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Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 2:32 pm
by Dapher
There are a lot of new rangers appearing, and a lot of old rangers disapearing. I ahve played FK for 2 1/2 years now, and a lot of the rangers that frequently played then do not frequently play now. What i am getting at, there are only two or three master rangers that show there faces anymore. It took me 6 months OOC to get a token to train under Markana. I know other characters that started before I did, and they still do not have a token yet. I think we need to update the ranger council. Or, find another way to get new rangers into the guild quicker.

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 3:48 pm
by Moloch
From what I have been informed, you do not have to be a ranger master to accept an apprentice. You only have to get the approval of a Ranger Master and have them evaluate the apprentice when it is time for them to receive a token.

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 10:53 pm
by Janon
Dapher, you are correct that the Master Rangers as a whole are logging less and harder to find. However, Moloch is also correct. A Master Ranger (aka Council Member) does not need to be the one to train an apprentice. Any full-fledged ranger can train an apprentice. Master Rangers are the only ones who can issue the tokens needed by Markana. When a ranger is convinced of his/her apprentice's understanding of the requirements of becoming a ranger (both IC and OOC), the ranger is supposed to bring the apprentice to meet with a Master Ranger. The MR then asks some questions to satisfy themselves that all is well and hands out the token.

I personally make sure to log Janon at least once or more each week and try to be available to meet with those ready to get a token. I haven't had any queries to that end in a long time. I know of at least two other MRs who regularly log alts and could make themselves available if needed. Sending a letter via post asking for a meeting or posting on either the in-game ranger message board or the in-game main message board are some ways to alert a MR that an apprentice is ready to receive a token.

I can't speak for the other MRs, but I can assure you that no one has sent Janon a letter or posted asking for a meeting with him. Obviously I don't know who the characters are that started before you did and still haven't received a token, I can only assume a few reasons for this situation based on my individual perspective:

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1) They don't play those alts regularly enough to have finished their training with whichever ranger is training them
2) They or their mentor ranger have not made one of the above efforts to contact a MR
3) Their mentor ranger is not active (MR or otherwise)
4) They have failed to meet their mentor ranger's requirments thus far
In the case of number having a mentor ranger that is inactive, the apprentice can find a new mentor. The easiest way is to ask a MR through the means mentioned above, or in person, to help them choose a new mentor. Janon has met with apprentices to do this several times.
Should there be more rangers added to the Council? *shrug* Maybe. It is still working from an OOC perspective at this point, so I'd like to let that question be answered IC as much as possible. It is one that has been considered IC from time to time. In the beginning only the current and former Wardens were on the Council. More have been added since then based on both IC and OOC considerations.

I appreciate your taking the time to read my response to your concerned post.

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 11:13 pm
by Dapher
Ok, thank you. That clears some things up for me. There was an instance where a fairly new ranger took on an apprentice, but someone was concerned about it, so the young ranger advised his apprentice to train under a MR. Somethings like that just made me question. But, now that is cleared up. I just hope other rangers read this post :P I am assuming that new rangers will be coming quicker, now that it is known that a MR is not needed to mentor someone. And I am sure the rest will be delt with ICly :) thank you for your feed back on this

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 1:06 am
by Sairaven
Moloch wrote:From what I have been informed, you do not have to be a ranger master to accept an apprentice. You only have to get the approval of a Ranger Master and have them evaluate the apprentice when it is time for them to receive a token.
Yoda wrote:Agree with your promotion to the rank of Ranger the Council does. But agree with your decision to train the boy, *I* do not.
Sorry, couldn't resist.