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Mobs assisting PCs then killing them

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 6:07 am
by Dalvyn
I have had several reports of the following form:

- PC is fighting a bad guy (e.g., a bandit, or a wandering hill giant, or a rat)
- A mob comes in (e.g., knight of silver, Waterdeep watch wizard, ...)
- The mob assists the PC.
- The "bad guy" gets killed.
- The mob then proceeds to cast an area of effect spell and kills the PC.

Several low-level PCs (and not-so-low-level ones) have died like this.

I'm not sure whether the mob starts casting the last area of effect spell BEFORE the bad guy's death or after though. Hopefully, those who have had this problem can post below and add more details.

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 6:39 am
by Aveline
I've had this happen to me once, and seen it happen to another character with the same mob in the same place. The mob starts casting before the bad guys death because the same spell kills the bad guy and you..well it did in my case. The mob casts Storm of Vengeance and part one of the spell kills the bad guy, part two might kill the rest of the mobs in the room..and by the time it gets to the are dead.

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 9:15 am
by Horace
UM dwarf priest did his crazy go nuts level 7-9 spell upon him stunning a hostile while aiding. I think it was once the hostile was stunned - and did the aoe spell to kill it. Not positive - Nic's pc was with mine.

*passes the talking conch to Nic*

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 8:12 pm
by Japcil
*Arrives with a second talking conch*

Just to let you all know, mobs casting AoE spells is still in bugzilla. Any logs particularly of the beginning and end of the fight are helful and I would love to add those to the bug if you have them.

That is all.

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 8:34 pm
by Belose
It's happened to me twice, once with the UM dwarf, and on the road just south of Waterdeep.. that one was Ines? who is a wandering halfling?
I was just wondering that if it happens again, since I use Zmud, can I just copy and paste it to Notepad and either email or PM it to you here?

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 9:49 pm
by Japcil
You can just post it here.

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 5:45 am
by Boruk
I didn't save the log, but Boruk (while still under level 10) was in Waterdeep sewers fighting a rat. The "priest of Tempus" came in, joined the battle, cast an area affect spell. It killed Boruk. I wondered then why a NOMOB flag wasn't put on the entrance rooms of the sewers.

I ran him back to get his things, went to market square where I was promptly charged and jailed for fighting the priest, even though I never swung at him.

Was a rude awakening to looking in every direction to make sure no NPC's were near before attacking a MOB.

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 4:33 am
by Sirys
This happened in the training area of Lathander's temple in Berdusk.. I happened to be training and.. well.. here's the log:

The priest walks in from the east.
Your fireshield burns a large metal dummy!
The priest joins the battle!
A large metal dummy weaves out of the way of the priest's punch.
You do your best!
A large metal dummy's punch brutally pulverizes your right arm.
Your fireshield burns a large metal dummy!
Your fireshield burns a large metal dummy!
A large metal dummy weaves out of the way of the priest's punch.
Your fireshield burns a large metal dummy!
A large metal dummy's punch powerfully beats your abdomen.
Your fireshield burns a large metal dummy!
Your crush deftly shreds a large metal dummy's chest.
A large metal dummy is DEAD!
You hear a large metal dummy's death cry.
The priest begins to chant.
You guess the priest is casting storm of vengeance.
Your fireshield burns a large metal dummy!
A large metal dummy weaves out of the way of the priest's punch.
Your fireshield burns a large metal dummy!
A large metal dummy weaves out of the way of the priest's punch.
Your fireshield burns a large metal dummy!
The priest utters the words, 'storm of vengeance'.
the priest creates clouds of acid that envelop a large metal dummy!
the priest's lightning bolts fry a large metal dummy to death!
Cheriana Speaking: Common Affects: none
You hear a large metal dummy's death cry.
A large metal dummy is DEAD!

I was fighting multiple dummies when that occured..

What really ticks me off is that when I went back into Berdusk to get my horse, I was arrested and thrown in jail for assaulting a priest.. and I never TOUCHED him!!! The log speaks for itself...he never hit my fireshield.. the Storm took me out before that could happen.
And considering that this probably affects my hidden alignment, I am pretty P. O.'ed about it, but it gives me a chance to get Wynne to make the guards stop EVERYBODY from entering the training rooms.
Maybe sign a waiver saying they forfiet their rights and can't have anyone arrested if what happens in the training room.. they enter at their own risk sort of thing.. you know? :wink:

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 6:16 am
by Selveem
LOL, a "Judas" Priest? :P

Agreed, though. Maybe there should be a nomob flag on the room before you enter any training area. It's only fair, really.

