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Character creation - luck and charisma

Posted: Fri May 11, 2007 12:20 am
by Hviti
Hi, I have a couple of questions about character creation:

a) luck: I seem to remember luck sometimes being unfortunate or lucky, however, while it starts out as this sometimes in the beginning of char creation, once one chooses a gender, luck seems to default to average. Is this intentional, and if so, would an application be the way to ask if one desired a character with different luck?

b) charisma: why does it start at tactless, especially if charisma is being emphasized as an important stat to not ignore? Is the average adventurer supposed to be brusque?

Posted: Fri May 11, 2007 12:44 am
by Maybel
Some races start out at tactless... you can change that in char gen...

Your luck... is random when you first make a new character... as far as applying... SURE! It couldn't hurt to apply to be lucky... if you have a good reason...

Posted: Fri May 11, 2007 1:02 am
by Amalia
I don't think luck is random anymore, unless the changes are very rare... no character I've ever made has had anything but average luck. I would assume this change would have occurred due to people making and deleting characters until their luck was better than average.

Posted: Fri May 11, 2007 12:23 pm
by Ceara
Actually every character I have made recently has started with tactless charisma and I always put a lot into charisma. I haven't liked that it starts so low but I don't know the reason either. My most recent was a half-elf and I recall making even an elf who started with tactless charisma. I do think it's unfair to put so much on the charisma stat for your descriptions when it starts out so much lower than the rest of the stats, but how is it fair to now change it? Unless we compensate others for all the points they put into cha to get it to average? Generally 2-3 if I recall correctly.

Posted: Fri May 11, 2007 12:29 pm
by Saradin
That is my experience as well, all races have Tactless Charisma in character creation, and takes 2 or 3 points just to get it to average.