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Strong arm

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 12:44 pm
by Toronar
Strong arm feat should be a racial ability what every dwarf get automatically

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 3:24 pm
by Mele

Try not to be so short. ;)

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 3:33 pm
by Sairaven

I just think the dwarves need a gym with weightlifting equipment...

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 4:03 pm
by Toronar
I have read the previous posts, and i noticed i am not the first one, who think, the dwarven race differs from other small races: dwarves are excellent fighters, at least the description says they are. "This
race has produced some of the most renowned fighters."
I have also noticed, i am not the first one who think, dwarves should be medium sized humanoids, but that change requires too much work. Being small have a lots of penalty, but the most serious is - at least for me- that i can only use rogue weapons- dagger, short sword, whatever- with my shield.
An obvious solution is to give the strong arm feat to every dwarf, they are one of the best fighters after all, or at least let them train it in - for instance- irondeep fortress. (Or the two together)
This would be an easy work. It does not solve everything, but a bird in hand worth two in the bush.

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 4:57 pm
by Kelemvor
The strongarm feat is readily accessible on a dwarf only trainer within Mithril Hall.

Although this can be a bit daunting for those dwarves not starting in Mithril Hall, it shouldn't take too much effort to meet one who can take you there.
Try not to be so short. ;)
Dwarves by their very nature tend to be short :lol:

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 7:35 pm
by Balek
I believe the Strongarm trainer is actually restricted to dwarves with the Mithril Hall hometown. Other dwarves are unable to train the feat even if they get to the trainer.

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 9:27 pm
by Toronar
This doesn't make sense to me.
1) I need to spend a feat to something, what i should have at start and i don't have it only, because it is too much work (medium sized dwarf).
2) I not only need to spend feat, but there are restrictment (alignment, starting location whatever) on something, what i repeat, i should have by default.

It is the same as if every mage in the realm could cast 5. or higher level spell if they go to the underdark with the help of a drow and they learn a feat... That wouldn't make sense either.

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 2:57 pm
by Kelemvor
Whilst I'm happy to stand corrected on the Mithril Hall trainer being for Mithril Hall dwarves only, I'm not sure I'm following your logic
...on something, what i repeat, i should have by default.
Why should you have it by default?

Why can you only use rogue weapons? Almost any weapon can be resized to be usable by a dwarf.

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 3:41 pm
by Toronar
As far as i know, everybody agree, that dwarves should be medium sized humanoid, so they should wield medium weapons in one hand. The strong arm feat is a workaround. That is why they should have it by default.
About resizing weapon: Does resized weapon do the same damage? If yes, then why is strong arm feat good at all?

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 5:50 pm
by Kelemvor
As far as i know, everybody agree, that dwarves should be medium sized humanoid, so they should wield medium weapons in one hand.
At this time, Dwarves are size small. Yes, we agree that this is not ideal and not canon and most players of dwarves would like to see it changed. However, agreeing that dwarves should be size medium does not alter the fact that currently, they are not.
The strong arm feat is a workaround.
No, the Strongarm feat is there to allow those dwarves who wish to, to use a larger weapon than their size currently allows. The word 'workround' implies that the current situation is broken or a bug and it is necessary to add this feat to have the true range of possibilities. This is not so.

If Dwarves were to be resized, then logically the feat might be removed, but then again it might not if the inherent advantage in the feat remained.
That is why they should have it by default.
Dwarves have been size small for many years and the feat has been available for a similar period. As much as we'd all like this to change, this is the current default.

The discussions around small humanoid relative sizes and advantages have been very useful and will almost certainly be taken into account, but at this time Dwarves will remain size small.
About resizing weapon: Does resized weapon do the same damage? If yes, then why is strong arm feat good at all?
Weapons resized to be smaller do not cause the same amount of damage as their normal sized counterparts, no. However, the weapon type; your skill with the weapon; your strength and several other factors will all have a bearing on the outcome.

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 2:03 am
by Belose
You mean Braeck can resize full blades down to HIS size now? I think I gave that golden full blade away, blast it!!!! :evil: