[Spell] Find familar

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[Spell] Find familar

Post by Cret » Sat Feb 10, 2007 9:56 pm

Dalvyn wrote:Actually, I'd rather leave it where it is for now. That leaves more options open.

Option A would be the pet shops.

Option B would be to have a long list of possible familiars, with perhaps even some options restricted by the level of the caster (certainly not the skill level because I don't want to see wizards summoning familiars upon familiars just to be able to summon the higher level familiars). For example:

for all levels : rat, bat, frog, eagle, hawk
level 30+ : small earth/fire/water/air elemental
level 40+ : pseudo-dragon, flying elven cat (forgot the name), imp, skeletal bat

Then the wizard would use the spell as follows: cast 'find familiar' elvencat Scooby {B0}, to produce a elven cat familiar named Scooby and coloured yellow (if they are high level enough).
Oghma wrote:Might be a Tressym or some such thing. I am not sure if they are elven though. They are flying cat familiares.
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Post by Ninde » Sat Feb 10, 2007 10:01 pm

In another mud I played in the past, there was a second level arcanist spell named mount.
You were able to have a random mount for a limited time.

I thought I can also offer that spell under find familiar.
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Post by Dalvyn » Sat Feb 10, 2007 10:14 pm

There is a specific "call mount" spell that summons a mount for a period of time.

Familars would be permanent though.
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Post by Cret » Sat Feb 10, 2007 10:26 pm

A more customizable mob would be wonderfull too: Perhaps using the puppet code, or something similar, would alow us to change the color and appearnce of our familiars.

Level 1-20: Basic mobs - all mobs are neutral
Rat, Cat, Owl, Frog, Snake, Weasle, Dog, Eagle, Hawk

Level 22-35: (animals gain alignment summonable by all though gain specific skills baised on type)
Dire (animal)

Level 35-45: (Animals with alinment are available to school restrictions)
blink dog

Level 45+: (Can only be summoned by alignment type have a chance to cast spells in combat)
Displacer Beast
Elementals type (element)

These are just for example My book on Familars seems to be missing :(. But I think its a good start with much refining to be done.
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Post by Nedylene » Thu Mar 01, 2007 3:02 am

A little late on the draw but seeing as I have a Tressym and did alot of research on them before applying to have it... They are not elven cats. Rather they are celestial. (And no I cannot spell today I'm at work) They are a rare familiar which will sometimes bond with a good aligned wizard. They are native to the eveningstar region in a human village but there is records in Silverymoon I believe of a hundred Tressym flocking the city. Here is the overview on them from the monstrous manual :

Tressym are beautiful, fluffy, winged cats, closely related to the small, feral cats native to the woodlands of the Heartlands of the Realms - the cats domesticated by many in the Dales, Sembia, Cormyr, the Moonsea cities, and the Sword Coast. Tressym vary in the hues and fur-lengths of their coats as much as normal (wingless) cats do. Most resemble a short-haired gray, tabby, or black cat, with two batlike wings at their well-muscled shoulders.
Tressym wings have feathers. The leathery membranous wings are divided into arc-segments by hollow bones, rather like the elongated fingers of a bat divide up its wings, but the leathery membrane is covered in feathers.

Combat: Tressym stalk and pounce on prey, scratching and biting much as normal cats do, but with the added ability of flight, which makes them far more deadly to birds (and insects) of all sorts. They do not, however, seem to attack nestlings or despoil eggs. In battle, they are cunning-scratching at the eyes of opponents, for example, and learning danger quickly, so that a tressym that sees a wand fired by a wizard knows about the danger of sticks of wood held by humans for the rest of its life.
In addition to their 120' infravision, tressym can detect invisible objects and creatures up to 90 feet away. Tressym can also detect poison; through scent, taste, or touch, they recognize substances that are deadly to the intelligent races of the Realms. Tressym themselves seem to be immune to all known forms of poison.

Habitat/Society: Tressym are found on occasion in Eveningstar's streets and trees. Northern Cormyr is the only place where they seem to breed and gather, although individual tressym, both wild and domesticated, may be found all over the temperate Realms.
Villagers in Eveningstar feed tressym and try to prevent the worst of their vandalism and aerial catfights. At the same time, they try to prevent any large-scale or magically-assisted trapping and capturing of them. The locals value tressym for their owl-like rodent control in the fields. Most of the flying cats lair in nearby Starwater Gorge and hunt the farm fields night and day, avoiding local cats and dogs rather than fighting or tormenting them.

