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Transmuters - Why has no one built more guilds?

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2003 2:13 am
by Urival
Now this may be a little IC, but theres a help file that states this so i figure Im not going to far. It seems the guild for Transmuters is in a city that doesnt allow evil players in it *cough*. I was just wondering if there is more then one guild out there for this specilized mage guild, and if evil players are able to become transmuters despite that goodie goodie city up norths help *grin*

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2003 8:33 am
by Cherishinar
Unfortunately the Invoker and Transmuter guilds are both inaccessible to those of evil alignments in said city. I have tried many different times and means for various reasons. There are programs at the entrance room and/or the second room of the city to prevent access and using an alternate access to the city also does not let you get back to the Transmuter guild either and those means would be beyond an unguilded mages ability in any event so they would not be able to reach the Invokers guild.

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2003 9:25 am
by Stayne
Those of the Keep believe that a guild or two in their city might open up greater access to markets they have previous troubles in conquering (as well as bring in new blood to :twisted: )

On a serious note though, a guild or two, or even a copy of the guild in the Keep would open up more possiblities of RP with others, rather than just evil v evil as it tends to be now.


Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2003 12:23 am
by Stayne
I apologise if my comments were out of line. I do still feel that the best RP interaction is often Good V Evil RP, and that anything in the Keep might promote this. A suggestion though, not a complaint.
When it happens is of course up to our wonderful builders. I would be happy to help, but am no builder myself. I do enjoy looking things up, finding info, or being a sounding board. Happy to test or even try and write descripitions if that would help.
If there is anything you need from me, please just ask :)

You friendly murderer

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2003 9:02 pm
by Lathlain
That is a fantastic idea! I've offered to write room descriptions and such for other builders, but have never wanted to attempt an area on my own due to the sheer terror induced by looking at the guides for builders :P
A building program would make things infinitely easier!

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2003 7:23 pm
by Mingus
Now every school would have some sort representation in most major cities, with the exception of necromancy and it unavoidable link to the undead, and so the Keep would fall under this. But I'd hate to see the Keep made as a one-stop-shop source for evil.
The Keep is not magocentric but the ranks of the Zhentrium is made up of clerics thieves and fighters too, so maybe not all the schools were rebuilt.(city was destoyed, was it not?) Thay, when its put in might have, them all.... Calimshan, though magophobics, might have a hidden guild here and there. I'm not demanding for something new or not yet built, just an conscious effort not to create megastores/Walmarts, even though for the moment there is only a few places to alocate things for evils. Atleast there's Westgate now. :idea:

As well as not linking the guilds, as is with the fighters guild, so a trasmuter from the ZK branch is not entitled to entrace in the WD branch.

In the land of voluntierizm, patience is the key ~

RE: Calimshan

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2003 7:59 pm
by Andreas

Since WHEN was Calimshan "magophobic???"

"Magic is so predominant in Calimshan that even the lowest of slaves is unimpressed by simple magics. Calishites seem jaded compared to the rest of the Realms' natives, since it takes spectacular, or at least unique, magic to excite them. Their views of magic stem from their use of it to make everyday life easier for them; it has become mundane through being used to perform common activities like serving wine or cleaning the home."

Empires of the Shining Sea, p. 61

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2003 9:38 pm
by Mingus
OK. Maybe I'm confusing Calimshan with the Al-Qadim or something else. Maybe I should learn not to comment on things that I don't have a clue of. But besides that for you builders, try and spread the knowlege around. Thats fine if Zk or Calmishan has all the schools represented, just don't make them alike, Zk philosophies might faver some aspects of the schools to those of Calimshan and offer a whole different range of spells and knowlege. Even though there's less reprisentation for evil in the game, I'd still hate to see a meglamart(ZK) as the end all answer, even a temporary one.

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2004 2:26 am
by Fayona
I was just curious if Abjurers and the Conjurers
guild is in the game yet. Havent been able to find the guild and never see anyone from them, so just curious. :?

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2004 2:35 am
by Aegin
My understanding is that they are both coded, but guilds have yet to be built.

Something about ten million areas needing built, and it'll get done when it's done. :lol:

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2004 2:44 am
by Fayona
Oh okie,
Well thanks Aegin. I didnt mean it in a rushing way at all, was just wondering. But thanks again! :lol:

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2004 3:47 am
by Aegin
Fayona wrote:I didnt mean it in a rushing way at all, was just wondering.

*chuckle* didn't take it that way, Fay. Was quoting other posts I have seen from builders so they do not have to..figgered as a bard, maybe I could be more tactful :P

Or at least, more loveable :lol: