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[EVENT]Faith Meeting of Talos

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 12:27 am
by Daediana
*letters are sent out to those of the faith of Talos and Talos alone*

To those of Chaos and Destruction,

It has come to my attention that there is much to discuss amongst those
who have decided to walk the path of Destruction. I hereby ask that
you attend a meeting of His followers three tenday from this day. I
and High Priestess Khara have requested that all faith members attend
the meeting.

It is time that we come together, bind ourselves together, and put the
strength behind our numbers to make sure that all in the Kingdoms know
and respect His name.

We will be gathering in the Fishing Village northwest of Waterdeep. This information is to be kept silent.

*signed elegantly*

Rictinta, The Black Rose of Destruction

OOC: This event is for faith members only... please do not show up, as the setup for this RP would have been very discreet, and the notes hand delivered by faith members. ... ec=0&p1=77

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 9:19 am
by Kelemvor
Something to note here...
Rictinta wrote:OOC: This event is for faith members only... please do not show up, as the setup for this RP would have been very discreet, and the notes hand delivered by faith members.
It's a little rude to post to the boards about an event and then tell people not to turn up. Arranging an exclusive event and suggesting good aligned player steer clear is perfectly reasonable. However, if the meeting is meant to be discrete and ICly arranged for Talosians only, then use the mail service and PMs to arrange it.

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 1:25 pm
by Balek
I am honestly not trying to be rude when I say this Kelemvor, but I don't really see why it's inappropriate to post this. I don't understand why it would be fine to exclude good-aligned people but rude to exclude evil-aligned people who wouldn't belong at the meeting. Both are cases of excluding people who do not fit in with the group. Furthermore, I think it's almost necessary to use the board for this kind of announcement because it's probable that Daediana does not know all of the followers of Talos in the game. One could reasonably assume that this kind of information could be shared with other members of the faith that Daediana and other active followers do not know through NPCs and whatnot as the assumption is that these characters are always in the world ICly, but not available. It makes sense to post it on the board in order to make it available to the maximum number of followers of Talos, not just the few people she might know.

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 2:02 pm
by Kelemvor
I'm not offended by your questions Balek. I'm always happy to explain myself.

I have a few concerns with this post on several levels.

The notion that a secret meeting of the faith has been arranged is fine, but if that is the intent it could be better arranged ICly. Rictinta states that she has the full support of her Faith Manager. Her Faith Manager can provide her with details of the faithful who are due to attend. Hence, if the notion is of a secret meeting, the meeting could easily have been arranged secretly. In fact that would have been quite a roleplay coup.

I take the point that the boards are the best medium to ensure the most players attend. There may also be new followers who could use the meeting as a way into the faith.

What I did not like was the way the exclusion was inserted and explained away. If the explanation had an IC basis - that is, that the messages were indeed hand delivered or sent by post or in prayers from upon high - then fair enough. But to say 'Hi, we're having a get together and if you're not Talosian don't even dream of turning up' ... that struck me as a little impolite.

If exclusivity is an issue or concern, hold the meeting somewhere that restricts other alignments or faiths perhaps. Basically, take the IC steps to justify the exclusion of other players. Do not just tell them not to turn up.

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 3:29 pm
by Selveem
To be fair, not everyone who is Talosian uses their Talosian char's name on the forum..

It would be pretty hard to find out 'Hey, Selveem has a Talosian - remember to PM him' if we don't talk outside the game..

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 4:34 pm
by Kirkus
Just to back up Daediana a bit, the rp was set up in game before the note was posted on the boards. Letters were sent through magical post obviously only to members of the faith. The use of the boards is basically a fail safe. An attempt to catch those who don't always log as consistently but might have a better chance of checking here.

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 4:44 pm
by Leohand
Selveem wrote:To be fair, not everyone who is Talosian uses their Talosian char's name on the forum..

It would be pretty hard to find out 'Hey, Selveem has a Talosian - remember to PM him' if we don't talk outside the game..