Ecology: These cute, mischievous little terrors are semiwild and thought to be the result of some long-past wizardly experimentation.
They are known to live 20 years or more it they do not meet with misadventure, and are free to take shelter from, or fly away from, the worst winter weather. Tressym mate as often as normal cats and do not mate for life. They sometimes mate with normal cats, with whom they are fertile, but only 10% of such young will be tressym; the rest will be wingless. Tressym are quite intelligent and have been known to form strong friendships (and hatreds) with creatures of other races, such as humans and elves. Tressym have even been known to sacrifice themselves for those they love.
A few mages have sought these creatures as familiars. At least two wizards of Eveningstar (Lord Tessaril and Maea Dulgussir, who still conceals her magical skills from locals and visitors alike) have done so successfully. As familiars, tressym combine the sensory advantages of a cat and an owl, and have additional benefits: they are intelligent enough to carry and manipulate complex and delicate items (to an extent-they don't have opposable thumbs); they can observe and report events diligently; they can concentrate on a task at hand even when hormones or instincts provide strong distractions; and they can communicate to their masters the identifications of poisons - even harmful gases not intended as an attack. Tressym cannot confer or transmit any immunities against poison to another creature. They are not strong enough to fly with even a halfling aloft. They can fly hard enough to slow a halfling's fall to a 2d4 damage affair in descents of 90' or more, but can't lessen the damage suffered by any larger or heavier creature.
Tressym tend to get along with others of their kind when they meet, but they rarely lair or hunt together. They also peacefully ignore bats, griffons, and the like, but are the deadly foes of stirges and manticores (against whom they will gather with other tressym to fight). Some tressym enjoy teasing dogs, but usually not to the point where either animal could be truly endangered.

Elven Cats are actually just called Elven Cats. Unlike Tressym they have Telepathy and some other cool magic things. (can you tell I like peculiar feline familiars?) Here is an overview on them:

Over the years, the wild cats the elves brought along with them absorbed something of the magical nature of their keepers and evolved into the wondrous elven cats of today. Whether special magical means were used to promote this evolution is unclear, but it seems probable that some such force was involved.
Elven cats are very intelligent, with many being able to converse in a rudimentary form of elvish. In some cases, elven cats have attached themselves to families of gnomes, brownies, and other woodland creatures. In these instances they also speak a basic form of those languages. Unlike many other species of felines, elven cats enjoy swimming and playing in water. They are, like all cats, excellent climbers and can leap 20 feet or more with ease.

Combat: Elven cats make separate attacks for each of their fore claws and a bite attack, and automatically rake with their back claws for 1d4 damage if both claw attacks succeed. If one or both claws miss, the rake is not performed.
Elven cats are highly magical. They often use their spell-like abilities to deal with adversaries they prefer to avoid. All spell-like abilities act as if they the cat were a 9th level spellcaster.
Detect Thoughts (Sp): Once per day, an elven cat may Detect Thoughts as the spell, though it will only detect the intentions of the target.
Enlarge or Cantrip [trip] (Sp): Once per day, an elven cat may cast Enlarge as the spell, or trip a target with a Cantrip. A successful Reflex save (DC 19) negates the Cantrip. When Enlarged, the cat?s HD and damage double.
Reduce or Tree Shape (Sp): Twice per day, an elven cat may Reduce as the spell, or Tree Shape into the form of a tree limb.
Pass without Trace (Sp): Elven cats are under the effect of the Pass without Trace spell at all times.

Skills: *While in wilderness areas, an elven cat?s Hide bonus increases to +70, its Move Silently increases to +79, and all checks are automatically taken as a 20.
**The +10 bonus to Jump is only applied when determining running and standing jumps, not for high jumps.

Improved Familiar
Elven Cat +5 bonus to Hide and Move Silently checks
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Post by Cret » Thu Dec 06, 2007 4:49 am

Question about familiars as they stand now:

Ive cast word of recall and my familiar no longer seems to transport with me. Is this new? Or has something changed with that?

