame to lose this. In my mind the players need a forum to voice their opinions, and concerns. The forums currently allow this.

My ideal situation would be an open forum, such as this one, and a wiki for official/cannon rules.

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Post by Meekir » Sat Dec 09, 2006 11:33 pm

Lathander wrote:As to character backgrounds please see: ... .php?t=879
I take it back, people can't find what they need. *g* case in point. unless you already know where to find it, or you know it has been discussed, and especially the relevant thread where the final/most recent decision is on any given topic, the forum is not a good format to hold information. a wiki would be better.

Having read the discussions, I believe an IC thread on the forums where people can directly post stories/recount roleplays would be a good addition or change to the game for the following reasons.

Everyone enjoys sharing stories. Ranging from a two-line post in "Funny Moments" to the formal process of writing and submitting a publication, the game is about writing and sharing stories together. There should be a place besides "Funny Moments" to write and read stories that are not just funny (and often OOC in that thread), but also interesting, dramatic, well-written, enjoyable, with an emphasis on in-game storytelling. In short, since we share funny typos on the forum there should definitely be opportunities to share short or long RP stories. There should also be opportunities that are easier and less formal than publishing a book.

Players are good at using their discretion with OOC or IC knowledge. Again, I'll use the "Funny Moments" thread to point out that players can be trusted to understand whether they know about something IC. This thread is clearly not intended to make public whatever's posted in it. A similar disclaimer can apply to stories, unless specifically noted otherwise - or even kept in a "public knowledge/rumors" thread. I can understand your concern about character backgrounds - a reminder that some backgrounds require application, or a suggestion that people only post what others might reasonably know/find out about their character, would be well-advised. But players inevitably share stories OOC; formalizing the process has the benefit of allowing you to clarify the expectations surrounding it.

It would enhance the game experience, not detract from it. There's no replacing live roleplay, adventuring, exploring and of course sharing stories. However, a new person coming in or a regular checking the forums will appreciate the richness of storytelling possible and available to read. Even if a character "background" is only what-you-might-have-heard-on-the-street, characters gain an extra dimension and players/storytellers gain more "plot hooks". It really adds to the idea that we're all telling a story together.
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