Deviant incercept progs

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Sword Grand Master
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Deviant incercept progs

Post by Amalia » Thu Jul 05, 2007 10:11 pm

Is it possible to make an intercept prog based on an action? For example, would it be possible to create an intercept prog on an item held by X which went off whenever X was affected by N effect?

For example, Tom is holding The Doom Stick, a cursed item which affects him with Doom. It can only be counteracted by Bless, not by Remove Curse. When someone casts Remove Curse on Tom, an intercept prog initiates to prevent The Doom Stick from becoming removable, but when Bless is cast on Tom another intercept prog initiates to allow The Doom Stick to be removed.

I think such a prog would function by re-affecting Tom with the curse whenever Remove Curse was cast, so the spell echoes still go off but the spell isn't effective, and the Bless prog would mpaffect Tom with Remove Curse and then not re-curse him-- but even if this is the case, I'm not sure how such a prog would be written to respond to the trigger of having a certain spell cast on the item's holder. Even better, is there any way to attach this prog to an affect or affected PC for the duration of said effect? Any suggestions are most welcome :-)
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Post by Japcil » Wed Aug 22, 2007 7:00 pm

Not sure if you still need it but this may work.


if isaffected($n) == Remove Curse
mposet $o flag noremove
echoat $n {90}The doomstick hisses as it fuses itself to your hand!
if isaffected($n) == Bless
mpcast remove curse $o
echoat $n {90}You scream out if agony as blade superheats and releases itself
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