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 12:53 pm
by Emrys
Just my thought.

Storm of Vengeance is a 9th level spell. The mobs casting it would need to be level 41, at least, (I think) and have a 19 Wisdom. Just how many level 41 clerics/druids are there wandering about out there?

The real problem is not having mobs assist, but having them cast area attack spells while assisting. Wouldn't it be easier to just take that one spell (and possibly other area attack spells) away from them? Or set it so that spell would not be cast unless the mob is attacked?

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 1:55 pm
by Jaenoic
I agree with Emrys, it doesn't make much sense to me that mobs instantly have access to every single spell and presumably at GM just because of their level. If PCs have to go and train their spells and can't have every spell because of availability why do mobs get them all for free. =P Is there any way to strip AOE spells from mobs, except from very specific mobs like "boss" type ones at the end of quests?

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 4:14 pm
by Zilvryn
As far as i'm aware, mobs are coded to have a class and a level, this then dictates what spells they are able to cast.

I'm not sure whether you'd be able to barr them from casting certain spells whilst allowing them to cast others, at least not particularly easily..

I've not done much building though, so I could be heinously wrong :roll:

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 5:22 pm
by Japcil
It requires a hard code change which we had thought was done all ready or was and reverted back.

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 6:59 pm
by Selveem
Logic dictates Admins/Coders did everything correct and Horace is to blame. :)

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 7:47 pm
by Horace
I thought we were friends!

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 7:51 pm
by Japcil
No one is to blame really, this has been one complicated bug and to track the issue in the code extensive logs help so that the source can be pinpointed, like is it a certain mob, class, religion, a certain spec function, etc. Thank you to all that are helping in tracking this bug.

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 10:29 pm
by Sirys
Thank you, Japcil.. but I was wondering if it would be possible to get that nomob flag on the training rooms? Because a citizen of Berdusk had walked in there earlier right as my earth reaver spell went off, I didn't have time to write stop and I got jailed for THAT one.. though my spell did actually hit him.. you think that mob would have heard the fighting and ran the other way! But getting jailed twice for training in Lathander's temple that is restricted to PC's should be restricted to EVERYBODY but followers of Lathander! Thank you for your consideration. You're a sweety-pie!!!

P.S. It was one of the wandering Helmite priests in Berdusk.

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 3:24 am
by Japcil
I'd leave that for Dalvyn or Kregor to do, you can always inform them by sending a mail to

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 4:20 am
by Kregor
Yes, no-mob flags we can do, so noted. :)

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 1:46 pm
by Amalia
A sea elf joins the battle!
A kuo-toa weaves out of the way of a sea elf's punch.
You dodge a kuo-toa's claws.
A sea elf's punch brutally pulverizes a kuo-toa's chest.
Your slash nearly bisects a kuo-toa's head.
a kuo-toa has a couple of severe gashes.
You score a critical hit!
Your slash nearly bisects a kuo-toa's right arm.
a kuo-toa is bleeding freely.
Your slash lacerates a kuo-toa's chest.
a kuo-toa has several traumatic wounds.
A sea elf begins to chant.
You guess a sea elf is casting flamestrike.
A sea elf utters the words, 'yrawzgculatz'.
A kuo-toa's severed head plops on the ground.
a sea elf has burned a kuo-toa to death within a column of flame!
A kuo-toa is DEAD!
You hear a kuo-toa's death cry.
You cry out in pain as a sea elf's column of flame strikes you!
That really did HURT!
You dodge a sea elf's attack.
You score a critical hit!
Your slash tears a gaping wound into a sea elf's chest.
a sea elf has several minor wounds.
A sea elf's lands a heavy punch in your chest.
A sea elf dodges your attack.
With a sickening sound your pierce violently shreds a sea elf's chest.
a sea elf has a couple of severe gashes.
Your slash lacerates a sea elf's abdomen.
a sea elf is badly injured.
A sea elf dodges your piercing attack.
A sea elf begins to chant.
You guess a sea elf is casting slay living.
A sea elf dodges your attack.
You dodge a sea elf's attack.
You weave out of the way of a sea elf's punch.
A sea elf ducks under your slashing attack.
Your slash tears a gaping wound into a sea elf's abdomen.
a sea elf is bleeding freely.
A sea elf utters the words, 'slay living'.
a sea elf reaches out and touches you, inflicting grievous wounds.

In case another log would be useful. In my experience, it's always been that a 'helpful' mob casts an aggressive AOE spell, which hits the PC since they're not partied with the mob, and so turns the mob against the PC.