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Different Glow Colors

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 4:52 am
by Solaghar
It would be nice to be able to instill objects with different "glow" colors. Right now, everything glows yellow. A spell like continual light could be altered to allow you to specify which color you make something glow. Also on coded objects, seems like you could specify which color something glows. It might require more flags but I think it'd be worth it to add some variety.

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 5:07 am
by Oghma
Glow works as flag, this might take hard code to change. It would be possible to change a description to include glowing plus light. The only problem is plural and singular, since some items are either or. I've always considered glowing items to be just items that glow with an inner light, not yellow, but basically glowing in reflection to the object, like how a lantern glows.

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 8:13 pm
by Dalvyn
Do you mean like changing the colour of the (Glowing) flag?

I'm not sure if it's possible really. Currently, we have a single flag ITEM_FLAG_GLOW. Enabling people to choose between various glows would mean that we should either add more GLOW flags or we should interpret one of the object values as the colour. None of those solutions sound very practical.

What might be possible though, is to make it so that the (Glowing) flag is written in the same colour as the object itself. I've always considered that glowing objects were glowing... their colour and not always yellow. So, a glowing silver ring would glow silvery while a glowing copper shovel would glow coppery.