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Supplicated Resurrection Poll

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 2:47 am
by Raona
SUPPLICATE RECALL brings you to your deity's (major) temple.

Right now, it looks like SUPPLICATE RESURRECTION brings you to the central square of your home town.

I've been asked to seed a poll about a possible change to the latter.

Where do you think SUPPLICATE RESURRECTION should bring you?

Feel free to comment on your reasoning.

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 2:56 am
by Sairaven
I believe that supplicating anything from your deity should take you to their temple if it moves you, be it in spirit or body.

That *is* the point of faith.

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 3:02 am
by Amalia
I think it makes the most sense for a supplicated resurrection to place a PC in their deity's major temple for two reasons-- first, because one's temple is probably the first place one would look for support and allies, which tend to be quite handy when one has come up against something big enough to eat one's face. Second, although Gods aren't bound by the limitations of mortal workings, the resurrection spell brings a PC back to life in the place where it was cast-- in the case of a God, this would likely be the temple, the center of the God's power, at least as a default.

I can see a downside to this, in regards to the faiths whose major temples are in isolated locations (e.g., far from Waterdeep for pretty much any goodly Deity), but I tend to think that when a supplicate resurrection gets pulled out it means some major badness has gone down and a PC would be well-served by asking allies from around the Realms to come to his or her aid anyway.

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 3:40 am
by Hrosskell
My only problem with this lies in the fact that not all deity's HAVE a major temple. There are scattered holy spots for most, and I suppose those would work, but do faiths without large temples get shafted, or what?

Maybe I'm wrong about that, as I haven't searched for all the temples in game, but the ones I was thinking about are Oghma, Ilmater, and Talos. A few others might've slipped my mind, but that's all I can think of for now.

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 6:17 am
by Japcil
I'll note it doesn't take a major temple, you could end up in a shrine too. A follower of Mielikki might just end up in a random forest sometimes.

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 7:37 am
by Japcil
Another possible option could be a random temple, instead of one temple.

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 11:08 am
by Raona
Hrosskell wrote:My only problem with this lies in the fact that not all deity's HAVE a major temple. There are scattered holy spots for most, and I suppose those would work, but do faiths without large temples get shafted, or what?

Maybe I'm wrong about that, as I haven't searched for all the temples in game, but the ones I was thinking about are Oghma, Ilmater, and Talos. A few others might've slipped my mind, but that's all I can think of for now.
I guess what I meant was their largest or most significant temple, even if it isn't large. Oghma has the Font in Waterdeep, and Ilmater has the Plinth, also in Waterdeep; I hope I'll be excused for not knowing squat about Talos. :wink:
Japcil wrote:Another possible option could be a random temple, instead of one temple.
Would that be reasonably straightforward to code?

(Would it place members of certain faiths at risk of ending up naked in the Undermountain, or somewhere similarly dangerous, to base placement solely on a flag indicating the faith?)

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 12:56 pm
by Mask
Eer, it was changed a week or so ago to bring you to the same place as supplicate recall. Not sure if this has made it into the game yet.

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 8:12 pm
by Japcil
Can we still open up the possibility of randomizing the point of which temple you appear at if a deity has more than one suitable option?

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 3:21 am
by Belose
Well, that pretty well screws it up for Frankkin...considering how often he has had to resurrect...But Yondalla provides.. I guess the only holy place Yondalla has is the Copse near Ardeep.... is that where the halfling contingent would go?

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 8:04 am
by Mask
Japcil wrote:Can we still open up the possibility of randomizing the point of which temple you appear at if a deity has more than one suitable option?
No, that's not practical.

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 9:02 am
by Sairaven
Mask wrote:
Japcil wrote:Can we still open up the possibility of randomizing the point of which temple you appear at if a deity has more than one suitable option?
No, that's not practical.
What about allowing the supplicant to set a particular temple? Say I wanted to supplicate a return to the temple of Oghma in Berdusk, would it be possible to set that as a particular room?

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 9:03 am
by Kelemvor
Well, that pretty well screws it up for Frankkin...considering how often he has had to resurrect...
Selfish whiney :(
But Yondalla provides..
Martyred whiney :?
I guess the only holy place Yondalla has is the Copse near Ardeep....
hopeful whiney :)
is that where the halfling contingent would go?
reasonable whiney :D

Scarey how anyone can go through that range of emotions in one post...

...but linking to what I said in the Resurrection post, I think I mixed up supplicate recall and supplicate resurrection.

Nature's Grove, Ardeep Feywarden and other places are obviously supplicate recall locations.

Since resurrection now mimics recall, all races should have a reasonable point already in game, though it may require updating if a more ICly obvious place is now available.

If you feel that you need to know what your recall/resurrect point is so badly that the world might end if you don't; supplicate recall ;)

If you're smart and do it when I'm on line I may even refund you the favor

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 5:22 pm
by Rhianon
I think various temples/shrines would be nice since it would give the character a chance to learn about temples of their deity that they may not have known existed.

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 5:33 pm
by Mele
Why is it not practical to return to your gods temple when your god is returning your life?

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 5:37 pm
by Oghma
It may be hard to code a random generator for temples based on faiths.

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 6:47 pm
by Mele
But it was coded that supp ress brought you to a temple.

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 7:00 pm
by Dalvyn
Each deity is described in a special file.

That file contains various information about the deity and the church. For example, it lists the supplicated objects, the cost of supplicate recall, the cost of supplicate resurection (in "favour points"), the associated holy symbol, the actions that increase favour, the actions that decrease favour, and so on.

One of the things it lists is the vnum of the room for supplicate recall.


Changing it so that supplicate resurrection brings you to the room where you go when you supplicate recall is easy enough: the information is already there in the deity file.

Randomizing the room where you go when you supplicate-resurrection would require not only changing the hard code, but also adding more information to the deity file (i.e., listing ALL the temples, and not only ONE).

I would guess that is what Mask means by "this is not practical".

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 8:06 pm
by Mele
Ah, I was under the impression it was doing it to the supp recall point that was impractical. :)

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 11:22 pm
by Mask
Yes, I don't think it is practical for the reasons that Christophe outlines. In my first post on this thread, I thought I said that supplicate resurrection has been changed to take you to the same place as supplicate recall...maybe I phrased that part badly too :).