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Talona - True Allies, True Enemies

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 5:15 am
by Nedylene
Hi ... Trying valiantly to teach credos of Talona I am pointed out what I was teaching is not how it is written in the help file. Now time to Clarify... Our help files are outdated and do NOT reflect the current state of affair with Talona and her allies. In fact they state one of her enemies is actually an allie. To quote what is said in our help file:
Talona is depisted as an old crone who walks bringing misfortune and death.
Talona is the goddess of plague and disease, her followers are expected to go
about quietly and seek out new diseases. Talona allies with Lovaitar and
dispises Chauntea, Mielikki, Kelemvor, and Tyr.
There is one VERY big mistake here. Talona allies with Loviatar.. she in fact... does not.

In fact she very bitterly loathes Loviatar. Both her and Loviatar served under Bhaal and Loviatar relentlessly teased Talona and bullied her throughout this time. Upon Bhaal's death both Loviatar and Talona have been slowly swayed by Shar and have been "allies" to Shar while enemies to each other thought this time. While this happy little disfunctional family turns into an upheaval when Bane returns with Talona and Shar fighting against Loviatar while Talona gives loyalty to Bane and Shar .... The state of the mud currently will eventually catch up to that.

In a less then longwinded way, Talona should be allies to Shar, Bane and Mask and is enemies to Loviatar, Tyr, Mielikki, Chauntea, and Kelemvor (others too but all uncoded on mud)


All FR lore aside, has these alliances and enemies been altered to fit the FK world or where does it all stand?

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 5:20 am
by Glim
Sorta like how Malar's chosed enemy would be closer to Mielikkie than Chauntea, with Chauntea being mirrored by Talos.

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 9:36 am
by Vibius
The church of Talona dislikes the church of Ilmater for the cures they find to her diseases and plagues.

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 1:05 pm
by Zynarc
You forgot to include Sune into the hated list. Ugly things hate beautiful things you see. :)

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 3:09 pm
by Nedylene
*grins* Yeah I forgot to put Ilmater on the list up there...

My more concern is who is her enemies. And did they purposely make one of her enemies into an allie here on FK or is that an oversite? What of her usual allies?

Shar even considers Talona her most favored Allie

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 7:29 pm
by Nysan
Nedylene wrote:*grins* Yeah I forgot to put Ilmater on the list up there...

My more concern is who is her enemies. And did they purposely make one of her enemies into an allie here on FK or is that an oversite? What of her usual allies?

Shar even considers Talona her most favored Allie
Cannot fault the helpfiles, many places have that same information on Talona; wikipedia for example:

It took me several minutes to find a referance to other information:
"Name: Talona (Lesser Power) Portfoilio: Disease, poison Alignment: CE LN, N, CN, LE, NE, CE Symbol: Three golden amber teardrops on a purple equilateral triangle with point upwards. Allies: Bane (now dead), Bhaal, Shar. Enemies: Chauntea, Loviatar, Mielikki, Silvanus, Sune, Lliira, Kelemvor, Tyr, Shiallia Superior: None (formerly Bhaal).

Lots of places apparently have conflicting Talona information...

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 7:34 pm
by Aegir
The stuff Nedylene quoted is almost word-for-word from the 3E Faiths and Pantheons book, so I'd think that takes precedent over wikipedia (FK canon alterations aside).

Its certainly understandable how the help file ended up how it is now, however.

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 7:37 pm
by Nysan
Aegir wrote:The stuff Nedylene quoted is almost word-for-word from the 3E Faiths and Pantheons book, so I'd think that takes precedent over wikipedia (FK canon alterations aside).

Its certainly understandable how the help file ended up how it is now, however.
Oh no, not trying to say Nedylene is wrong. Merely, the info from the helpfile is widely mentioned so it is easy to see how it appears as it does.

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 5:18 am
by Mariela
If I remember correctly....

Waaaaay back when I first came to Forgotten Kingdoms, the website and teh help files used to say who was who's faith enemies and was fairly accurate beneath each God.

I've noticed lately that the information on faith enemies is missing or very incomplete. I have also noticed that some of the faiths have organizations that are never really sited anywhere else and makes everything very confusing.

Maybe in the future when Kelemvor is done sorting through the different organizations we can do a faith sort and get that information back into teh faith files and have it fit up with the cannon of faith of Forgotten Kingdoms?

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 5:44 am
by Nedylene
Out of curiosity I hiked over to Loviatar's temple and did the quest to learn about her faith to see what was coded in game. Right there in the quest they even teach the Loviatar's that Talona and Loviatar are constantly at odds.

So... on topic to the original question, who is and who is not Talona's enemies on this mud's standards. This is slightly important if one intends to teach about the faith and rp the faith correctly.

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 5:57 am
by Oghma
It might do to post this in the Helpfile discrepancies thread so that one of the people updating and fixing helpfiles can adjust the information.