Possible Druidic Gathering a la Eistedfodd

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Possible Druidic Gathering a la Eistedfodd

Post by Rhiel » Sun Aug 26, 2007 7:08 pm

Anyone interested before I post in "Events" in a druidic gathering?

I was thinking, since I've been finding out ICly about the demon attack origninating in ARdeep, that in the aftermath, Ardeep was deeply wounded. I thought it would be cool if all the druids gathered in a "healing and cleansing ritual." EVeryone seems to be in consensus that Ardeep was left in a world of hurt after the dust settled, and I've only met a couple "woodsy" types who are RPing a rebuilding effort. How bout a "once and for all" shindig?
Raona wrote:
Bug testing follow-up: I just took a look at a dead shield dwarf, and it showed up as made from mithril.
Balek wrote:
This is not a bug. Shield dwarves are actually made of mithril.
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Post by Rhiel » Mon Aug 27, 2007 4:44 pm

Nuthin? Nowhere? ::cry::
Raona wrote:
Bug testing follow-up: I just took a look at a dead shield dwarf, and it showed up as made from mithril.
Balek wrote:
This is not a bug. Shield dwarves are actually made of mithril.
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Post by Japcil » Mon Aug 27, 2007 5:30 pm

I dont play a druid char but I would have a character who would be interested in attending to observe the healing of said forest.
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Post by Raona » Mon Aug 27, 2007 5:37 pm

Raona has also been conferring with several rangers about efforts to clear out the remaining demons...though it may be impossible to actually do. If she knew the Druids were working on this, she'd be keen to help...but the Druids may prefer to keep the circle closed.
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Post by Larethiel » Mon Aug 27, 2007 6:15 pm

It would be fair to put the rangers in this as well :)
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Post by Rhiel » Mon Aug 27, 2007 6:20 pm

Oh, yes. Sorry, I meant to include all the "woodsy" types, not just druids :) I sometimes fail to get my thoughts into words :P In my mind, I envisioned a large gathering of everyone who loves Ardeep. :D By "druidic" I only meant to qualify the TYPE of ritual to be observed. Apologies. Even the WATCH is invited if they feel so inclined. lol
Raona wrote:
Bug testing follow-up: I just took a look at a dead shield dwarf, and it showed up as made from mithril.
Balek wrote:
This is not a bug. Shield dwarves are actually made of mithril.
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Post by Amalia » Tue Aug 28, 2007 12:02 pm

I actually have two characters, either of whom would be a good fit for the event-- I don't play my druid much anymore, but this would be a good chance to get her out again; the other character grew up in Ardeep.
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Post by Rhiel » Tue Aug 28, 2007 1:21 pm

Well yay! Thanks guys! Shall I formally post in events, then? Or would someone with a bit more know-how on the current trends and policies like to do so?
Raona wrote:
Bug testing follow-up: I just took a look at a dead shield dwarf, and it showed up as made from mithril.
Balek wrote:
This is not a bug. Shield dwarves are actually made of mithril.
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Post by Amalia » Tue Aug 28, 2007 1:37 pm

I believe events postings are supposed to be cleared with the IMMs via application first, especially if IMM involvement is requested for the event.
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Post by Rhiel » Tue Aug 28, 2007 1:53 pm

Really? Hm..after reading the "stickies" in the events forum, it appeared to me that anyone wanting to organize an RP could do so freely. But, I've been gone a while, and that forum is a new one for me. :D

Can anyone else corroborate what Amalia has said? And thanks for the heads up, btw!
Raona wrote:
Bug testing follow-up: I just took a look at a dead shield dwarf, and it showed up as made from mithril.
Balek wrote:
This is not a bug. Shield dwarves are actually made of mithril.
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Post by Japcil » Tue Aug 28, 2007 4:39 pm

You can organize group Rp's freely without application, as long as it is IC for all to join and that you iniaite the RP ICly, If you need IMM involvement you should send in an application. At least thats the normal policy, however with all the effort put in by other players, including IMMs you should send in an application with your plans of what will take place so that they can continue that RP with others currently progressing.
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Post by Rhiel » Tue Aug 28, 2007 4:50 pm

Japcil wrote:You can organize group Rp's freely without application, as long as it is IC for all to join and that you iniaite the RP ICly
Does this mean initiation ICly begins in the EVENT forum, or within the game itself? I ask because the forum is such a facilitator of getting the word out to a large body of people, whilst doing it in-game is a bit more unwieldy. Thanks for the reply!!
Raona wrote:
Bug testing follow-up: I just took a look at a dead shield dwarf, and it showed up as made from mithril.
Balek wrote:
This is not a bug. Shield dwarves are actually made of mithril.
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Post by Japcil » Tue Aug 28, 2007 4:55 pm

Well. I guess the best way is by example. If I wanted to lead an expedition to free a gnome from a goblin mine I would first post in the events forum so that players interested would look for clues ICly about the RP. Then I would post on the note boards in game. If a character that Japcil knows replies being interested I may even send them a letter through the magical post informing them of the situation and ask for their help.
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Post by Rhiel » Tue Aug 28, 2007 4:58 pm

Gotcha! Though I guess in this particular case, it may be a bit more difficult. My char. doesn't really have a problem going into the cities, but OTHER wilderness RP characters DO have problems with cities. It may be hard to send mail or something to them, so I guess it would rely most heavily upon word of mouth? Thanks again for clarifying. :)
Raona wrote:
Bug testing follow-up: I just took a look at a dead shield dwarf, and it showed up as made from mithril.
Balek wrote:
This is not a bug. Shield dwarves are actually made of mithril.
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Post by Larethiel » Tue Aug 28, 2007 5:05 pm

It might be the whole Area with cleansing Ardeep and Deep Ardeep and how far you plan to go with that what needs Imm-approval :)
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Post by Glim » Tue Aug 28, 2007 5:12 pm

...I have a druid that could come. Am I invited? :twisted:
Last edited by Glim on Tue Aug 28, 2007 6:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Rhiel » Tue Aug 28, 2007 5:17 pm

Yeah. I have a general outline, a basic idea. I don't have anything concrete because I didn't wanna waste my time if no one wants to join in. lol. No reason for an app just yet. We'll see where this goes.

GLIM: Certainly. Please. You are MOST cordially invited. Teehee.
Raona wrote:
Bug testing follow-up: I just took a look at a dead shield dwarf, and it showed up as made from mithril.
Balek wrote:
This is not a bug. Shield dwarves are actually made of mithril.
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Post by Mele » Tue Aug 28, 2007 7:46 pm

Glim wrote:...I have a druid that could come. Am I invited? :twisted:
No. *hiss* :P
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Post by Nysan » Tue Aug 28, 2007 7:51 pm

I would like to attend with my little wood crawler...but without a more clear timeline on when I cannot promise much. Real life takes priority often enough...
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Post by Belose » Thu Aug 30, 2007 2:38 am

Frankkin would stick his nose in.. Keep them pests away from the COPSE!!!!
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