Proposed Policy: Aurora's Whole Realms Catalog Over buying

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Proposed Policy: Aurora's Whole Realms Catalog Over buying

Post by Oghma » Sun Dec 02, 2007 4:21 pm

Lately the catalog store has begun to be filled again with rare and wonderful items a character can not get anywhere else in the game. This is all good, it is fun to create specialty items for everyone to use and enjoy. What is not fun is for players to buy more than one of the exact same item. I'm not saying everyone does this nor will I call out the players that have, but I want to lay out what has been policy in the past in regards to the catalog store:
  • -***No player should be buying more than one of each item for sale
    reason: If you buy two or more of the same thing then that robs other players of the chance to buy one for themselves.

    -No player should be buying items for other players.

    reason: The catalog costs money for a reason; it is an exclusive store with exclusive clientèle.

    -No player should be reselling items from the catalog store
    reason: Like the above, not to mention it is a unique renamed item. The best way to dispose of the items would be to burn frank though, holding onto them until you love them again seems more progressive :)

    -If you have purchased the wrong item you can do one of three things: You can hand it back to the shopkeep and it will go up for resale, you can just keep it, or you can send in to applications explaining what happened and get a refund and turn the item back in for resale.
    Reason: As the shop begins to hold more and more items the chance of accidents is high.
  • Some steps to help you avoid mistakes:

    List long to view the full item description

    Don't buy by name, use the number next to the item ie buy 73

    After you buy, type list again as the numbers change with each purchase.
As a final word, I don't consider the catalog store to be a dumping ground of random items or leftovers. I consider it to be a repository created for player enjoyment and use. There is nothing better than seeing people use the items you provide them with for rp and the store is filled by volunteers using their own time.

Does anyone have any thoughts on this?
Last edited by Oghma on Sun Dec 02, 2007 5:40 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Nedylene » Sun Dec 02, 2007 4:37 pm

I have just two ...
-No player should be buying items for other players.
reason: The catalog costs money for a reason; it is an exclusive store with exclusive clientèle.
What about a character who sees something that would make a PERFECT gift for someone for a special occcassion (like a boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife/sister/bestfriend etc)
-***No player should be buying more than one of each item for sale
reason: If you buy two or more of the same thing then that robs other players of the chance to buy one for themselves.
If we ever get a huge stock of unique looking potion bottles for brewing can we stock up (and can the amount addedd be enough for people to do this)... Bottles, flasks, vials etc got brewing are reusable and often people WILL want more then one bottle etc.
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Post by Oghma » Sun Dec 02, 2007 4:43 pm

For the first: You could always give them the money to buy a gift that keeps on giving.

The second: I'd rather players bought one kind of bottle once, then bought another kind for sale. Part of stocking the store I find is rationalizing how much of something people will buy. If it sells well there will be certainly more of it.
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Post by Selveem » Sun Dec 02, 2007 5:12 pm

I think this is great. I've often wanted something from the store often to find out it's already been hoarded by someone else.

I believe this will also increase the availability to players as a whole.
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Post by Mariela » Sun Dec 02, 2007 5:33 pm

Does this mean the store is giong to be restcked more often?

And if we are able to 'make' crafts in game and then take for the effort to et them renamed and so they are unique and we decide to get rid of them, is there a possibility of us being able to sell them to Aurora for a bit higher of a price than normal? Or I dunno where I am going with this. Cause I suppose she would buy things anyways. (I haven't tried but I figured I'd ask.)
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Post by Lathander » Mon Dec 03, 2007 3:37 am

A few quick comments.

1. 90% of the items in this store are renamed items. This mean that an im has taken time away from rp and away from playing his/her own mortal alts to make the items from scratch.

2. As such, our goal is to spread the wealth. If most of you are like me, you LOVE the unique item that no one else has, regardless of whether or not is has some uber powerful magical property. It's yours, no one else in the entire game has it, you look cool wearing it and it, to some degree, keeps you coming back. That's me, maybe it isn't you, but I suspect that it is SOME of you.

3. When you hoard these specially created things that take an imm time to create you do two things: A) you diminsh the effort of the VOLUNTEER imm's time and B) you deny other players the opportunity to possess something unique.

4. I want to publicly thank the player of Oghma. All imms have both generic and specific responsibilities within the adminsitration of FK. Suffice it to say the Oghma's player has taken on a wonderful addition beyond his expected responsibilities to create the material additions. He does great work on these items. As a communtiy, let's all make sure that everyone at least has a chance to enjoy them.
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Post by Jaenoic » Mon Dec 03, 2007 3:55 am

I strongly agree with what is proposed here. To be frank, I don't really see the advantage of one character having thirteen chemises with Sune's symbol on them. But thirteen characters having one chemise with Sune's symbol on it... Now you're talking. =D

And Lathander, don't worry, you're not alone. It may just be a scabbard with a symbol on it that means nothing to anyone but you, but it means a lot to you and that's what matters, right? Maybe I'm just vain but sometimes I'll type eq just to admire my special little items that no one else has. Does that make me weird? A little... But I think you have to be a little weird to enjoy playing. ;)
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Post by Larethiel » Mon Dec 03, 2007 8:26 am

4. I want to publicly thank the player of Oghma. All imms have both generic and specific responsibilities within the adminsitration of FK. Suffice it to say the Oghma's player has taken on a wonderful addition beyond his expected responsibilities to create the material additions. He does great work on these items. As a communtiy, let's all make sure that everyone at least has a chance to enjoy them.
I fully agree, many many thanks to Oghma, the items are really neat and awesome. Great work :D
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Post by Tobias » Mon Dec 03, 2007 2:41 pm

I third that about thanking Oghma! The shades and such are awesome
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Post by Nedylene » Mon Dec 03, 2007 2:45 pm

Thank you Oghma!
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Post by Mele » Wed Jan 16, 2008 8:41 pm

Today by the great grace of the gods, some very nice things were put into Aurora's for a very specific roleplay. There are four characters currently experiencing said roleplay, out of the ten items that were put in ZERO of the four characters have shopped for these items.

