Evil items at Aurora Realms?

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Evil items at Aurora Realms?

Post by Aegir » Sun Dec 02, 2007 8:18 pm

Aurora Realms is a great site for unique items, but I've seen a distinct lack of items geared towards the less morally inclined of us. While I know people who have gotten items from the store geared towards evils, I've very rarely seen any, and never seen any of the various faith-specific items geared towards evil faiths.

I'd personally like to see a bit more in the way of evil-influenced items available, both geared towards faith and also "darker" items (and I'm not referring to color. Think "Necklace of human ears", or "armor etched with skull designs", items of that nature).
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Post by Mele » Sun Dec 02, 2007 8:30 pm

You've been gone for quite some time. Just because this round might not have very "evil" things doesn't mean other rounds have not, because they have. :D Some things using almost exactly what you've described. :)
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Post by Dalvyn » Sun Dec 02, 2007 8:41 pm

Note that "evil" does not have to mean "gross" or "lookee how evil I am!". True evil (i.e., evilest evil) actually does not look like evil. This is especially true of faiths based on discretion and shadows. 90% of the evil would wear exactly the same things as good characters.

I could only see orcish, or perhaps some brutish/bully evils wearing the items you describe above.

(I most likely still need to bring in Aurora's shopkeeper for ZK back in game though, since they all disappeared after the recent update.)
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Post by Aegir » Sun Dec 02, 2007 8:53 pm

I wasn't referring specifically to the items noted, at least not exclusively, but to address your specific point, while I agree that evils don't need to be adorned in skulls and human ears (none of mine would, for example), there are those that would be (and its not limited to Orcs; Cyricists come to mind as well). The descs I gave were simply examples to say, "something more then simply a dark color scheme".
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Post by Levine » Mon Dec 03, 2007 12:50 am

Perhaps Aegir means things like "a spellbook with a jawless skull symbol"? Things like that. Not morbid and gruesome like elf teeth and such, I guess.

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Post by Oghma » Mon Dec 03, 2007 12:53 am

Give it a few weeks. As it goes though, you will rarely see faith based items in the store. Generally we want everyone to have a chance at buying everything.
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