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Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 3:28 am
by Alaudrien
Is the barbarian class going to come in? Or is it on perma hold or nulled at the moment?

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 9:14 am
by Moloch
It is waiting on the construction of a guild hall, which I believe has been put on hold due to a no longer active builder. Do not hold me to the last statement.

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 2:05 pm
by Kregor
That I know of... the class itself was actually on hold as well until it was decided a way to better distinguish it from the other warrior classes.

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 8:28 pm
by Orplar
Are the coders open to suggestions?

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 8:55 pm
by Tempus
They are always open to suggestions - just be aware that you may not get feedback and your suggestions may be modified almost beyond your recognition if they ever make it to the game. If they are super grade-A suggestions though, you might be able to recognise them in the game at some point in the future :D

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 9:14 pm
by Orplar
:lol: Just depends on my level of stoopidity then...:P

Should suggestions be posted on the forums under a semi-appropriate thread? Or sent in via e-mail?

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 9:20 pm
by Alaudrien
Perhaps kee pit in this thread? I have thought of some cool ideas..kinda like persay barbarians perhaps get bonuses when berserking if they wear no heavier than medium armour? or some such. I can't think of anyway to distinguish barbarians other than berserker rage..and such.

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 9:31 pm
by Tempus
It's best if any suggestions are made in the forums on these boards, then they can be easily referred to by others, and open discussion can be had amongst the players.

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 9:46 pm
by Aliatris
I don't know how it is planned, but I think that the barbarian class should be taken at character creation.

The barbarian is a "savage" fighter, lacking of most the technical skills that most fighters have but having as compensation natural abilities (hit dice, barbarian specifics feats?)

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 3:32 pm
by Tretch
I have been gone a bit, so if my remembrance of combat is way off... just say so.

However, I always thought barbs should be limited from wearing anything heavier than leather or hides. Even by code if needed.

Maybe give them an extra chance at dodgin to make up.

Just tossing stuff out.

EDIT: To add a few more random ideas...

I also dont think barbs should get magical items, unless given blatantly by deity or clan. This would also go into the extra chance at dodge.

I dont think "savage barbarians" running around with heavily powered magical items makes sense.

We are looking for ways to SEPERATE the class afterall. Again, just some ideas

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 7:58 pm
by Maybel
Tretch wrote:I dont think "savage barbarians" running around with heavily powered magical items makes sense.
i think that a barb would have no trouble finding something magical... or wearing something shiny... knowing how to USE something magical would be different...

As for the no wearing anything magical... that would be hard to code... we would need to put a class check on all the items that are magical...

Or could we have it so a class could not wear an item that is flagged as magical?

we are looking for ways so that this is not just a tweeked fighter class... right?
Hardened skin

all this would enhance the barbarian in fighting... and would be a low RP class. What would the barb have to enhance the RP of things?

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 10:17 pm
by Amalia
RP-wise, perhaps the Barbarian could have an intimidation skill-- the target makes a difficult check of some variety, and non-allied non-targets make a less difficult check of the same variety. Perhaps a wisdom check-- thus adding to the usefulness of wisdom in the game (and also having a link to the D&D will save). Additionally, if a Barbarian were to try to intimidate another Barbarian, there could be a bonus to the Barbarian being targeted if his intimidation skill were higher than his attacker's, with the strength of the bonus increasing as the difference in skills increase-- reflecting the fact that the target knows how to put on a show and is therefore less affected by it. Bonuses could also be added for how many times a character has had the intimidation skill used on him in the last (insert time interval here).

Failure by a lot would cause a mobile to flee or cower in a corner jabbering.
Failure by a little would cause the mobile to freeze for a moment or lose an action in combat.
Success by a little would have no effect on the mobile, unless he was friendly, in which case he becomes unfriendly.
Success by a lot would cause the mobile to sneer or admonish or flat-out attack, as appropriate to the mobile.

The effect on PCs would be an echo instead, telling the PC just how scary he thought that was, and the PC would then have the opportunity to roleplay it appropriately (I feel that most people would have no trouble being honest here, and as far as I can tell the IMM presence online has increased so that would hopefully stop most of the few who might be inclined to bend the truth).

I could see Barbarians having the potential to track and skin animals, like rangers, but with a different RP aspect-- the Ranger can track because he is in tune with nature, the Barbarian can track because it is in his nature (tribal hunting party).

Perhaps Barbarians could also be given a tattooing trade or skill-- I think that would be awesome, if codeable.

