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Genasi-faiths for which they can be priests

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 7:13 pm
by Hviti
According to the genasi helpfiles, genasi can only be priests for deities which have a domain of their element. To my understanding, that means that:

Fire: Gond, Talos
Water: Umberlee (Ocean domain = water, presumably)
Earth: Gond, Moradin (though I'm not sure genasi could be priests of a racial deity like Moradin...)
Air: ? - there is no air domain

Is this correct, and if so, can air genasi become priests and are those the gods allowable for the other kinds of genasi?

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 8:47 pm
by Japcil
I would assume that air, earth, and water genasi could go after the nature gods then.

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 9:37 pm
by Mele
Why is Chauntea not listed for Earth? :(

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 10:08 pm
by Hviti
I bet Chauntea would make sense, Mele, but I was just going by:
help genasi wrote: Genasi who wish to follow the clerical vocation, must follow a
God or Goddess, which allows their element as one of their Domains.
And Chauntea doesn't have the earth domain, only Gond and Moradin.

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 4:19 am
by Kregor
Hviti wrote:And Chauntea doesn't have the earth domain, only Gond and Moradin.
Actually yes, all gods, even those who only have druids coded in the FK game, have domains. It is the game term equivalent of their portfolios.

So yes, Chauntea has Earth as one of her portfolios. To be all-encompassing, she holds the domains of Animal, Earth, Good, Plant, Protection, and Renewal. We don't allow all those choices codally, or any for Chauntea for that matter, since we only have druids once guilded, but you get the picture.

So on that vein, yes, I would imagine an earth genasi could be a Chauntean druid.

There's also the alt faith route, though you would lack your domain spells, most of which would be the elemental based spells, though the RP would be there.

For easy reference, the deities of Faerun with elements in their domain:

Akadi: Queen of the Air, Lady of Air, Lady of the Winds
Alignment: N

Auril: Frostmaiden, Icesawn, the Cold Goddess
Alignment: NE

Shaundakul: Rider of the Winds, the Helping hand, God of Travellers
Alignment: CN

Valkur: The Mighty, Captain of the Waves
Alignment: CG

Chauntea: The Great Mother, Grain Goddess, Earthmother
Alignment: NG

Gond: Wonderbringer, Lord of All Smiths
Alignment: N

Grumbar: Boss of Earth, Earthlord, Gnarly One, Boss of the Earth Elementals
Alignment: N


Gond: Wonderbringer, Lord of All Smiths
Alignment: N
(because it takes both fire and earth to forge)

Talos: The Destroyer, Storm Lord
Alignment: CE

Auril: Frostmaiden, Icesawn, the Cold Goddess
Alignment: NE
(because it takes both air and water to make winter)

Eldath: Goddess of Singing Waters, Mother Guardian of Groves, Green Goddess
Alignment: NG

Istishia:The Water Lord, God-King of the Water Elementals
Alignment: N

Silvanus: Oak Father, Forest Father, Treefather
Alignment: N

Umberlee: The Bitch Queen, the Queen of the Deeps
Alignment: CE

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 4:33 am
by Jaenoic
Is there chance for water genasi to follow a non-evil, coded deity?

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 6:36 am
by Dalvyn
I would tend to think that we could open all priestly options to genasis, just like for humans.

Obviously, it would still have to make sense. I have a hard time seeing a fire genasi priest of Umberlee for example. I could see an air genasi priest of Selune, or a fire genasi priest of Tempus, a water genasi priest of Ilmater, an earth genasi priest of Helm, and so on though.

Note that it's just my opinion currently, and it's open for debate, not a new official policy.

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 5:27 am
by Saradin
I'll try to find the article, but I could have sworn I read somewhere that Moradin does not accept Earth Genasi followers because he considers them some warped/perverted version of dwarves.

Edit: found it. From the Sean K. Reynolds website:
Moradin: The Soul Forger does not accept earth genasi as worshipers, as he sees them as a poor and malformed parody of his own master creation, the dwarven race. They cannot choose him as a patron.
This may not technically be considered canon, as it was cut from the Races of Faerun sourcebook.

He has a whole page to the various deity choices for planetouched: ... ities.html

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 6:18 pm
by Kelemvor
This is not set in stone, but you should consider it unlikely that a racial deity in FK would accept followers who are not not of their race.
As a general rule of thumb...

- Non-elves do not follow Corellon, though half-elves can with a little effort.
- I am not aware of any non-dwarf following Moradin. In many respects, Dwarven culture is far more racist (and probably specieist) than even the elven elitist stereotype that gets such a bad press.
- I am not aware of any non-gnome following Garl. (Though I suppose he might accept a particularly humorous dwarf or halfling.)
- I am not aware of any non-halfling following Yondalla

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 2:39 pm
by Leohand
I'm aware of one dwarven DOO-DAD of Mielikki from the books, though I've never ever seen anyone role-playing him.

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 3:27 pm
by Saradin
Leohand wrote:I'm aware of one dwarven DOO-DAD of Mielikki from the books, though I've never ever seen anyone role-playing him.
I ran into him once in game. But that was many, MANY moons ago. :lol:

And Mielikki is largely considered part of the Faeruniun Pantheon anyway, so is generally more open about followers than racial specific deities.

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 4:35 pm
by Grom
Ive run into that boy! I think with effort and showing devotion you could get accepted into a faith..I mean..wasn't cattie-brie a follower of a dwarven god or no? I forget.

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 6:42 pm
by Leohand
Grom wrote:Ive run into that boy! I think with effort and showing devotion you could get accepted into a faith..I mean..wasn't cattie-brie a follower of a dwarven god or no? I forget.

I wonder if anyone plays Wulfgar here, that would be a really fun character to play, lol. I haven't seen a single book character that wasn't being controlled by an IMM before though.

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2007 4:34 am
by Glim
I believe that, as they are still mostly human, they are just as diversified as humans, so genasi could possibly follow anyone they wanted. Yes, there would be a larger percentage in the faiths stated above. But then, I believe in evil aasimar and good tieflings, too, hehe. Even though they have a certain type of blood that draws them, they are still mostly (at least 90%) human, and humans are well known in Faerun for their wide diversity, and their fickleness.

Re: Genasi-faiths for which they can be priests

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 5:57 pm
by Layna
Necro post!

Actually I just wanted to know if a decision was made to remove the 'genasi must follow a God or Goddess, which allows their element as one of their Domains' clause - as it's still mentioned in the helpfile for genasi. I suspect that a house ruling was made saying this no longer applies (I'm looking at you Luckbringer!) but it'd be nice to have the helpfile updated if this is the case.

Re: Genasi-faiths for which they can be priests

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 7:44 pm
by Kelemvor
There having been no obvious detractors to the posts made above, I'm happy to confirm that:

Genasi may apply to any non-race specific faith which matches their alignment so long as it does not contradict their elemental origins.

Race-specific deities are Lloth, Moradin, Corellon, Gruumsh, Garl, Yondalla.

Most obviously contradictory choices would be fire for Umberlee, water for Chauntea

Could I ask someone on the Help Files update team to amend the file accordingly?

Re: Genasi-faiths for which they can be priests

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 7:53 pm
by Hviti
Updated pending approval (mostly cribbed off the above post =P)

Re: Genasi-faiths for which they can be priests

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 4:14 pm
by Mele
I always thought an air genasi following a god with the domain of travel was perfect... :P

You know. Air travels.. moves.. :P

Re: Genasi-faiths for which they can be priests

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 11:16 am
by Raona
Hviti wrote:Updated pending approval (mostly cribbed off the above post =P)
Thanks Hviti, great job! It's approved now.