Please try not to hoarde items for a roleplay you're interested in, but not involved in yet when something like this comes along. You will too have your chance when it's your time, but there are players currently having theirs, and missing out on these items.
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Post by Selveem » Wed Jan 16, 2008 8:49 pm

Mele wrote:Today by the great grace of the gods, some very nice things were put into Aurora's for a very specific roleplay. There are four characters currently experiencing said roleplay, out of the ten items that were put in ZERO of the four characters have shopped for these items.

Please try not to hoarde items for a roleplay you're interested in, but not involved in yet when something like this comes along. You will too have your chance when it's your time, but there are players currently having theirs, and missing out on these items.
I wasn't involved at all or anything, but was there at least some form of warning?
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Post by Horace » Wed Jan 16, 2008 8:57 pm

That does seem kind of strange, Mele. If an immortal or admin wanted just the people in a roleplay to have the item, they'd just give it to them or make the offer solely to them...once an item is made available to everyone the assumption has to be made that the imm or admin is fine with the public purchasing them.

Now if the items were bought maliciously to hinder or hijack the story (an ooc motive), that's one thing...but if they were bought because they heard in character someone wanted them, or just thought they were neat, that's another.

But I think the accusations should probably be directed toward the people that were thought of doing this, as opposed to blanket scoldings to everyone who has ever purchased from the catalog.
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Post by Mele » Wed Jan 16, 2008 9:10 pm

The items are things that are only logically to be used by people experiencing the roleplay. Or bought by friends of people who are part of said type of roleplay as a gift etc.

The items are so blatently named I really don't think there's a need to warn people that they're meant for said rp. :)

If you're buying something that's going to sit in your pack for months, while other people are doing the roleplay, I really think it's rather logical not to swoop the things up within hours after they're put in.

I'd be deeply saddened if something called as "a really huge fighters sword" had to be noted that wizards shouldn't flood the shop buying it all.

I'm not scolding anyone, as I don't exactly have my ESP turned on today to know where things went. Not to mention to make an accusation a finger has to be pointed? I'm saying, the things went very quickly, and none of the people with the roleplay had gotten to any of them. Plain and simple.
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Post by Horace » Wed Jan 16, 2008 9:15 pm

I'm confused - if they were intended specifically for them...why were they offered to everyone?
Listen up! People pay good money to see this movie! When they go out to a theater they want cold sodas, hot popcorn, and no monsters in the projection booth! Do I have to come up there myself? Do you think the Gremsters can stand up to the Hulkster?
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Post by Mele » Wed Jan 16, 2008 9:21 pm

The same reason there's been items with gods symbols over the years, or thieves items or fighters items etc, and we didn't have Cyricists running around with Mystra's symbol, or Tempurian's with Sune's or priests with thieves stuff, or fighters with wizards stuff?

Or how fighters don't wear the robes called "Wizards robes" that are available full time in game? Etc
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Post by Selveem » Wed Jan 16, 2008 9:27 pm

I'm sorry, but I'll have to side with whomever bought said items if they weren't given any disclaimer. It doesn't matter if the item is a butter churn or a symbol of Tymora. The point is it's there for sale and if the interest piques the character, it's IC for them to buy it. I did feel that the response you posted was a very broad scolding and thus my question. Given the information you told me about the item (as to what it was), I still feel that this doesn't warrant a post in that tone. They did nothing wrong unless can be proven otherwise (as the aforementioned OOC buying to ruin a plot). And, even still, it was on sale in the shop for whomever. I would agree that if an Imm wanted a specific character to have something they would control a mob who runs it to them or control a mob who give it to a character to deliver to them...
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Post by Mele » Wed Jan 16, 2008 9:31 pm

Text has no tone, so please don't attempt to push an assumed tone.

And again, I am referring to the fact that the items are nearly gone, when none of the people who are able to use them NOW have been on. Not a person.
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Post by Waukeen » Wed Jan 16, 2008 9:43 pm

Okay, it's getting heated in here so I'm going to step in.

The items in question were placed in Aurora's so that the people in question could have a selection of items, and so p. They have sporadic login times, and I thought I would generate some good RP by allowing other PCs to purchase the item for them. As I work on babies, I thought I would put in some items for expectant mothers, of which there are several in the game at the moment. They were all unique and different to give people a choice.

I'm sorry this turned into a big deal as I didn't intend for it to. Pregnancy is a fun RP but oftentimes pregnant PCs miss out on things, such as imm-run roleplays or going adventuring with their friends, so I thought I would give them this opportunity.
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Post by Selveem » Wed Jan 16, 2008 10:10 pm

I'm not trying to incite further, Waukeen, but couldn't this have been handled differently? I mean, more objects could be loaded, right? Or, were they all restrings of the original item?

It just seems a bit accusatory for my taste. I doubt the people who purchased them had intended to 'cheat' someone else who is currently pregnant out of the items. If I had been the one doing the purchasing and then saw this post, I'd feel like an ass.

To me, from the outside looking in, the response the (I'll assume "innocent") actions received seems unfair and unjustified.
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