I think what Kelemvor meant is that it's alright to put up a notice, he just didn't think the wording was very nice. I think Kelemvor meant she should have said something like:

All Talosian followers are summoned by their fath manager of whatnot, by magical means, mindspeak or whatnot. In some in character way.

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 4:52 pm
by Mele
It came off a little persnickity to me, too.


If you are a faith Talosian, or a hopeful/quested please PM me for details of a secret Faith meeting.

No one is like wtfmate the secret is kept secret and people find out if they don't log their Talosian's online. ;)

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 5:20 pm
by Selveem
So, farreals, can Chauntea come? =)

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 5:33 pm
by Ninde
Selveem wrote:To be fair, not everyone who is Talosian uses their Talosian char's name on the forum..

It would be pretty hard to find out 'Hey, Selveem has a Talosian - remember to PM him' if we don't talk outside the game..
This is what faith list in the game for.

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 7:08 pm
by Kirkus
Well that works for the current characters, the ones that have logged since the system was created. But What about those who havn't? The don't even have a chance then. I have a nice long list of old members of the faith, but probabily more than half of them don't appear on the faith list. This way, posting on the events board, if they are like me and keep current on fk happenings even when I can log in and join the fun, they have notice saying hey were gonna meet, come join us.

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 12:35 am
by Maybel
He wasn't saying don't put it on the board... Just stating there could have been a more polite way to state it other then what was stated..

Although a member of the faith... could be taken hostage and the piece of paper liberated from a the member and an enemy of Talos could ambush them and kill them all!!!!!

but yeah... not that the board was a bad place, just that there could have been a different way to put it...

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 10:08 pm
by Telk
I don't see why there should be any problems whatsoever with posting this sort of information on the forums. It lets the people following Talos know when and where the meeting is. Some people don't log alternate characters to check their mail, I know I don't. And I am pretty sure that people of the faith would be excluded if this wasn't posted. There are IC reasons for everybody but Talassans being excluded and it's a secretive meeting so I don't see how it's wrong.

I know for one I'm excluded from RP's all the time, it's one of the limitations of the character. It's rude because someone is setting up a RP exclusively for certain people? I see that all the time happening on my end, and happening to other people.

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 10:39 pm
by Nedylene
*waves the white flag*

There is nothing wrong with posting this on the forum. This is what the forum is for.

The issue they wanted to address was the OOC note. Kelemvor was trying to say that it came across as wrong. Better alternatives would be notes such as followed.

OOC - This is an extension of the faith drive so those of Talos can meet each other. We would greatly appreciate if you try to come with your Talos character.


OOC - This is an event for all Talos followers as a means to give a meet and greet to the new followers and old followers. So if you have a Talos character that you have not let out of the closet in awhile knock the dust off and come join us!

It is pleasent, explains that this event is meant just for Talos followers and if you wanted you could even note you would like to keep it Talos only. It seems both the original post and Kelemvor's post was taken as rude, abrasive, and out of context. Neither parties meant it that way and they are not trying to start a fight or an arguement. It was meant as a small note to remind people who use this forum to please try to make them a little kinder and remind them that sometimes things need to be worded in a different matter.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 12:04 am
by Daediana
Alright let me clear this up before you all start debating over it... I did arrange everything IC but not everyone is on at the same time and I wanted to give people the opportunity to come if they are part of the faith... It was also my Faith Manager's idea to post on the forums... plus the mail system is VERY expensive and its hard to send out letters to everyone. So Im sorry if this excludes anyone but the rp was set up that letters were sent discreetly... Its a faith meeting, and I didnt want people taking advantage of the fact that it was placed on the forums to make an attack on the Talonians while at a private faith meeting. Sorry for any misunderstandings or hurt feelings. I didnt mean for it to come across that way... I just didn't want people to come up with some excuse that they paid off a messenger or something because they would have been hand delivered by a Talonian... sorry again and I appologize for any hurt feelings