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Caravans (Periwinkle Blue)

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 9:51 am
by Glim
*cough* Anyways...

Id like to suggest a new item, similar to carts, but larger. Caravans, or as some call them, wagons, like the covered type that people in the Old West used to drive. Qualities:

1. You would have to hitch 2 horses to it.
2. It would hold many times the amount of a cart
3. You could mount it, and it wouldnt use up move points, and the horses would only use up as many move points as if they were walking unmounted.
4. It would be quite expensive, maybe 100 platinum. Think - the price of a car, converted to platinum.
5. It could be opened, closed, and locked.

Well, thats the nuts and bolts of it... if anyone could think of something to add, please do.

Edit: Zilvryn (and mebbe Larethial?) got it! :D

Feedback is always welcome,

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 9:56 am
by Larethiel
I like the idea though you would have to have the two horses/draft animals for your minions. But otherwise, sounds like a nice thing to enhance the rp of travels. Would also be nice for halflings and gypsies :) And reminds me of Leishan and he merchant-caravan. Would it be possible for more than one person to mount the "wagon", in order to carry like 1-4 persons?

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 1:49 pm
by Raona
Larethiel wrote:Would it be possible for more than one person to mount the "wagon", in order to carry like 1-4 persons?
Oooh, that would open up additional a taxi service - well, a character-based implementation of the caravan system, at any rate.

"Need to get to Dragonhall, but don't want to worry about having your steed roasted or stolen while you are inside? Amulet Trasden Taxis!"

"The adventure went well, but the hoard is too big for you to carry home? Amulet Trasden Taxis! We'll bring our mules in to help you shlepp, and then load it all into our stores while your aching bones ride in luxury back to your residence..."

"That thrity-tonne battle tank friend of yours went into a dungeon alone and died at the bottom of a spiked pit? You can't begin to have a hope of hauling him out? Amulet Trasden Taxis! We'll bring a rope and mule team, and have him out...lead fluted vambraces and no time flat!"

Ok, those are a bit silly, but you get the idea...I don't want to derail the suggestion with my joking, I think it is a very good one! Ideally, this would be something not everyone could have, or would want, but it would open up a new avenue of business to aspiring merchants. Perhaps the wagon could have two "holds," one for the wares of the merchant, the other for the cargo of passengers, with the cap on volume and weight applying only to the sum of the two.

But....ummmmmm...Glim? Periwinkle Blue? Is this just me not being hip enough to get the joke, again? :wink:

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 2:47 pm
by Zilvryn
D'ya like dags?

See the movie Snatch for the best Brad Pitt role ever.

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 2:52 pm
by Amalia
One-Issue Poster

Only has one complaint, but posts about it 15 times a day. This is because nobody else cares.


Punishment: Lavender Starbelt changed to lilac. ... 6/11/72119

More of Dalvyn's madness :)

I LOVE the wagon idea. I remember seeing possibilities not too long ago for merchant wagon raiding quests-- it would add even more potential for RP if PCs also had the option of going about in merchant wagons.

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 2:17 am
by Leohand
That would mean you'd need three minions though. At this time you can only have two. I'd like to see it changed though, so you could have two living minions, and one cart or wagon, that would rock.

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 5:37 am
by Cret
Perhaps in grandfathered in.. but I have 2 minions and a cart..

Re: Caravans (Periwinkle Blue)

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 4:41 am
by Glim
Bringing this back with a new way this could be implemented.

Allow us to mount horse draw carts, wagons, etc. So that when we move, it incurs no movement cost. But while we are mounted, we cannot move ourselves without dismounting.

So, how would we get anywhere then, Glim?

Well, you would have to ORDER your mount that is hitched to the wagon or cart in the direction you want to go. This would put more emphasis on the handle animal skill as well.

Re: Caravans (Periwinkle Blue)

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 8:14 pm
by Julthain
Yeah, that would be awesome. You could use it to run a business, like a portable shop. Not saying you can't do that with a horse and cart, but as a caster I tend to fly when traveling. So the horse and cart deal would force me to walk.... I loathe walking. :D


Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 10:22 am
by Nearraba
I really like this idea. =) It would definatly open up even more roleplay opportunities. Maybe even different size caravans, a small one could maybe be pulled by one mount and a larger one would require two? And as Glim suggested it could be quite expensive, a quest to obtain the caravan maybe could be written too? Just thinking.. & I love all the examples, so far. =)

Zilvryn wrote:D'ya like dags?
Oh, dogs. Sure, I like dags. I like caravans more...

Re: Caravans (Periwinkle Blue)

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 11:28 am
by Erwyth
I personally would like to add in my two cents. I believe some stipulations should be placed on owning a wagon. Or... everyone will just own one and set it somewhere... Making it act like a mobile home. Much like the way carts are used now.

I've noticed there is a merchant's guild in the game. I am not knowledgeable about it so I'm shooting from the hip. But, I believe those who are members of the guild should be able to purchase the wagon, not just any ole orc, elf or human.

I DO like Glim's idea of using the handle animal skill, as it would roleplay the speed at which a wagon normally moves. As well as it would prevent misuse of said wagons.

Re: Caravans (Periwinkle Blue)

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 1:17 pm
by Selveem
I don't think there are any stipulations that should be required on a wagon.

Personally speaking, a house in game is costly enough that even Selveem can't afford to purchase one. I can understand the one-time-cost of a Wagon being so high, but I'd rather work for it than grind up cash and break economies just to reach that end.

The same with a house, for that matter.

Otherwise, I would have pillaged all the aggressive areas of their weapons and armor and sold them repeatedly.

It's not my idea of fun to ruin the game for everyone else to meet my own ends. :)