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Dwarves and Height

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 3:19 pm
by Velius
When I made a dwarf it ended up being 5" 9.... that is NOT normal right?

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 4:08 am
by Raona
Nope, that's a bit tall. It seems we have a problem with the height calculator, presently.

In order to help improve the bug report on this, can folks please remind me as to what other races exhibit a similar problem, presently?
reports that it is a problem with halflings as well...has it been observed with any other races? Is anyone getting "average height" PC's of heights OTHER than 5' 6", for any race?

I just ran some tests, and the two non-customized shield dwarfs I created both came out at 5' 6", so too with two test lightfoot halflings; so I can confirm this problem applies to both dwarves and halflings.