Finally-- I know nothing about instruments in the game-- but if there's something mechanically nifty that Bards can do with all instruments, perhaps there could be a more limited version of something mechanically nifty that Barbarians could do with drums.

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 4:49 am
by Tretch
Maybel wrote:
Tretch wrote:I dont think "savage barbarians" running around with heavily powered magical items makes sense.
i think that a barb would have no trouble finding something magical... or wearing something shiny... knowing how to USE something magical would be different...

As for the no wearing anything magical... that would be hard to code... we would need to put a class check on all the items that are magical...

Or could we have it so a class could not wear an item that is flagged as magical?

we are looking for ways so that this is not just a tweeked fighter class... right?
Hardened skin

all this would enhance the barbarian in fighting... and would be a low RP class. What would the barb have to enhance the RP of things?
This is where the EQ restrictions come into play. Whether its coded or not, the restriction could/should still be there IMO. The large difference come into play when you cannot wear magical items and heavy armour. The look of a savage creates a much more interesting angle for RP.

Some of the best RPs I have had with my malarite happened after I gave up all equipment and considered myself a "barbarian/savage" type character. There is an amazingly fun world of RP when you have only rotted hides and rusty daggers at your disposal. By not focusing on the normal "set" of items/EQ you need for your character from a magic & quest standpoint, you can really focus on the details of your character. To me, that was the large difference in RP as opposed to the standard cookie cutter warrior, etc, which I could probably STILL name 80% of the equipment they are wearing without even looking at their character :P

I spoke of combat aspects because in some ways they do dictate RP. If you have a class thats badly overpowered, not many will be around. So, I proposed a POSSIBILITY for trying to even the stakes as you are limiting their armour and weaponry. In order to gain the unique RP of these possible barb characters, they have to be at least somewhat viable in combat.

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 5:52 am
by Kregor
In D20, Barbarians don't in fact, have heavy armour proficiency. So, actually, they do tend to shun away from shiny things. The other things that set them apart from other warrior classes are the uncanny dodge, the rage ability, damage reduction (kind of like a light stoneskin that gets better with level), and trap sense (which would in essense, allow them to have config +search turned on much like a rogue), and a resistence to enchantment affects.

Regarding the barbarian's view of magic:

"barbarians don't trust that which they don't understand, that includes wizardry, which they call 'book magic.'"

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 2:48 pm
by Aliatris
Kregor wrote:In D20, Barbarians don't in fact, have heavy armour proficiency
But they can get it if they spend a feat point in it without need to multiclass.

In PnP where the Barbarian gets natural abilities the fighter gets many combat feats to spend at his leisure, if it were possible reduce the rate at which the barbarian gets feats and sightly improving his natural abilities each level it would be fine.

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 3:37 pm
by Glim
Isnt there something about a barbarian losing their special abilities if they wear heavy armor?

I could be wrong, but I have a vague notion there is. If not, then it must be something I implemented in my tabletop games. :P

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 4:00 pm
by Aliatris
Fast Movement (Ex): A barbarian’s land speed is faster than the norm for his race by +10 feet. This benefit applies only when he is wearing no armor, light armor, or medium armor and not carrying a heavy load. Apply this bonus before modifying the barbarian’s speed because of any load carried or armor worn.

This is the only ability that is affected by wearing heavy armour; uncanny dodge, rage or damage reduction remain unaffected although you lose rage if your aligment becomes lawful somehow.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 12:20 am
by Tretch
Again, all this doesnt really matter. Why fight for more reasons NOT to implement the class? :P

There has to be ways to set them apart, thats the main point of discussion. Discussing how they "actually" are just a warrior with added bonuses doesnt really help get them in the game.

Not everything can be exact, so you have to think of how they can be implemented in FK effectively. That is the discussion... really nothing more.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 7:45 pm
by Moloch
I like the way Barbarians are portrayed in games like Diablo 2. The various warcries and the special attacks such a whirlwind or berserk. I'm not sure how barbarians are in D&D, since I have never actually played :-p.

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 9:24 am
by Velius
Well, if people are still thinkin' bout the barbarians than I'd like to bring up a name, Wulfgar. He is a friend of Drizzt Do'Urden's and can be read about in the Drizzt books my R.A. Salvatore. ( i'd advise reading the Hunter's Blade trilogy cuz Wulfgar fights A LOT in those books, and shows a great deal of emotion in those books )