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[EVENT] Call to all bards and artists of Faerun

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 11:06 pm
by Vindur
Hear me Bards, would-be bards and artists
Long time has passed since last time since was a gathering of those
who love the finest things of life.

This is why Ynaura and I, we are organizing a fest in which all interested will have a chance to exhibit their unique skills in a public exhibition.

All who is interested in perform must seek Ynaura or me,
Vindur Amastiner, in Waterdeep.
Since it has to be made a schedule it is suggested that all
interested in perform must report as soon as possible.

Physical presence will be obligatory for inscription in this event.

Signed Vindur Amastiner

April the 11th will be the last day to accept characters interested in perform although we will appreciate very much telling us as soon as possible if your character has any intention of performing

The event will take place at:
-> ... ec=0&p1=64

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 9:23 am
by Dalvyn
OOC: Do you intend to perhaps try and turn this event into a semi-regular bardic gathering?

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 11:51 am
by Vindur
OOC: I will not mind if people enjoys it and participates

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 8:49 pm
by Vindur


It's absolutely necessary contacting with Ynaura and Vindur IN PERSON within the mud

Although I welcome the interest in this event other kind of communication not made through the mud would be considered OOC communication, so I ask to those all who have contacted us by other means to contact IC within the mud if you want your character involved in the performances.


Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 10:39 pm
by Vindur
Attention followers of Ilmater, Torm and Tyr

I am in the need of two followers of these faiths willing to help
the organization of the bard gathering.

For more information seek Ynaura or Vindur Amastiner in Waterdeep.

(Signed by Vindur Amastiner)

The event will take place at: ... ec=0&p1=64
although being ready at least half hour before the event takes place would be welcomed

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 3:08 pm
by Vindur
Thanks to all who performed and all who assisted to this event.

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 12:58 pm
by Kelvan
Alright, time to bump this a bit :)

I was thinking that it actually would be a nice thing to have a kind of regular bardic gathering in a picked location (Somewhere in WD/Berdusk/Silverymoon etc.)

It would take place every RL-month and offer a chance for bards and would be bards to trade songs/stories/riddles/tales, to perform, to discuss projects and to have fund and to enjoy themselves. Of course non-bardic audience would be welcomed

Feedback would be appreciated :)

Thanks anyway.

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 4:17 pm
by Lysha
I think this would be a great idea! I'm looking forward to it!
(Expecially since I missed it the first go round)

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 8:09 pm
by Maybel
With all respect due... if you think it should happen... then... what is stopping you? Start setting it up... Start planning, make a flyer and get going!!

With big RP's like this that involve a lot of people, like bardic gatherings... make some plans. No need to wait for the IMM's to suggest something or have them host it. There is no need for them to host this... It could be player controlled

It is a great idea... get others that are interested in it and start planning!

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 8:25 pm
by Kelvan
Yessir! *salutes*

I actually planed to make it but was only waiting what people think and if someone had objections ;)

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 6:36 pm
by Ynaura
The time has come once again for another Festival! It has been far too long. We are on the lookout for bards, storytellers, artists and various other entertainers that would be interested in participating! The festival will not be held for a few more months because we need time to allow everyone to prepare but we would like all parties interested to please contact myself (Ynaura), Kelvan Umberdawn, or Alvirin of Tymora. Please let us know if you would like to perform as soon as you are able.

As before we are having food, drinks, face painting, performances, art showings, and contests. Any other ideas for activities would be welcomed. When we get closer to the event fliers, and announcements will be posted to let people know where and when to attend.

(OOC: The date will be Saturday Dec 1 with no time set just yet. To plan various things it would really be nice if you could let us know if you want to participate at the very LATEST a week in advance of the event. And again please try to contact us IC if you want to participate..Any questions feel free to pm me or one of the others. The event was really a lot of fun last time so we hope to see you all there again this time!)

