removing affects from Mobs and Pc's

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removing affects from Mobs and Pc's

Post by Duranamir » Mon May 21, 2007 2:03 pm

I know you add an affect to a mob or Pc by using MPMSET as shown in the lessons. Is there a way of removing an affect.

For example using code i can determine that a PC is affected by true sight. Other than hitting them with a whole load of dispel magic is there anyway i can target that one particular affect ?

Similarly if i have a mob who is set to be affected by for example WIZINVIS is there a way of reversing it. I guess i could just use Vis for that one but it is the general principle of the thing.

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Post by Dalvyn » Mon May 21, 2007 3:22 pm

As far as I know, you can't remove a single affect from a PC. Note that you shouldn't add affects to a PC either with mpmset, because the affect then would be permanent.

For mobs, you can use mpmset with the following syntax: mpmset (keyword/self/mVNUM) affected (affectname). The trickiest part is to get the affectname right.

Examples of affectnames (if I remember correctly): flying, levitate, infrared, trueseeing, waterbreath, ...

The mpmset command acts as a toggle.
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