Support Areas

For builders to discuss and ask building questions.
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Sword Grand Master
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Support Areas

Post by Amalia » Mon May 14, 2007 11:54 pm

When building an area and a quest within it, is it allowable to create support areas or refer to other already-existing areas for quest steps? If creating a support area is allowed, should this be done in a separate file, or should/can it be somehow attached to the main area file? In the case of making small editions to other areas (for example, adding quest bits to a preexisting mob, or adding a quest mob to an area) how should these be initiated?
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Sword Grand Master
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Post by Japcil » Tue May 15, 2007 3:40 am

You can probably build a support area if, its within your vnum amount allocation. If you want to use allready existing areas and need a program placed on a mob or such, Dalvyn or Kregor can help you out there I'm sure. You can reach them both at the fkbuilders address.
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