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 4:12 am
by Ynaura
Hello again! Now I know there are more of you talented people out there! What better time to show off your talents than at a festival? You need not be a bard to perform. All sorts of talents are welcome, singing, dancing, instruments, poetry, stories, acrobatics, magical feats, juggling, jokes...The more variety we have the more fun it will be! The time for the festival is getting closer so if you want to perform please come find myself, Kelvan, or Alvirin.

(OOC: We are still planning for Dec. 1st. I've only had one person contact me so far! Dust off your character's hidden talents and go sign up to perform! If you have a character that has a flair for entertaining others, bard or not we'd like to have you :) And those of you who are already involved, we can start working on times...I know there are a few strange people who are not on Texas time.)

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2007 3:01 am
by Ynaura
(OOC: Hey it is time to start working on I'm PMing everyone with just an initial time. More than likely this will not work for everyone, but PM me back and let me know how many hours earlier or later you would need for it to start for it to work for you. This is just a starting point to go on.

Hopeful time

Well that was a message I sent to some of you through pm..but I figured it would be easiest to just post it here as I do not know all of your forum accounts. But please PM me back with replies and do not post here..I don't want to spam this thread with our timing planning as it could take sevaral attempts to get the time that will suit the most people. This is to everyone who approached us to perform so far: Myself, Alvirin, Kelvan, Erling, Rani, Ryldaen, Vezre, and Llewis.... Those are the people I've talked to personally if you talked to Alvirin or Kelvan, you should be in that list too so PM me.

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 7:47 pm
by Ynaura
(OOC)I apologize for not being about the past few days. I've been in the ICU since late Monday evening. I just got out this morning. I should be around now but honestly I just really do not feel up to doing the festival and all. And being gone nearly a week I didn't have a chance to get much together for it. If Kelvan or Alvirin wants they can contact me sometime when I'm on and I'll give them what I have, but it is not very much. I really do not mind at all if you guys want to go on and have the festival without me. I'll try to be on a little here and there but mostly I'm going to be sleeping. Sorry again :(

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 9:21 pm
by Kelvan
Eh...that derails things slightly...We can shift it to next week, would that be better?

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 9:27 pm
by Lerytha
Don't either of you feel under any pressure at all to get it done soon. Especially you, Ynaura, I hope things are okay. Its great that you put the effort in to set up an event, but at the end of the day, real-life things are more important. :)

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 8:16 am
by Kelvan
I would welcome rescheduling this event, I am really sorry to say. I am having a worse flu at the moment that edges close to a pneumonia and usually lay down in the eves with fever and the time happens to be 1 am for me. I would not want to run an event with only being halfway there and halfway somehwere else. Sorry again. Though if anyone wants to do it tóday, I will try to be around.

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 12:04 pm
by Alvirin
I think that nobody more than the player behind Ynaura deserves be there since has put a lot of effort OOCly and ICly in this event.

Its fine to me to it being rescheduled, but what really matters is that she gets well soon enough, so if you read this, please rest :wink:

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 4:10 am
by Ynaura
Alright! I was trying to wait until after the holidays to reschedule to give people time to get out of classes and get their Christmas celebrating done before we have it again. So I thought the weekend after Christmas. Saturday the 29th..

This time?

I made the time a lot earlier this time because the people I heard from last time..the ones that needed it changed all needed it earlier but again if you are involved in this please contact me either otell in game or pm here. Date and time both can be changed if need be. I need the players of these people to contact me: Alvirin, Rani, Kelvan, Erling, Ryldaen, Vezre, Llewis, Eloen, and Pirro...if I left anyone out sorry!

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 9:18 am
by Kelvan
Here is the list with the order of the performing artist for this event:

8 Kelvan

We humbly ask you to arrive in time for your and our preparations. For the beginning every singer is asked to either perform two short songs or one long song. The same goes with the storytellers and the poets, two short tales or poems or one long. We might reserve the right to change this policy depending on how the festival will turn out.

If you are wanting to join the performers and are not yet on this list, please find either Ynaura or me. We are mostly to be found somewhere between the Market square and the Font of Knowledge, temple to the Binder in Waterdeep.

Inspiration guides your steps.

Kelvan Umberdawn