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Elves and longears???

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 6:04 pm
by Kregor
<elf snobbery>

I'm guessing, that the term longear must be a WoW term, as it suddenly took a hold in the FK world in the past few weeks with a migration (and/or prodigal return) of WoW players.

Regardless of how elves are portrayed in WoW (yes, seen the pics, big huge, loppy donkey ears) this is not WoW, and the standard Dungeons and Dragons arhetypal elf is nothing like those. THey have *pointy* ears - so yes, people call them pointies, or orcs call them pansies, because they're frail and slim. Both terms are more or less appropriate for derogatory terms. But D&D elves do NOT have donkey ears.

Am I correct in my assumption of the sudden appearance of this term and its source?

</elf snobbery>

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 7:37 pm
by Dugald
I use the term long ear all the time because it sounds phonetically better, imo, than the alternatives.

While they may not have big floppy donkey ears, like in wow - they do have elongated ears...and since that is typically their defining feature to a human, that's what my PC's focus on.

Pointy ears sounds great coming out of an orc, but I think humans/dwarves/gnomes/halflings can come up with a more catchy term. The fact that it stings a bit more ("They're pointy! Not long!") enough for the elf snobbery, that says to me it's working :)

edited for wording and grammar

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 8:02 pm
by Ursan
I've never felt the need to use derogatory terms when dealing with elves.
Just calling them 'elf' is more than enough if you emphasise it right.

That said, does it really matter what term someone uses and whether or not it is etymologically correct?

Taking the example of 'pansy'... Elves are not pansies, they are androgenous, but no one asks Orcish players to stop calling them pansies.

And that's another one... Orcs behave orcishly and dwarves dwarvishly, but elves can never behave elvishly.

I'm all for setting good boundaries on roleplay so new players know what to expect, but picking them up for using a term and labelling them all 'WoW' as though that is something to be looked down on is not very welcoming.

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 9:20 pm
by Rawlys

While I have not heard or experienced the term 'long ear' nor know where it's coming from, I find it funny. I have used the term of pointy ear quite a few times with a character of mine, not because I believe elves are humans with pointy ears that live long but to get a reaction from the PC I'm talking to.

While clarifying what kind of ears elves do have is a good thing, I don't think it's a bad thing for 'less than friendly' PCs to use that term. Regardless of the source of the phrase.


Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 9:43 pm
by Dugald
I can't attest for anyone else's use of the term, but I got it from a mud called Gemstone IV many years ago. It wasn't universally used or anything, but the phrase rubbed off on me and I like the way that it sounds. Reminds me of the term "long hair" from back in the day.

The way I think of my PC's using it, isn't one of a racist term - but more of a collective apolitically correct statement grouping all elves together. For when your PC doesn't bother to differentiate between silver/gold/wood/etc etc, and simply saying elf isnt good enough :) A slight verbal nudge showing a casual air and general feeling of not bothering with niceties.

Though, Long ear is one of my favorites.

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 9:49 pm
by Amalia
I, for one, have heard the term longear applied to all elves since well before the creation of WoW. In being pointy, their ears end up being longer than a human's-- and since humans are the end-all, be-all of creation, that's all that matters.

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 11:10 pm
by Oghma
I remember it from reading Dragonlance back in the early 1980's. Though Tolkien never specified that elf ears be pointed or long it seems to have rubbed off into dnd. Consequently when I hear the term Long ears I equate it with an elven insult or pet name and not with the ridiculously long ears of WOW elves. I am sure if an elf is termed so icly they should be able to think up a suitable reply icly.

Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 1:12 am
by Belose
I have never heard the term long ears, either from WoW or anywhere else... but even though it took me a second, I finally snapped to what it meant. I thought it was perfect for the RP. And there was a Gemstone IV?
I remember playing III.... before you had to PAY to play. Those were the days.. it's what makes me like playing here. There is just so much involved in the game, you're always finding something new. And I mean just in how the game works!!! Shame we can't find jewelry and get it in Real Life, too! :wink: