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Adding a Name Generator

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 4:41 am
by Japcil
Curious as to others opinions on adding a name generator to the game.

I would place it at this point in character generation:

What name will you go by?(type namehelp for a generation process.)

namehelp would give:

Choose a race:

After a race is chosen it will supply a name with a choice to 'retry' to gain a new name. From there a name maybe 'chosen' if 'chosen' it will be removed from the databse of names.

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 7:10 am
by Kelemvor
I'd be opposed to that idea for several reasons, mainly because it does nothing to encourage a player's imagination, gives out completely the wrong message for a roleplay MUD and half of the time would probably generate a name that was unacceptable anyway.

Personal opinion only, but if you are so lazy or unimaginative that you can't think up your own name for your character, then you're probably not going to last much beyond the character generation anyway.

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 7:23 am
by Japcil
My intentions for this was to help people not only new to FK but to a game based on FR material. When I started here I had never even heard the word Forgotten Realms or DnD. I am sorry if you think someone who doesn't have a clue what a gnomish name (turns out Japcil isnt one) or any other race is considerd lazy. Maybe they would just rather see what a name generator comes up with to *spark* their imagination?

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 4:59 pm
by Kelemvor
It's a slow day for posts, so let me just clarify...

I wrote 'probably' and I also wrote that this was merely my own personal opinion.

If you used a name generator and are still playing, good on you. There's an exception to every rule after all. It also highlights the fact that the game does not need an in-house name generator in order for those players who are interested in learning about Forgotten Realms to get on board.

Highlighting a point with mild exaggeration is a habit of mine, perhaps it is not something that always comes across that way. Suffice it to say, the post did not imply any kind of slur or attack on an individual. (I much prefer to do that in person rather than via a post :shock: )

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 5:11 pm
by Sairaven
If said name generator was based off of the cultural naming conventions found in the source book "Forgotten Realms" (ISBN 0-7869-1836-5) or the updated version (ISBN not at hand), I'd say go for it.

I think referencing source books and their reference books is a good idea for a page on the side regarding naming. However, when I made Sairaven, it was without regard to the influence. Calimshan of course, being Arabic Spain.

Just something worth considering.

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 5:25 pm
by Amalia
Maybe a name generator in itself would be a bit much, but if the "choose a name" screen were paired with links to websites (or even the forum thread on the topic) about good Forgotten Realms names for various races, I think that would be very helpful. I know I use a variety of source materials for the names I come up with, and honestly, I can't see how the ability to spontaneously match syllables that sound good together has much correlation to one's ability to roleplay creatively.

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 5:48 pm
by Belose
You know, I thought I could use my AD&D Core Rules CD Rom 2.0 to generate names to use in the game. Guess what.... Most of them were rejected.. I have no idea why, but they were. But a couple of them gave me ideas to try that WERE accepted. And, well.. honestly, I wanted a dwarven kick-butt fighter with a bada** name, so I got Braeck Bonesplitter cause he likes fighting so much.. and breaking bones is just a side benefit.... :wink:

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 6:57 pm
by Raona
Amalia wrote:Maybe a name generator in itself would be a bit much, but if the "choose a name" screen were paired with links to websites (or even the forum thread on the topic) about good Forgotten Realms names for various races, I think that would be very helpful.
I think this is a good suggestion; more name help would be great, but I think the work has largely already been done. I know the first ten names I tried when I made my first character were already taken - we might also wish to warn folks that they will likely have to go beyond the common name lexicon.

On a similar note, something encouraging more unique adjectives would be good. There are a lot of "tall, strong" or "beautiful, green-eyed" folks out there - I've stuck myself with such an adjective myself. Perhaps describe a good adjective as the thing that most stands out about your PC, what sets them aside from others, rather than the briefest possible summary of their appearance?

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 11:39 pm
by Oghma
I'm more for a name generator on the website then directly in the mud itself. That way it is optional to use it with no interference in the game. Something that has random generators for each race. Though I do agree with Kelemvor that after a while it might prove to be too commonplace and create generic names.

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 3:17 pm
by Ceara
I don't really agree with the if you can't come up with a name you probably won't last long and are unimaginative.
I have always had a hard time with names, usually I want them to mean something and then having them accepted is another whole ball of wax. I have also always tried to come up with a unique name. However I have at times used name generators to help with the work. I might take a name i almost like from the generator and then change it to what I do like. Or with my elf I went to a page that has prefixes and suffixes and created a name from the meanings so it would fit what my character is like. I can come up with a short story or novel for my characters background but I have a hard time picking names.
I would like to think my rp is decent, perhaps some don't think so but others do.

However, most names created from a generator aren't acceptable at least in my experience so if a link was created on the forum I would put up some disclaimers with it. Such as "If you choose to use this it is not guaranteed your name will be accepted." I can foresee that being a misconception where people will think, "hey it's linked to the site so the name must be ok".

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 4:20 pm
by Arothian
Random name generators never really suited me. My key way of creating a name is to think of how I want the character to act. Then, think of something that sounds "fitting" to the character.

As for the Adjective generator.... I think it's fun trying to think up new ways to make people look at your character. Though I have trouble with Arothian because one of his adjectives is "plain". The guard in the square has that as a keyword on him. So people talk to the guard a lot when Ary is around.