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Dec 31st 2006 - Magic Wisps

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 9:05 pm
by Dalvyn
It is rumoured that, on some very special nights, glowing blue balls can be seen floating in the fields and plains of the Kingdoms.

Some say that they are the vengeful souls of the dead and are better avoided.

Others pretend that they are flames from the Abyss and that all who would touch them or even stare at them would be absorbed into the Abyss.

The learned though, whisper that those blue lights are wisps sent by the Goddes of Magic Mystra to spread out knowledge of the Weave.

And that those bold enough to approach the wisps are sometimes granted with the knowledge of rare and powerful spells or prayers if they are ready to pay the price.

Even though there is much arguing about what those eerie balls of light are, all agree on one thing: such a special night is soon to come...

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 1:35 am
by Dalvyn
The wisps came for a while... and left. :)