Also. My familar no longer finds me when Im in another location. As I remember.. I would walk out of a room and accidently leave the familiar.. it would rise and follow me. Eventually catching up with me if I remained in any one spot for long.
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Post by Nedylene » Thu Dec 06, 2007 5:05 am

When casting word of recall my familiar has only ever come with me if she was mounted on me... IE carrying her.
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Post by Lathander » Thu Dec 06, 2007 2:46 pm

Does this spell work like it did in 2ed where you lost permanent hp when if your familiar died and you never were allowed a new familiar?
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Post by Dalvyn » Thu Dec 06, 2007 3:31 pm

No permanent loss that I know of.

I still need to work on creating a "pet shop" for familiars, to replace this spell. Once I get to it in my TODO pile, I'll most likely post a new "Wanna help?" thread asking people for ideas.

A question we can already examine here though is: should we add an "Improved Familiar" feat that would allow wizards to "buy" better familiars?

Now, in d20, "Improved familiar" lets you buy a familiar that more useful than the average cat/pig/lizard/rat in combat, but I would think we could instead have familiars that are more interesting in a "daily roleplay" sense. Some familiars might be ordred to go and fetch objects in various environments (e.g., they could bring to their wizard masters random spell components), or they could perhaps assist the wizard in other ways (e.g., create fires as per "produce flame" at will or X times a day).

Any comments/ideas?
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Post by Larethiel » Thu Dec 06, 2007 4:16 pm

I like the idea of improved familars :)

Perhaps handling them like the griffons, with level restrictment and a nice quest to get them?
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Post by Lathander » Thu Dec 06, 2007 5:33 pm

Some could act like a clairaudience/clairvoyance spell. If the familiar is in one room and the wizard another, the wizard could see/hear through the familiar.

Depending on the nature of the familiar, say an imp, it could fetch items from the wizard's dwelling.

Some familiars could deliver notes to others like the post system.

Some might provide the wizard with special senses: seeing hidden doors, seeing invis/hiding folks, seeing chaotic/good/lawful/evil auras.
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Post by Selveem » Thu Dec 06, 2007 6:30 pm

Lathander wrote:Some might provide the wizard with special senses: seeing hidden doors, seeing invis/hiding folks, seeing chaotic/good/lawful/evil auras.
There are also some non-improved familiars available to certain races. The toad familiar, for instance, is available to Halflings. It offers a +1 con bonus.
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Post by Cret » Sat Dec 08, 2007 4:58 am

I have also noticed that my familiar no longer sits when I sit. Then stands when I stand.

Usualy i would get..
(familiar) flys down and lands on your arm.
a (familiar) sits.
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Post by Orplar » Thu Dec 13, 2007 8:08 pm

How does the improved familiar feat work in game as it is now? Is it even in game?
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Post by Nedylene » Thu Dec 13, 2007 10:26 pm

Orplar wrote:How does the improved familiar feat work in game as it is now? Is it even in game?
The last I heard it is not in game yet and was pending a rework. I believe the feat is suppose to give you more rare familiars instead of bat, toad, cat, owl etc. It was suppose to give things like fairie dragons, winged snakes etc etc.

Now I believe they are trying to get familiars turned into stores although.... Will need a higher up to confirm this.
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familiar finding its owner

Post by Ilnthis » Sun Mar 02, 2008 1:28 am

I also have noticed that one of my alts familiar no ,longer follows automatically, is this an upgrade or new code addition or has my char just not stood in one place long enough for it to find him? Does anybody know?
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Post by Japcil » Sun Mar 02, 2008 2:43 pm

Did you try to reset who it follows, like typing order pet follow self?
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Re: [Spell] Find familar

Post by Telk » Thu Apr 24, 2008 2:33 am

Ooh I most definitely like the ideas in this thread :) It'd make familiars more useful for wizards, I like the idea of being able to spy through your familiar, maybe a telepathic link where you could actually see what your familiar sees and tell him where to go? (Basically you become your familiar and command them) I also like the idea of detect invis/hide, and the familiars having special spells. Each familiar having it's own unique set of spells and skills
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