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Post by Balek » Wed Mar 21, 2007 9:59 pm

An idea that I've been kicking around recently is the idea of multiclassing. The general concept I've come up with is that players would be able to take levels in different guilds up to a maximum of 50 levels. In other words, you might see (at maximum level) an elven level 25/25 fighter/bard or something of that sort. The character would have the skills and abilities of both of those classes at level 25, meaning that while they would have a greater variety of abilities available to them, they would never get the upper level skills and spells that a dedicated one-guild character would get.

I'm unsure of some other impacts the system might have, however. I haven't played tabletop at all, so I'm not sure how this would affect things like hit point gains at levels, resistances/saving throws, hit and damage rolls, etc.
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Post by Amalia » Wed Mar 21, 2007 10:10 pm

Truth be told, I much prefer the current system as compared to the multiclassable D&D I've played.

Personal preferences aside, though, I think the single-class system does a lot to necessitate cooperation. If I want something identified or want spellcasting support, I go to a mage. If I need to be healed, I seek out a cleric. If I need brute strength, I find a fighter-- and if I need a sneaky bastard to stab someone in the back for me or keep me from death-by-traps, I seek out a rogue. If a given PC can do more of this, it'll mean less incentive for him to find others to help him, I think.
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Post by Raona » Thu Mar 22, 2007 1:26 am

I like the idea, Balek, though Amalia's point is well taken. I'd add to her concerns that getting any levels in a new class can open up a whole set of new skills, which you can then proceed to master. That would certainly make a 10/10/10/10/10 muti-everything quickly grow to be more powerful than a level 50 PC in everything save hitpoints, unless more important skills were moved up to higher level minimums.

Perhaps a twist on this idea could be that in lieu of going from level 49 to 50, or having gained enough experience to (ostensibly) go from 50 to 51, one could (repeatedly) pick up a single out-of-class skill...which could then be improved upon, but with more difficulty than an in-class skill?

Sorry, thinking out loud - not my intent to divert the discussion.
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Post by Lathander » Thu Mar 22, 2007 4:55 am

I haven't discussed this with any other imm of late, so please do not take my comments as anything beyond "personal" thought. I don't favor multi-classes. Although I love them in tabletop, I think they can be unbalanicing here. More importantly, by NOT having MC, we do more to encourage grouping.
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Post by Grom » Thu Mar 22, 2007 5:25 am

I like the idea of being able to pick up one out of class skill though. It might be unbalancing to fk to multiclass but I personally love it in table top myself. But yea..picking up one or two out of class skills that would be nice. Perhaps another use of glory?
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Post by Kregor » Thu Mar 22, 2007 4:03 pm

Multiclassing balances in tabletop, where it wouldn't under the present FK system, for more than one reason:

Skills are finite on tabletop, not on FK: One could easily pick 3 or 4 classes in tabletop, and because the skills are controlled by skill points, which are gotten each level in more or less amounts, once you're out of points, your skills stop. In FK, as another post points out, one can GM a skill just by using it enough, even as a 10th level character, so if you had a rogue 25/fighter 25 in FK, even though some of the high level skills would be missed out on, it would still be able to GM three attacks, and backstab, and dual wield, etc.

Experience is penalized in tabletop for multiclassing unless levels are kept balanced (within a level of each other). This is to try and discourage the mentality of "Oh, I'll take 2 levels in ranger just to get the free twin sword style, etc". The experience penalty in tabletop is harsh where you are dependent upon your DM to give you experience, and you end up falling behind your colleagues. In FK, you just spend more time bashing up mobs on your own to make up for it.

The discouraging grouping aspect of the possibility concerns me little personally. There's plenty of soloing going on even without multiclassing, and I doubt the presence of multiclassing would matter one way or the other there. My issue is that I just fail to see a possibility that it would balance under FKs mechanics.
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Post by Ealain » Fri Mar 23, 2007 9:18 am

Some years back on FK it was possible to apply for out of guild skills and even spells for your character. This was paid for in glory. It was a reward to allow folk to roleplay some uniqueness to their characters.

The exchange system lasted for only a few months before it became apparent that players were picking skills solely for the advantages they gained and that these advantages were quickly unbalancing the game.

I grew up playing 2nd edition and the 3rd edition multiclassing rules make me nauseous. A level in this, two in that, this feat... this pre-requirement... I don't think that this would work on a Mud without some very heavy balancing in terms of cost and ability. Otherwise, we'd be over-run with players whose only aim would be to create a character that can operate alone and unchecked.
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Post by Aliatris » Fri Mar 23, 2007 9:52 am

Sincerally having the possibility of acquiring cross-class specifics skills is something that I wouldn't like to see, as long there is less reasons to make possible soloing the better.
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