Greet programs on objects.

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Greet programs on objects.

Post by Duranamir » Fri Mar 09, 2007 3:03 pm

According to the builders lessons objects can have greet programs. What causes a greet program on an object to trigger ?

When a person enters the room with the object or with a person carrying the object ?

If the answer to the above is yes can objects see in the dark, invisible or hidden characters ?.

And if they can not as standard can they be made to do so by object flags ?

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Post by Japcil » Fri Mar 09, 2007 5:16 pm

The progs on objects are like a super mob is controling the programs. So a greet prog on an item will trigger anytime someone enters the room. And a greet prog will trigger on invisble, hidden and see in the dark since it is a super mob.
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