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[SKILL] Longer Lasting Fires

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 10:06 am
by Glim

The topic name really says it all. I was hoping to suggest perhaps the length of fires could be extended. Usually if you are in the wilderness, and you set up a camp fire, it usually goes out well before you can finish any roleplays that may have been centered around the campfire. Yes, you can feed things into the fire to fuel it, but many times I know I, for one, forget to do this and the fire goes out, meaning you have to relight it.

Perhaps even the fire could be set to something like a 24 in game time limit, and there could be an added 'extinguish' command, to put out the fire when your roleplay or any other business you have is done.

Not a very big suggestion, but merely something I noticed and thought it would help the game out a little bit. I put the heading skill because its the closest heading I could think of and it coincides with the ignite skill.

Feedback is always welcome,

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 10:56 am
by Oghma
I always thought that feeding the fire with more fuel like wood or other flammables increased it's duration. I think it resets the timer on it, and there is an echo responding to various elements. It may also depend on the overall skill level to how long a fire lasts (I cannot confirm that though)

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 11:55 am
by Kelemvor
The duration of a fire is

- dependent upon the skill of the character creating the fire;
- directly affected by the weather within the room and;
- can be extended by feeding the fire.

The current durations seem reasonable to me, though this is apocryphal rather than through any direct knowledge of the exact formula.

If you make a fire in the wilderness, particularly when the weather is poor, monitoring and maintaining that fire would seem a reasonably realistic and IC thing to have to do.

Perhaps someone could test out the current timings by creating a fire in a room unaffected by weather and then comparing it with a rain or storm or snow affected room. Similarly, find someone with a very low skill and compare them with someone with a reasonably high skill.

If, overall, the timer is barely allowing you to set the fire and make a smote then we could look into the formula and extend it. If on the other hand it is more that you are a poor woodsman trying to make a fire in the middle of a blizzard... well, we probably wouldn't change it ;)

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 1:07 pm
by Glim
Hey, no making fun of my woodsmanship! Its always easy to pick on my woodsman. :P

Just did a time test:

Weather: The sky is cloudless and warm and a warm southerly breeze blows.
Produce Flame - Amateur - About 6 minutes
Ignite - Adept - 8+ minutes - With cooked deer corpse - 12 minutes

I say 8+ minutes because I got bored and decided to cook a deer corpse, then suddenly thwapped myself and realised that might have messed up the count. *facepalms* At about 8 minutes was when I did this, but I kept timing just in case.

So, it might have just been I was trying to light a fire in a blizzard, because they definetly werent going for this long before. I feel stupid now for not considering that :P

Thanks for setting me straight,

Re: [SKILL] Longer Lasting Fires

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 3:28 pm
by Sindri
On a related note:
Glim wrote:... and there could be an added 'extinguish' command ...
Is there actually any command like this? There have been several times that I didn't want to leave a fire burning in the middle of the forest, but couldn't put it out. I've tried typing "empty waterskin fire," which echoes something like "You extinguish the fire," but doesn't actually make the fire go away.

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 6:30 pm
by Hviti
"bury fire" puts the fire out, but hurts you, too, even if you're using a shovel/wearing gloves/apron/fire retardant clothes.

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 9:17 pm
by Kelemvor
I'll have to check if there is a help file anywhere for this, but you shoudl be able to simply pour water upon a fire to extinguish it.

Have a water container in your inventory and type 'empty (container) fire' and see how you get on

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 9:23 pm
by Dalvyn
Last I checked, dousing a fire with water did not make the fire disappear.

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 6:43 am
by Raona
In my experience, pouring water on a fire DOES put it out, but not immediately. You have to wait a few ticks, but it goes out much faster than if you didn't pour water on it. Then again, I may have been hallucinating.

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 7:09 am
by Japcil
A successul douse makes the fire's tick set to one, so it will go away on the next tick.